
Discurso en la presentación de solicitud como rector de la UdeC

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

Deseo expresar mi reconocimiento y respeto, afecto también, para los compañeros universitarios que presentaron o presentarán solicitud para contender por el máximo cargo en la Universidad. Estoy seguro que la institución saldrá fortalecida de este proceso y que el primero de febrero iniciaremos otra etapa luminosa para la Universidad, para Colima y la educación superior mexicana.

En especial, agradezco emocionadamente a las personas que abrieron un espacio en sus agendas para venir a acompañarme en este momento tan importante en mi vida profesional y humana: el registro como aspirante a la rectoría de nuestra casa de estudios, de donde orgullosamente egresé como licenciado en educación superior hace 23 años y a la que, desde entonces, he servido incondicionalmente como profesor investigador y funcionario.

Debo decir que la universidad ha sido generosa conmigo; con su apoyo logré estimulantes retos  académicos y laborales: cursé mi maestría en pedagogía en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la UNAM y en 2009 obtuve, de esa misma institución, un doctorado en pedagogía.

Gracias a la confianza que depositaron en mí los anteriores rectores y el actual, el Dr. Miguel Ángel Aguayo López, desempeñé cargos que me permitieron conocer las entrañas de la universidad y estrechar la mano de  los universitarios: fui director de la Facultad de Pedagogía,  luego director general de Educación Media Superior, al mismo tiempo, asesor de la Secretaría de Educación Pública y Coordinador de la Red Nacional del Nivel Medio Superior de ANUIES. Con el maestro Aguayo, primero fui director general de Educación Superior, luego coordinador general de Docencia y con la actual estructura, secretario académico.

He sido profesor del bachillerato semiescolarizado (que fundé con el doctor Carlos Salazar), profesor de licenciatura y posgrado. Como funcionario he caminado cada una de las 63 escuelas que tiene la Universidad en toda la geografía colimense, lo que me autoriza a decir que la conozco, que sé de la enorme valía que representan cada una, sobre todo los bachilleratos en lugares pequeños, y sé también de las fortalezas y posibilidades, sé del promisorio futuro que nos depara si continuamos el camino de la internacionalización, ya reconocido en dos rankings latinoamericanos recientes.

Estoy aquí, en este día, por el respaldo que me han brindado muchos universitarios que, como yo, deseamos que nuestra casa continúe consolidándose  como una de las universidades de mayor prestigio nacional y creciente presencia internacional, sin perder su sentido humanista y vocación social. Estoy convencido que la educación es el único bastión que puede salvar a nuestro país de esta grave crisis y, como magistralmente afirmara el doctor Fernando Savater en el Teatro Universitario, es también la lucha contra la fatalidad que hoy sume a millones y millones de mexicanos en la pobreza. Necesitamos profundizar nuestra responsabilidad social con los que menos saben y menos tienen.

Los cambios en las instituciones educativas no se hacen borrando el pasado o pretendiendo desconocer lo hecho. Respeto la historia y presente de la Universidad de Colima, a sus rectores y constructores, su comunidad de ayer y hoy. Hay tiempos y ciclos, y apuesto a un cambio generacional, a una universidad que explote aun más su potencial y que en cada espacio nos comprometamos para sus estudiantes, profesores, egresados y trabajadores nos sigamos sintiendo orgullosos de ella, porque ella se siente también orgullosa de nosotros.

Quiero ser rector por una universidad sin adjetivos, que prioritariamente cumpla sus funciones sustantivas, las que constituyen su corazón, la vocación de la universidad; me refiero a la formación de seres humanos, la investigación relevante y la extensión de sus beneficios a la sociedad.

Soy un convencido de la educación superior pública y de la universidad pública. Defiendo también que la educación es un derecho humano, un bien público y una responsabilidad social. Ese es un compromiso indeclinable que defenderé siempre.

