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Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

Nunca me tomé en serio el discurso de la sociedad del conocimiento. No en contextos como el nuestro, repletos de subdesarrollo e injustos.

¿Cómo se puede hablar de sociedad del conocimiento en un Estado donde cerca de la mitad de sus habitantes vive en rezago educativo?

¿Cómo se puede sostener ese discurso en una sociedad donde más de la mitad de su población vive, sobrevive en la pobreza?

“Sociedad del conocimiento” con la programación de la televisión mexicana es un monumento a la demagogia nacional.

¿Se puede construir una sociedad del conocimiento sobre los frágiles condiciones en que persisten miles de pobres escuelas mexicanas?

Sí, es posible educar a los hijos de los pobres, pero en escuelas ricas en condiciones y con otra pedagogía, con buenos maestros.

¡Qué paradoja! En la sociedad del conocimiento (sic) desconocemos el paradero de 43 estudiantes un mes después.

Si antes pensaba que la condición estudiantil podría describirse como una actitud vital y un privilegio, hoy sumo la fragilidad.

Ser un estudiante pensante y valiente es peligroso en este país. La crítica es válida, de dientes a labios. El estudiante dócil, sumiso, disciplinado, silenciado, castrado cabe en cualquier sistema autoritario. Pero en ese mismo sistema no cabe el estudiante curioso, inquieto, inquisitivo, rebelde, preguntón. Ese estudiante está prohibido en escuelas que prefieren el silencio, la obediencia, la reverencia a la autoridad y la ausencia de crítica.

Las escuelas castrantes ensalzan a Mandela, por citar un nombre, pero ahogan al estudiante que quiere ser como aquel: autónomo de pensamiento.

La escuela autoritaria defiende su condición de templo, y al profesor como pontífice del saber.

¿Desaparecerán estas escuelas? Tal vez la negrura del túnel anticipa la lucecita al final. Tal vez.

Tal vez asistimos al alumbramiento de la ciudadanía planetaria en este región del mundo. Tal vez.

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  1. 1J J1 Mejía Romero Fernando Rogelio

    -Most of mexicans hace or had insufficient educational conditions; claiming national knowledge from everyone is ridiculous.
    -The “Forthy tree students” event is a prove of how goverment can easly hide the true of something.
    -If most of wodrs are fake, then I don´t miss too much from not hearing speeches.
    -At this rate,it will become harder to make ends meet for many people.

  2. 1 E Ceballos Miranda Olga Isela

    • The majority of the Mexicans have a deficient education or simply they don’t have it.
    • In Mexico there is no autonomy of thought it’s a sin.
    • To be a thinking student is dangerous in Mexico.
    • ” The company of the knowledge ” it’s a lie in Mexico.

  3. 1E Jorge Luis Aguirre Martinez

    -How can one speak of knowledge society in a state where nearly half the population lives in educational backwardness?
    -Knowledge Society with Mexican television programming is a monument to national demagogy.
    -As intended that mexico advance if no support and enthusiasm for education and culture of Mexican children.
    -Being a thinking and courageous student is dangerous in this country where this the values and all any history that occurred.

  4. 1E - Alan Ulises Montes Rodríguez

    1.- I guess some people in Mexico can’t study because most of them are always concerned about if they’re even going to eat everyday or if they’ll have clothes to wear each day.
    2.- In my opinion it is also the government’s fault that people can’t study sometimes.
    3.- We live in a country where being a student who is willing to make justice is something worse than being one of the most wanted criminals.
    4.- Maybe someday we will live in a country where everyone shows that they are proud of it and no one will laugh at them.

  5. 1k Víctor Manuel González Ventura

    – “Being a thinking and courageous student is dangerous in this country”
    – Very agree with this snippet you said Mr. yañez.
    – Today’s best students demand better quality education.
    – I believe that schools remain without those students for fear that the same thing happens to the missing.

  6. 1 E Mario Ruben Saucedo Alvarez

    1-Many people in Mexico can’t study.
    2-In Mexico many people live in poverty.
    3-The people can’t get out the poverty because they don’t study.
    4-It is a vicious circle.

