Un grupo de rectores de prestigiadas universidades europeas se reunió en Bolonia hace 24 años (septiembre de 1988), en “ocasión del IX Centenario de la más antigua de ellas, cuatro años antes de la supresión definitiva de las fronteras intracomunitarias y ante la perspectiva de una colaboración más amplia entre todos los pueblos europeos”, para reafirmar el protagonismo de las universidades frente a una sociedad en transformación. Allí suscribieron un documento que, a pesar de los años transcurridos, conserva notable vigencia en nuestro contexto: Magna Charta Universitatum. Por la vigencia y contundencia de sus declaraciones, enseguida comparto su contenido más sustancial.
En el Preámbulo, los rectores establecieron tres consideraciones:
1) El porvenir de la humanidad depende en gran medida del desarrollo cultural, científico y técnico, que se forja en los centros de cultura, de conocimiento y de investigación en que se han convertido las auténticas universidades.
2) La tarea de difusión de los conocimientos que la universidad debe asumir respecto a las nuevas generaciones, implica dirigirse también al conjunto de la sociedad cuyo porvenir cultural, social y económico exige un esfuerzo de formación permanente.
3) La universidad debe asegurar a las futuras generaciones la educación y la formación necesarias que contribuyan al respeto de los grandes equilibrios del entorno natural y de la vida.
Los rectores proclamaron, entonces, ante los Estados y ante la conciencia de los pueblos los principios fundamentales que deben sustentar la vocación de la universidad.
1. La universidad es una institución autónoma que, de manera crítica, produce y transmite la cultura por medio de la investigación y de la enseñanza. Abrirse a las necesidades del mundo contemporáneo exige disponer, para su esfuerzo docente e investigador, de una independencia moral y científica frente cualquier poder político, económico e ideológico.
2. En las universidades, la actividad docente es indisociable de la actividad investigadora, a fin de que la enseñanza sea igualmente capaz de seguir la evolución tanto de las necesidades y de las exigencias de la sociedad como de los conocimientos científicos.
3. Siendo la libertad de investigación, de enseñanza y de formación el principio básico de la vida de las universidades, tanto los poderes públicos como las universidades, cada uno en sus respectivos ámbitos de competencia, deben garantizar y promover el respeto a esta exigencia fundamental. La universidad es un lugar de encuentro privilegiado entre profesores —que disponen de la capacidad de transmitir el saber y los medios para desarrollarlo a través de la investigación y de la innovación— y estudiantes —que tienen el derecho, la voluntad y la capacidad de enriquecerse con ello.
4. La universidad, depositaria de la tradición del humanismo europeo pero con la constante preocupación de alcanzar el saber universal, ignora toda frontera geográfica o política para asumir su misión y afirma la imperiosa necesidad del conocimiento recíproco e interacción de las culturas.
La realización de estos objetivos exige medios eficaces y adaptados a la situación contemporánea. Los rectores proclamaron los básicos:
1. A fin de preservar la libertad de investigación y de enseñanza, deben facilitarse al conjunto de los miembros de la comunidad universitaria los instrumentos adecuados para su realización.
2. La selección de los profesores, así como la reglamentación de su estatuto, deben regirse por el principio de la indisociabilidad entre la actividad investigadora y la actividad docente.
3. Respetando la especificidad de su situación, cada universidad debe garantizar a los estudiantes la salvaguarda de las libertades, así como las condiciones necesarias para alcanzar sus objetivos en materia de cultura y de formación.
4. Las universidades —y especialmente las universidades europeas— consideran el intercambio recíproco de información y de documentación y la multiplicación de iniciativas comunes, como instrumentos fundamentales para el progreso continuado de conocimientos.
Por estos motivos —volviendo a sus orígenes— las universidades alientan la movilidad de los profesores y de los estudiantes, y estiman que una política general de equivalencia en materia de estatutos, de títulos, de exámenes (manteniendo los diplomas nacionales), y de concesión de becas, constituye el instrumento esencial para garantizar el ejercicio de su misión contemporánea.
Este es el contenido de la Carta Magna de las Universidades europeas, válido para las mexicanas. Es el resumido pero palpitante sentido de las universidades. Eso es la institución universitaria: ¿lo tendremos claro los gobiernos y la sociedad pero, sobre todo, dentro de las universidades? Yo tengo mi respuesta.
Saúl Alejandro Jiménez Mendoza 1°A
In my opinion the join of several universities and their rectors bring good results.
I find excellent the three points that were set by the rectors of universities.
I think all universities should have the same goals that were mentioned and implement them.
I find very interesting the points that were mentioned, all are equally important.
jose adrian contreras ocaranza 1A
I am satisfied that prestigious universities have met to aigan reaffirmed on the transformation of unniversidades.
It was good to have established conditions for the new generations that are in order, around education.
This very well the point where it says that teachers have the ability to Deven eseñar saven what, that’s fine.
All that speaks the letter is very interesting because it speaks about important
Carlos Alberto Santoyo Lopez 1A
I think that is good, to have a “guide” for all universities.