En este proyecto que pretendo encabezar caben todos, las mujeres primero, los jóvenes, los hombres, incluso los niños que, como mi hija Mariana Belén y los de tantas personas, asisten a los múltiples cursos que se organizan en ella, porque la Universidad es una casa abierta a las múltiples expresiones de la cultura, la inteligencia, la diversidad y a todas las personas.

La Universidad de Colima es legado y patrimonio común, es de todos y debemos cuidarla todos. Por eso juntos, mujeres y hombres, debemos construir la sólida universidad que se proyectará hacia la mitad del siglo 21.

Finalmente, quiero asegurarles a todos los que están aquí reunidos y a los que no pudieron asistir pero me han enviado sus expresiones de solidaridad y respaldo, que tengo un profundo amor por la Universidad de Colima, inmensamente más grande que mis intereses personales, por eso no duden en que juntos podremos dignificar el futuro de nuestra alma máter, que también es el nuestro.


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49 thoughts on “Discurso en la presentación de solicitud como rector de la UdeC

  1. sandra

    felicidades Dr. muy emotivo discurso y sobre todo sustancial,a mas de uno enchino la piel porque sabemos que es cierto su sentir y ganas de transformar nuestra alma mater, me alegra lo publique para quienes no pudimos asistir. un abrazo

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Gracias Sandra!

  2. Balvanero

    Habla la experiencia y la propuesta; no hay descalificación de ningún tipo, está presente la actitud de “ganar-ganar”. Mirar al pasado, anfianzar el presente para proyectar el futuro…

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Un abrazo, gracias por tu comentario.

  3. Jose Manuel Tapia Gonzalez 1A

    The election of a rector is of much importance to the community University.
    I think that you is a very good option to take this job because you show a big work for the University.
    The change stay with you, yours studies speak that better than a big pedagogue as you.
    Doctor, I am with you.

  4. jose adrian contreras ocaranza 1A

    This well is grateful to the place where I study.

    Okay defending education, since he is a person who fights for that.

    The speech is very well prepared, by thanking everyone who took him to be the person he is today.

    As he says the University of Colima is a common heritage and must fight for care.

  5. Eduardo Jimenez 1° D

    Congratulations, I wish you luck in your race for the rectory.
    Guiding the future hopefully see the interests of the school and students.
    Rector elections are important for all.
    I agree with you that education is the only thing that can save the country.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Muchas gracias Eduardo!

  6. Saúl Alejandro Jiménez Mendoza 1°A

    I think the next rector should strengthen the university.

    I find very important what he mentioned, it is true, the education is a right.

    I like that he talks of our university as a home, he has all the reason.

    I think his speech is very solid, I like how he writes on this web page.

  7. Manuel Salvador Saldaña Rojas 1°A

    Very good discourse your job in the university has been excellent.
    Your feel with the university is of admiration.
    I hope that you job in the school is rewarded.
    Congratulation for your job is excellent.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Gracias Manuel Salvador.

      Un abrazo!

  8. Daniela Moctezuma Garcia 1A

    I hope that you achieve win the position most important of our house of studies.

    Not forgetting beforehand the effort of their students and the work of the workers in their different levels.

    I think you can do good work, by studies that have.

    I wish great success and congratulation.

  9. Germán Pérez

    Hay mucha potencialidad de su proyecto Dr. Yañez
    Considero que de las opciones disponibles usted es la mejor.
    Ojalá que gane, pero si no es así no se desanime.
    Lo importante es seguir haciendo contrapeso en la balanza, tratando de inclinarla hacia el lado de la educación y la democracia, y buscando siempre el desarrollo social colimense.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Gracias Germán!

  10. miguel virgilio jimenez brena 1A

    I believe that university of colima is a great university.
    This university needs people like you, that are compromised with education.
    The rector have to get a better education system.
    Good luck with this oportunity.

  11. Felipe Lao-kiun Alcantar Lam 1B

    If you win, the university will go forward.
    That will be the best thing in the school.
    You are the change for my education.
    I wish you the best.