  7. 1E Alan Guadalupe Machuca Silva

    -I never took seriously the discourse of the knowledge society
    -Not in contexts like ours, full of underdevelopment and unjust.
    -The castrating schools extol Mandela, to mention a name, but drown the student who wants to be like that: independent thinking.
    -The authoritarian school defends his condition temple, and the teacher as pontiff of knowledge.

  8. 1°K Marcos Antonio Avalos Galindo

    1-The Mexican people need more education.
    2-Some have no access to education.
    3-Sometimes the government is to blame for that education is difficult to access.
    4.Being a student thinking is dangerous.

  9. Orlando Arias 1º"E"

    And the few who study , kill them.
    Have to change the educational system.
    Poor families do not care about studying because the work is first.
    I totally agree.

  10. 1 K Alma Rosa Tafolla García

    -We can’t talk about great education in a Mexico that wants to keep most of his people in the shadows of the ignorance.

    -The government talks about accesible and free education, but there’s a lot of people that doesn’t has it because of the poorness.

    -Even the ones that can got study, are managed to stay silent and obedient.

    -The brave and curious students aren’t well regarded by our oppressive educational system.

  11. 1 E Horacio Gerzaín Avalos Aguayo

    -TV censorship what actually happens in Mexico.
    -There are a lot of insecurity in Mexico.
    -It’s hard to leave home thinking about what happened to the 43.
    -Yañez speaks of falsehood and questions in Mexico.

  12. 1 E Eduardo Angel De León Garcia

    -The subject is a mystery
    -The responsible should pay much years in prison
    -This is very complicated
    -The problems attracks more problems… hard decision abour manifest

  13. 1°K Paloma Torres Rodríguez

    I think it’s a bit hard to educate as many people.
    But if government invested in education, Mexico would be a better and bright country.
    We would be able to much, so many families would live better.
    But… Of course, the government disagrees with that.
    They need their “people” stays ignorant.

  14. 1 K Arroyo Elizarraraz Leonel

    Many people do not have to know what is happening in the country. lack of education, perhaps read you see when a newspaper. What happens today on tv. It is a pure lie, a super tribute to chespirito death (do not say that do not deserve it) and any documentary regarding the 43 missing students. But there are when “x” hitman trap. A mess

  15. 1k Diaz Ortega Jose Ramon

    We need a better education.
    We need better teachers in the class rooms.
    The education in Mexico is very entombed than other countries.
    The poor doesnt mean that the people are silly.

  16. 1k Ricardo Tomas Regalado Guerrero

    > We live in a country where being a student who is willing to make justice is something worse than being one of the most wanted criminals.
    > Maybe someday we will live in a country where everyone shows that they are proud of it and no one will laugh at them.
    > I guess some people in Mexico can’t study because most of them are always concerned about if they’re even going to eat everyday or if they’ll have clothes to wear each day.
    > In my opinion it is also the government’s fault that people can’t study sometimes.

  17. 1K De Jesús Ceballos Fernando

    > There is a lot of problems holding on the education.

    > Mexico isn’t the only nation suffering to advance.

    > We are the power, the motivation, we will change the way we study if we are able…

    > …And more important..If we group as the population we are we can make the change we need.

  18. 1K Ochoa González Jesús Alejandro

    The education is very important for our society.
    The government is very bad.
    Some Mexicans needs a better education.
    All we are Ayotzinapa.

  19. 1°K Muñoz Osorio Alejandro

    -Be students is more dangerous than thief.
    -The system educational sucks.
    -Being poor is not be idito.
    -We need better teachers.

  20. 1K irving alexis vergara rodriguez

    we need a government that cares more for our studyremodel streets
    if you are a student you´re accused of criminal
    if you talk the goverment acuses you of anything
    mexico needs a change bua a real change

  21. 1K Valenzuela Luis Juan Maritza

    Many people in Mexico can’t study.
    We need a better education.
    Sometimes the government is to blame for that education is difficult to access.
    We are the power, the motivation, we will change the way we study if we are able…

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