The universities is not ougth to target to a particular public.
The future of the youths depend of learned in the universities.
For a savvy better, the information should be reciprocal and fair between teachers and pupils.
1A Roberto Banda Flores
Not everyone is aware, often we forget because we studied, by looking for shortcuts.
But I’m sure the government does not know, they are still students of Elba Esther Gordillo.
Ignorance keeps us as underdeveloped country.
Little by little, globalization will open new doors.
Victor Ivan Lopez Gonzalez 1A
For me there is a poor university.
Since all races have their good and filled with knowledge to their students.
One of the most important things a university is the rector and he is going and which has to be very good at it.
The more the better the rector and teachers will have more quality university to society.
Miguel virgilio jimenez brena 1A
The three principal points are very important because the technology and science will make us progress as a country.
Also we have to share our information with other universities.
Its important that all the universities work toghether.
And all of these universities have to offer a good education.
Daniela Moctezuma Garcia 1A
I did not know, than exist the Magna Charta Universitatum.
Thanks to Charta, the universities can maintained stable.
For exist success person, should of exist universities of success and prestige.
But for get it should work together students and teachers.
edgar eduardo zepeda orozco 1"D"
I think that is good, to have a “guide” for all universities.
Little by little, globalization will open new doors.
Since all races have their good and filled with knowledge to their students.
edgar eduardo zepeda orozco 1″D”
Maria Guadalupe Alvarez Negrete
Esta universidad está totalmente ligada al gobierno y por eso no funciona, la autonomía que debería tener como cualquier otra debería de ser el ser abierta para cada estudiante que quisiera estudiar. En vez de estar dejando tantos lugares vacíos (aparentemente) de gente que solo va a calentar el asiento sin ganarlo por su propio esfuerzo.
In a moment, with one teacher that can be show to students without some or other interest appart of money..
merit her place.. if it isnt .. dont merit the place.. but.. the 70% of the teachers.. only found money and they not teach as it must be !
Eduardo Jimenez 1° D
Pedagogy is very important in education.
I think the study makes us strong at the ignorance.
Thanks to successful people, the universities are successful.
To achieve quality schools students and teachers should work together
Jose Ivan Martinez Najera 1 D
It’s good that colleges have a basis for teaching.
And that Mexico is included, because so reinforces the commitment to teach.
But also be unique would be good.
Although the University of Colima pretends to be good, it does very well.
David Toledo Zúñiga 1B
The contents of the Magna Charty Universitatum is the better that an University can offer.
But few universities apply this contents.
I think that all Universities should implement this theme.
This is very important for all Universities!
Felipe Lao-kiun Alcantar Lam 1B
Many people want a place in a university.
But others stole their dreams with no reason.
It’s difficult to think that the schools refuse a lot of teens with the motivation to advance.
Mexico got to go forward.
I agree with what you say into text.
The consideration number three in my opinion is very important.
Because universities should ensure future generations.
In my opinion something has to change in the university.
Jever Amezcua Garcia 1D
It’s amazing what this letter shows.
I like when he says that contribute to respect the balance of nature and life.
I like how the teachers are updated with the new generations of students.
Nice to have trained teachers who know how to teach properly.
Omar Salvador Gutiérrez Zamora
Sadly, most (if not all) Mexican Universities do not follow the Magna Charta Universitatum.
We live in a place where students and teachers alike, strike whenever they want.
This causes continuous loss of valuable learning time.
Lets hope we understand this soon, is something that affects us all, and stops us from moving foward.
Marco Antonio Torres Soriano 1B
Is important for presidents to meet to share opinions.
All points are important.
Would be important to meet again.
And reestablish new points.
Jose Manuel Tapia Gonzalez 1A
Those 3 points that mentioned the Magna Charta Universitatum are of much importance.
But, in the higher of the cases don’t is in practice.
If some universities will follow the that tell the charta this were better universities.
I agree whit you Doctor!
Christian D. Rentería García 1.-D
The answer to your last question is No, just look all the kid’s that are not studying
We should start reading and understanding the Content of Magna Charty Univesrsitatum.
Why other countries are better than us?, because they have hope in their Kids
Universitys should know that if they dont start acting like a good Institution we are going to have a bad time
Erick Donaldo Arceo Magaña 1D
I like the fundamental principes the universities.
Although i don’t think many universities follow this letter.
I think that the government has clear, but the society not, because they have a wrong concept of university.
Into universities, i think that we know, but the most of de people don’t want do it.
I like that you write about this themes, because it is very important.
sergio eduardo palomino diaz 1´ D
Ilike your comment.
I believe that by joining several guiding is to decide a change for the better?.
Sounds good three points that were established by the directors.
I did not believe that there is a letter Magna Charta Universitatum.