  12. Juan Alberto

    Dr. Juan Carlos, sirva este espacio para manifestarle mi apoyo, incondicional. Le envio un cordial saludo

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Gracias Juan Alberto!

      Juan Carlos

  13. Victor Ivan Lopez Gonzalez 1A

    The University of Colima has to be a good vice-chancellor.

    It must be thoroughly and know aware of what you are doing.

    Dr. Juan Carlos I find a good vice-chancellor.

    For he knows best the University and am plowing a good job.

  14. edgar eduardo zepeda orozco 1"D"

    Okay defending education, since he is a person who fights for that.
    That will be the best thing in the school.
    The rector have to get a better education system.
    edgar eduardo zepeda orozco 1″D”

  15. Luis Alonso Hernandez 1ro A

    I think so about this eleccions are hard
    becouse are great candidates, but Mr JC Yañez is a better option, is a great person, with acts what a defendig a education of the university

  16. Esteban

    Buen día, es un discurso formidable de la razón de la educación como un pilar fundamental de cualquier sociedad en la que se puede desarrollar un progreso ya que de esta es la única manera de sobrellevar las penurias de nuestras sociedades tan desgastas y maltrechas, en donde hay que hacer lo posible de que el objetivo de la educación no solo se quede en un solo lado, si no que sea para toda la sociedad de una manera plural y diversificada, sin ninguna distinción de ningún tipo. Y tiene mi apoyo para que usted sea un rector y sé que será uno de los rectores que haga que esta alma mater sea mejor.

  17. David Toledo Zúñiga 1B

    Congratulations Doctor for this opportunity that you have.
    You have experience in this University.
    I think that you can do a good work in this University.
    Good luck in this opportunity.

  18. Christian Daniel Rentería Garcia 1.-D

    I’ve read all of your esays, and probably you’re one of the best’s candidate.
    I love the “UdeC” like you love it.
    You just have to keep with your idea of changing mexico education.
    You can do this, im with you.

  19. Erick Donaldo Arceo Magaña 1D

    Good discourse is really stirring.
    I’m so proud that someone, that know so well the University and its needs, will be principal.
    The education is first, and i like that you know this.
    You are very trained for the position, good luck.

  20. victor alejandro escalera sanchz 1-D

    Very good level of education.
    Congratulations on your record to the rectory.
    The university will be better with you.
    My best wishes to you Mr. John.

  21. kevin roberto gomez peralta 1 "D"

    Congratulations Dr. I believe you are the best person for the job.

    You are aware of what is happening in the country with regard to education and know what you need college.

    I think you as rector will be defending the rights of students.

    Nothing more to say congratulations Doctor.

  22. Edsel Barbosa Gonzalez 1D

    Felicidades maestro, espero y gane
    le deso la mejor de la suerte, se que
    va a ganar porque es un hombre bien
    preparado, animo.

  23. victor fidel garcia sanchez 1b

    It gives more recognition to their university peers who applied for the highest office of the university.
    Thanks to the people who were with him at an important moment of your life and human profecional.
    He says that as officer is walking the 63 schools that have college.
    I like when he says that changes in the educational institutions are not erasing the past.


    Aghradesio emotionally isieronunespacio everyone in your schedule to go to join him in such an important time.

    He says that with the current rector laconfiansa Dr. Miguel Angel Aguayo held positions in which the university could conoser very thoroughly.

    Curso la maestria en pedagogia en la facultad de filosofia y letras de la UNAM.

    This convinced public higher education and the public university.


    Congratulations, it was a very good speech.
    I also think that the only thing that will save the country is a good education.
    I’m glad to know there are good people in positions of university.
    I hope you can get the post of rector, again congratulations.

  26. José Eduardo Aguilar Anguiano 1°B

    You’re a very prepared.
    It’s good that you have received a lot of support.
    Unfortunately things didn’t turn out as we would like.
    I just hope that the choice was made for good of the university.

