Prólogo. En el principio fue el verbo
En el principio fue el verbo. Un verbo en imperativo: ¡háganse! Y se hicieron. Nacieron, crecieron y se reprodujeron por doquier. De la noche a la mañana amanecimos convertidos en tutores y, con más o menos fortuna, instruidos para ese oficio. Los estudiantes, de la mañana a la noche, o de la noche a la mañana, que para efectos prácticos es lo mismo, amanecieron con un tutor y dudas sobre si eran tutorados o asesorados, o nada más conejillos de indias en un nuevo experimento, u ocurrencia, o como se le haya llamado.
Y como si la implantación forzada de los programas institucionales de tutorías no hubiera dejado secuelas congénitas, la Torre de Babel fue levantándose de a poco, fruto de la improvisación en el origen, desaciertos en la gestión, y mal tino en la distribución de los estudiantes, eligiendo, por ejemplo, a los estudiantes con peores notas.
Esa marca nos condiciona casi fatalmente, o por lo menos nos ha discapacitado para cumplir lo prometido, o lo que esperaban aquellas declaraciones más o menos grandilocuentes sobre el valor de las tutorías para nuestras autoridades y docentes. El pecado original fue agravándose con pecados veniales y, me temo, con larga penitencia.
Así se podría escribir una parte de la historia de la creación de las tutorías en la educación superior mexicana.
(Fragmento de la conferencia con el mismo título presentada en el Sexto Encuentro Nacional de Tutoría organizado por la ANUIES en la UNAM. Noviembre 13 de 2014. En breve podrá descargarse la versión completa en la sección Publicaciones)
arthur edwards
Buenas precisiones…”En el principio fue el verbo” y para mi, así quedó!
1J J1 Mejía Romero Fernando Rogelio
-Well, I never expected tutor started being tutors that way, but maybe I must have seen it coming.
-Althought, I have had some great people as tutor and I know there’s people who can excel on being tutors.
-It looks like it is a promising conference.
-I never heard about ANUIES.
1E Jorge Luis Aguirre Martinez
-In the beginning was the word, a text that I love.
-The students do not know whether we are teaching good things or are we digging a torturando and shit on the head.
-The original sin was worsening with venial sins and, I fear, with long penance.
-All want explications , about of that will be of Mexico in a few years more.
1E Alan Guadalupe Machuca Silva
-The original sin was worsening with venial sins and, I fear, with long penance.
-From overnight we woke converted to tutors and, with more or less success, instructed that office.
-This could spell a part of the history of the creation of tutorials in Mexican higher education.
-In the beginning was the Word. A verb in the imperative: do yourself! And they did. They were born, grew and reproduced everywhere.
1 E Mario Ruben Saucedo Alvarez
1-I never had a private mentor.
2-I had mentor but for all my group.
3-A mentor is very important.
4-At the beginning was the verb.
1°K Marcos Antonio Avalos Galindo
1-I like the way you write.
2-ANUIES very good conference organized.
3-Students don´t appreciate what we have.
4-I find it very interesting.
1 E Ceballos Miranda Olga Isela
– I agree that is a mistake to implement this type of educational models.
– Not all teachers are trained to educate with quality, less to be a guardian or adviser.
– Sometimes is not taken into account that there is a guardian or adviser.
– It is worth listening to and thinking about this Conference.
Orlando Arias 1º"E"
Tutors are cool.
Many teachers were not born to teach.
My tutor is very good.
Everyone should have someone to teach them.
1 K Alma Rosa Tafolla García
– It’s true that in the beginning it wasn’t the best way to tutor.
-Not all the students know what a Tutor means.
– This fragment leaves us with hopes of reading more.
-Maybe it’s time to question if the things are the same as
1 E Horacio Gerzaín Avalos Aguayo
-The tutors are very practical for students.
-Yañez speaking tutors.
-Advisors help students with questions of their subject.
-Tutors help with problems in the areas.
1 E Eduardo Angel De León Garcia
-I like this commentary “El pecado original fue agravándose con pecados veniales y, me temo, con larga penitencia.”
-You head have a lot ideas
-You head could move the course this web page
-You shape of thing is very very interesting, your phrases
1E - Alan Ulises Montes Rodríguez
1.- I had a tutor once and in my personal opinion they are very helpful as they not only help you with school but also in your personal life.
2.- People might think they are not that helpful but in my experience they actually are.
3.- At first I had my doubts if that was gonna work or not but in the end it is actually worth the time that you passed with them.
4.- Some people don’t know how to get a benefit from having one but that’s just because they think talking to someone will not solve anything when in reality it helps you feel like someone is actually supporting you.
1 K Arroyo Elizarraraz Leonel
Have a tutor is a great help
Many teachers are teaching about the same, maybe that is the reason why “they don’t know” teach for them is easy.
Lack also part of students so that everything works.
you don´t know what you´ve got until its gone.
1k Diaz Ortega Jose Ramon
The teachers are the base of all society.
We need more tutors in room class.
Are teachers have a commiment with the country.
All your ideas are great.
Ricardo Tomas Regalado Guerrero 1k
> From overnight we woke converted to tutors and, with more or less success, instructed that office.
> In the beginning was the Word. A verb in the imperative: do yourself! And they did. They were born, grew and reproduced everywhere.
> The original sin was worsening with venial sins and, I fear, with long penance.
> This could spell a part of the history of the creation of tutorials in Mexican higher education.
1k Muñoz Osorio Alejandro
-Students,from morning to night or overnight is a great phrase.
-A tutor can be a good friend.
-its a incredible change at school.
-sometimes the tutor is not a good idea
1K De Jesús Ceballos Fernando
>The teachers are one of the strongest factors in our education.
>Undoubtedly every student needs a tutor.
>The principal problems in the education should be the monotony, the same teachers teaching the same things every year.
>Every nation needs a good people, and good people are maded by good tutors.
Gustavo Abraham Urbina Torres 1k
1. Today is not known whether students are tutored or advised.
2. The text is the prologue of the book “Guardians: knights-errant in the era of skills?”.
3. The book was shown in the Sixth National Meeting of tutoring.
4. The teacher refers to the tower of Babel was getting up slowly and in this view agree with.
1K Ochoa González Jesús Alejandro
This words are perfect.
That conference were very important.
Some tutors can be a very teacher.
Every students should have a tutor.
1K irving alexis vergara rodriguez
you are a good writer
speaking for tutors
the problema is education by teachers who lack the capacity
i lokie this comentary ” De la noche a la mañana amanecimos convertidos en tutores “
1K Valenzuela Luis Juan Maritza
We need more tutors in room class.
Everyone should have someone to teach them.
A tutor can be a good friend.
You head have a lot ideas