Marco Antonio Lopez Mendoza 1B
if so, the university is helping us to generate knowledge and culture but it depends on us, if we seize students or not, we usually give all the necessary tools but did not take them, and it is extremely important that knowledge last forever, or for us to be updated as this is the basis of culture, education
1ºB Oscar Arturo Gonzalez Ramirez
Achieving these goals requires effective means and adapted to the contemporary situation.
The ability to transmit the knowledge and the means to develop it.
The demands of society and scientific knowledge.
The future of mankind depends largely on cultural, scientific and technical.
julio cesar zamora ontiveros
Is amazing that something so old endure in these times.
It’s nice to see some concern of management for future generations.
I think you should retake all these concepts.
I wish every college and take these points mexico.
julio cesar zamora ontivero 1D
Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras 1D
1º The future of university students not only depends on a good college, but of good teachers.
2º The lessons that should be taught in universities should be of good quality.
3º The teachings cultural, scientific, social and technology are very important.
4º This card has very good fundamentals and are more statements.
Luis Guillermo Becerra Solorzano 1B
This letter that you spoke on your post seems like something brought out from a utopia. It would be a great change if we actually managed to establish a least half of these ideas in our universities. Having places for personal worth in all areas of knowledge could be amazing. Great things could come from a complete structural reform that adopts these guide lines for all the universities, but then this sound even more like a utopia.
Hector Jose Manzo Briceño 1D
To grow you must know.
I like what you say.
Universities are important for the country, because it is no longer so ignorant.
Although Europe is in crisis, as are studied this problem will.
José Luis Garza Gallegos
I have my own aswer too: No.
I think the universities are doing some things bad on purpose.
The universites are not independents, im not talking about people, im talking about higher hiden leaders.
Any way, who really wants to climb can do it, it will not be easy, our institutions are not the best, but its posible go far as we want.
Edsel Barbosa Gonzalez 1D
In my opinion is a good way to
represent, in a letter, which
really mean universities in the world
and what they should do in daily life.
Keila Abigail Valdéz Pérez 1D
It is true that the future of humanity depends on cultural development, science and technology.
The government knows the future of humanity is in a good education, therefore try to avoid it.
I do not think it’s clear that is the university therefore we are not defending it.
If we want a better Mexico must defend our universities.
Karen Stephanie Fletes Tejeda
I have my answer to your question and that’d be a “no”. I don’t think we have it clear.
It’s really interesting to read about the Magna Charta Universitatum because it has true important facts.
Unfortunately, I don’t think some universities in Mexico follow this essential points unlike Europe who has some of the best universities in the world.
I believe it’s important to do research in universities to keep learning new things and keep innovating for the future needs of society.
Karen Stephanie Fletes Tejeda 1°”D”
José de Jesús Jiménez García
The universities are the future of all students.
The university becomes the student.
In the university the student undertake to be better.
The university created great characters.
kevin roberto gomez peralta 1 "D"
Should be noted that these countries are concerned about education and put it above many things.
That’s the difference of a First World country and ours.
If the country does not invest in education is not advance.
Teachers must do more to educate students rather meeting whenever there is a small problem.
Keneth Michell Luna Naranjo 1B
Universities have a biggest responsability with the future professionals. Rules and rights are the shortest way to efficiency, and stimuli like awards are annother reason for a good quality of education. The point is to have the best universities.
Jesus Roberto Trejo Quiroz 1B
The university has given us much to all, gives us the knowledge to be high-level professionals in the future.
The university should be able to provide us the freedoms and conditions to achieve our goals.
I like these principles that show how the university should behave in society.
These principles should be applied to all universities obligatory.
Antonio Torres Figueroa
The constitution ofuniversities talk about important things.
The universities are the brains of the world.
In mexico there ore a good universities.
The old continent is the cradle of them.
José Eduardo Aguilar Anguiano 1°B
I like very much your post.
I was struck the Magna Charta Universitatum.
I like how you writing your publications.
I’m interested to know your answer.
Jorge Caballero 1 "D"
I guess some people have the idea. Others have completely defined the concept of university. But unfortunately you can be sure that most people have no idea, including governments and society. I am sure I never heard about this before.
victor alejandro escalera sanchez 1'D
Good considerations.
It’s good to have this as the basis of a good education.
Is good to encourage teachers and students.
Victor Manuel Estrada Chablé 1B
I agre with the future of mankind depends largely on cultural development.
We know that the university is an autonomous institution.
We all have freedom in research.
We must know that achieving these goals requires effective means and adapted to the contemporary situation.
Manuel Salvador Saldaña Rojas 1°A
All university has good rules for your progress.
It´s good do that these rules are met.
This rules do that the students learn better.
Help to wear a better relation teacher and studient and university.
Luis Alonso Hernandez 1ro A
My opinion about this theme in mexico are good universities
this contents are good for the university becouse are made for a Guiding group of europe.
my date is search the better options for all students and workers the our university.
one a greeting
Francisco Javier Gutierrez Mondragon 1o D
Also we have to share our information with other universities.
The future of the youths depend on learned in the universities.
For a success person, should of exist universities of success and prestige.
I agree whit you Doctor!