  27. Omar Salvador Gutiérrez Zamora 1° D

    It is not easy to stand up for one’s self beliefs.
    The key is to keep walking foward.
    Many changes have to be done.
    Time and hard work will always bring good results.

  28. Karen Stephanie Fletes Tejeda

    I can tell by this blog post that you really care about this university.
    You’re an educated and prepared person, therefore, you’d do a great job as the rector.
    I’m glad there’s an environment of respect between the candidates.
    I wish you all the best in your future projects.

    Karen Stephanie Fletes Tejeda 1° “D”

  29. Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras 1D

    Being president is a very important position.

    To be president you need to be very responsible and focused on what you do to be in charge of such an important position.

    When choosing a new president for the university is looking for the best, and I hope this is so.

    The history of this university rectors be remembered for many things, hopefully this new president will be remembered for good deeds.

  30. Jesus Roberto Trejo Quiroz 1B

    I think you are an excellent person to be rector.
    The rector should be a person who is dedicated to education, not a politician.
    “Education is a human right, a public good and social responsibility”, it’s true that.
    It’s good that you know the university, its schools, teachers and especially students.

  31. Ricardo Gomez Guerrero 1B

    Very good project Dr. Juan Carlos Yanez, I’m sure he will win and if not, do not be discouraged.

    And I’m sure the University of Colima soon will have a new president with experience and intelligence.

    I have nothing more to congratulate and send a warm hug for his emotional speech.

  32. Jever Amezcua Garcia 1D

    Beautiful words and thoughts.

    It is true what is lacking in our country is education.

    I hope that the university continue its efforts to reach the top.

    The university teaches us what we built as better people “study”.

  33. Keila Abigail Valdéz Pérez 1D

    Thanks for posting your discourse.
    Congratulations on your discourse.
    I am sorry that you aren’t the new rector.
    But I sure you will continue working to improve our University.

  34. José Luis Garza Gallegos

    I think that you can do an excellent work.
    I hope you can win the rectory.
    We need to remember our history as university.
    With this changes in our education system its more necesary to do better our work for help our country to progress, I think the lastest changes in primary and secondary schools are bad.

  35. Jose de Jesus Jimenez Garcia 1D

    It’s a big step for her career.
    If you know so well the university is a very good option.
    I would expect the process to take your best.
    And I wish you good luck, ¡best wishes in the election!.

  36. Oscar Arturo Gonzalez Ramirez 1°B

    Changes in educational institutions are not erasing the past.

    Education is a human right, a public good and social responsibility.

    I agree with you That education is the only thing That can save the country.

    Recognition and respect are what ah won.

  37. Hector Jose Manzo Briceño 1D

    Congratulations and good luck to the teacher.
    I support you.
    And I hope everything goes well.
    The best man win.

  38. sergio eduardo palomino diaz 1´ D

    I like your comment.
    Congratulations lic. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco.
    Must feel happy.
    Hope and change is life.

  39. Francisco Javier Gutierrez Mondragon 1o D

    The election of a rector is of much importance to the community University.

    Good luck with this oportunity.

    Very good discourse.

    I think you can do good work.

  40. Ignacio Ramirez 1A

    Congratulations Doctor Yañez, your speech is very interesting
    I think you know how is our university and I think you will be a good rector.
    I really hope you have will the oportunity to doing the best to our university because we need it.
    Have a nice day Doctor.

  41. Antonio Torres Figueroa

    Thank for having founded the school on saturdays.

    Was good for many people who work.

    I agree the education can save our Mexico.

    The gavernment should help poor people for study

  42. Maria Guadalupe Alvarez Negrete

    This is the best words than all the
    students did listen because i dont know
    about the others
    aspirants and him propuest..

  43. Jose Ivan Martinez Najera 1D

    I wish you so much luck.
    Always work for a better university.
    I wait a process “Limpio”.
    I think there are people who decide the position of rector.
    Good speech.

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