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Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

En estos días es difícil escribir una columna periodística sobre temas educativos y no pronunciarse sobre alguna o algunas aristas del abominable caso de los estudiantes normalistas de Ayotzinapa.

Es difícil encarar el trabajo pedagógico con el sentido político que intrínsecamente tiene la educación sin expresar, por lo menos, indignación. A partir de ese primer nivel de conciencia cada uno asciende los otros en función de sus convicciones.

Es doloroso no compadecerse, es decir, no sentir con los otros, los familiares, el profundo abismo que les carcome, las rabia que les sacude, la impotencia que puede conducir a comportamientos todavía impredecibles, o medianamente predecibles.

Es imposible (para mí) no conmoverse hondamente con las múltiples manifestaciones que se pronuncian enérgicas en todo el mundo reclamando al gobierno mexicano; denunciando la inocultable ineptitud policial y política, con visos de frivolidad y mucha insensibilidad.

Por las expresiones populares y las movilizaciones sociales, dentro del dolor, la pena, la conmoción, es alentador no sentir un viento fresco soplando en la cara por la esperanza en que este capítulo, ya escrito en páginas dolorosas, sea el último en una historia sangrienta, pero el primero de una nueva era más venturosa de conciencia política y ciudadanía plena.

El dolor, la impotencia, la desesperanza ya están clavados, pero tal vez sirvan, así lo deseo, para generar un sentido al mismo tiempo de conciencia y de fragilidad. Fragilidad y conciencia que nos induzcan a comprender que la sociedad se fortalece en la medida en que la habitan ciudadanos educados y comprometidos que, a su vez, consolidan la sociedad que formará mejores ciudadanos, en una vuelta incesante. Ojalá.

 Ciudad Universitaria, UNAM

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  1. 1J J1 Mejía Romero Fernando Rogelio

    -Judging for the situation, the people’s complains won’t stop until they find answers; that actually pretty nice.
    -Indeed, almost every new related with education has something to do with this topic.
    -This event might change us all about our actions in order to prevent future events.
    -I hope we get drastic positive changes in the future.

  2. 1E Jorge Luis Aguirre Martinez

    -Write of education in these days is write you death.
    -In Mexico you murdered for being a student and give your views for a better future.
    -When leave stop being enslaved and silenced what happens in this country, the wake.
    -No need to continue making protests need to do separate things to improve the future of Mexico.

  3. 1k Víctor Manuel González Ventura

    – It is hard to believe that killing the future of mexico.
    – Incredible what is happening in the education of mexico.
    – I think they should put more emphasis on what happens on education and not into stuff like this.
    – It hurts mexico.

  4. 1 E Mario Ruben Saucedo Alvarez

    1-Is difficult talk about another topic that isn’t Ayotzinapa.
    2-Ayotnizapa are everyone.
    3-There are demonstrations about Ayotzinapa in all the world.
    4-The Mexican town are angry with the government.

  5. 1E Alan Guadalupe Machuca Silva

    -It is difficult to address the pedagogical work with the political sense that inherently have education without express at least indignation.
    -From that first level of consciousness rises each other according to their convictions.
    -The pain, helplessness, hopelessness are already fixed, but perhaps serve, so wish, to generate a sense both conscience and fragility.
    -No need to continue making protests need to do separate things to improve the future of Mexico.

  6. 1 E Ceballos Miranda Olga Isela

    – Today, when we talk about education is risk your life.
    – Political life is insensitive to what is happening now.
    – It is necessary that the people they make and be less ignorant now.
    – The history of Mexico has been bloody.

  7. 1°K Marcos Antonio Avalos Galindo

    1-Is very difficult what is happening today.
    2-The Mexican people should not be silent.
    3-When reading I feel that I get in the skin of other.
    4-We are all Ayotzinapa.

  8. Orlando Arias 1º"E"

    When you want to speak the truth, you are silent.
    Demonstrations will never stop.
    Peña Nieto should resign and speak the truth.
    Smart people join the cause.

  9. 1 K Alma Rosa Tafolla García

    – We need to concentrate in the true important things for México.

    -It’s sad that talking about education in México isn’t safe and not very important for everyone.

    -It’s a tragedy that the people prefer to ignore all the bad things ruining the future of our education and rights.

    -The politicians just seem to make fun of the few that talk with the true.

  10. 1 E Horacio Gerzaín Avalos Aguayo

    -Yañez says it’s hard to write newspaper columns on education.
    -Yañez says it’s hard to face the pedagogical work with political sense.
    -It is a shame that the other countries are set in Mexico only for Restraint problems instead of their culture.
    -Yañez is disappointed that happens in Mexico.

  11. 1 E Eduardo Angel De León Garcia

    -Our live unfortunately is thereby
    -The painful of our country should change
    -The fights only attract more problems
    -The people this accustomed to only watch

  12. 1E - Alan Ulises Montes Rodríguez

    1.- The fact that talking about education in Mexico is now something to be fearful of, makes the situation that we are living right now to be much worse than we initially thought.
    2.- The government doesn’t even care and that’s why people are angry right and pretty much that’s how they have always been.
    3.- We all hope for a change and that all the sacrifice people have made for it to happen will be worth it.
    4.- Hopefully one day we will get that change we all wish for, I think it will eventually happen, but it’ll take a long time.

  13. 1°K Paloma Torres Rodríguez

    What happened left sadness in some, and anger in others.
    However, despite the manifestations, Mexico’s government continues to do nothing.
    Mexico’s government still believes that we are ignorant.
    They thing that only diverting our attention we will forget what they did, but we won’t forget it.

  14. 1 K Arroyo Elizarraraz Leonel

    There is now fear to speak out, to take away any Ayotzinapa notes or any irregularity on the investigations of the Government (in this case). Sad to see police beating innocent people, “fools” who start doing stupid things in the marches peaceful, i hope all change soon, a change for good.

  15. 1k Diaz Ortega Jose Ramon

    All the students we are fear to show our thinking.
    I cant understand who they did something like that.
    We need rise all our voices.
    All the students we have a commitment with our nation.

  16. 1k Ricardo Tomas Regalado Guerrero

    > In Mexico you murdered for being a student and give your views for a better future.
    > When leave stop being enslaved and silenced what happens in this country, the wake.
    > No need to continue making protests need to do separate things to improve the future of Mexico.
    > Write of education in these days is like write you death.

  17. 1K De Jesús Ceballos Fernando

    >Keep hard on it. Write is one of the best ways to voice our toughts.

    >Ayotzinapa passed trough a bad situation.

    >The government does not take care about us, and that is why people are sad.

    >Maybe it could be hard, but sometimes the hardest things become with the best consequenses.

  18. Gustavo Abraham Urbina Torres 1k

    1. The teacher says not today can not write a column on education without taking Ayotzinapa theme.
    2. The teacher shares the dorlor felt by relatives of the 43 missing.
    3. But he thinks that maybe all the feelings that we might serve for a change.
    4. The teacher believes that the events that have happened serve to sensitize Mexico.

  19. 1k Muñoz Osorio Alejandro

    -Personally there are ways to demand what we want.
    -Ayotzinapa is a problem without end.
    -The others problems had mexico.
    -Demand the resignation of EPN is a waste of time

  20. 1K Ochoa González Jesús Alejandro

    All we are Ayotzinapa.
    The parents of those students are to sad.
    I hope all those problems had a solution.
    Excelent words Mr. Yañez.

  21. 1K Valenzuela Luis Juan Maritza

    It is hard to believe that killing the future of mexico.
    The Mexican people should not be silent.
    Mexico’s government still believes that we are ignorant.
    The Mexican town are angry with the government.

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