
Semblanza personal

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

Este mediodía presenté mi solicitud como aspirante al cargo de rector en la Universidad de Colima. Con el único propósito de difundir algunas de las acciones más relevantes, les comparto esta semblanza. Pasado el proceso de sucesión, prometo, lo quitaré de este personal Cuaderno.


Licenciado en educación superior por la Universidad de Colima y doctor en pedagogía por la UNAM, graduado con mención honorífica (2009).

En la Universidad de Colima fue director de la Facultad de Pedagogía (1993-1997), Secretario técnico de la Coordinación General de Docencia (1997), Director General de Educación Media Superior (1997-2005), Director General de Educación Superior (2005-2009), Coordinador General de Docencia entre 2009 y 2011, y actualmente Secretario Académico.

De 1997 a 2004 participó como Secretario Técnico de la Comisión Estatal para la Planeación y Programación de la Educación Media Superior en el Estado de Colima, así como asesor de la Dirección General del Bachillerato de la SEP entre 2001 y 2005.

Fue nombrado secretario técnico de la Red Nacional del Nivel Medio Superior Universitario de la ANUIES (2001-2005). De 2007 a 2011 fue Coordinador de la región centro occidente de la Comisión Nacional de Innovación Curricular de la misma Asociación.

Es miembro de la corresponsalía Colima del Seminario de Cultura Mexicana y de la Red Iberoamericana de Investigadores en Políticas Educativas. Recientemente se integró como colaborador del equipo de investigación  “Competencias educativas e innovación”, de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, España.

Como profesor en la Facultad de Pedagogía desempeña su labor cada semestre,  formando a los jóvenes estudiantes en licenciatura y maestría. Recientemente obtuvo perfil PROMEP, logro que alcanzó por su nivel competitivo en la Universidad de Colima.

Invitado como conferencista en más de 30 universidades e instituciones educativas locales y nacionales: eventos estatales de educación media superior, congresos nacionales de tutoría, coloquios y foros de educación superior. Entre las universidades que lo han invitado, destacan, la UNAM, el IPN, la UdeG, UANL, UADY, UAN, UABC, UAEM, UAEMex, UAG, UACM y la UAS.

Además ha participado como organizador de eventos académicos en conjunto con la Universidad de Guadalajara y la UNAM, así como en la gestión para que reconocidos expertos en el tema educativo se acerquen a la Universidad de Colima para establecer diálogos y compartir reflexiones, como Fernando Savater, Carlos Rodrigues Brandão, Óscar Jara, Amador Guarro, Manuel Álvarez, Rosa María Torres, Andrés Oppenheimer, Juan Miguel Batalloso, Pep Aparicio, Eustaquio Romao, Mabel Bellochio, Luis Porter, Ángel Díaz Barriga, Pablo Latapí y Alicia de Alba.

Ha participado como autor del capítulo Educación, escuela y valores, del libro “Juventud, salud sexual y comunicación” (2009); coautor del “Modelo curricular para la educación superior” (2008); coordinador de los libros “Presente y futuro del bachillerato” (2007), “Paulo Freire: Praxis de la utopía y la esperanza” (2007); coordinador del proyecto editorial en “La educación para una sociedad democrática” de Fernando Savater (2011), “Pensar en la universidad de cara al siglo XXI” de Ángel Díaz Barriga (2011) y “Una buena educación. Reflexiones sobre la calidad” de Pablo Latapí (2008).

Su libro más reciente se titula “Figuras y paisajes de la educación” (2011).

Además de conjugar sus labores de funcionario y profesor de tiempo completo, es columnista en distintos medios y agencias informativas locales y nacionales, donde ofrece una opinión a la sociedad sobre la situación educativa en México y el mundo.


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40 thoughts on “Semblanza personal

  1. Balvanero

    Hecho en la Universidad de Colima, con visión local y presencia nacional e internacional….

  2. Eduardo Jimenez 1° D

    I see a great person, who has never stopped supporting education, I have no more to congratulate him and wish him luck in the elections rectoriales.

  3. Saúl Alejandro Jiménez Mendoza 1°A

    I think that his profesional experience is extensive and he gaves to know his abilities.

    I find interesting, everything he has conducted along his life.

    I did not know that he is a columnist, he must be very good.

    I think best people have good opportunities.

  4. Alberto

    Mucha suerte en este proceso, es buena carta para dirigir los cursos de la Universidad de Colima.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Gracias Alberto, el buen Llanes, un abrazo!

  5. Felicidades Maestro

    Maestro Estamos con usted apoyándolo en las buenas y en las malas, lo conozco y se que es una persona recta por lo que cuenta conmigo y con mi voto


    Vicente Salazar Reyes

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Gracias Sandra!

  6. edgar eduardo zepeda orozco 1"D"

    I find interesting, everything he has conducted along his life.
    I have no more to congratulate him and wish him luck in the elections rectoriales.
    I think best people have good opportunities.
    edgar eduardo zepeda orozco 1″D”

  7. Luis Alonso Hernandez 1ro A

    Well I think what the Mr JC Yanez is a great person, he was work into university of colima for long time, I am agree absolutely with he.
    Is a great candidate I think so and I will like me he win the rectory place.

    good luck.

  8. Daniela Moctezuma Garcia 1A

    I think that you can develop a good work as principal.

    You have a good preparing and experience professional.

    Also, I have realized that is a person very cult, thanks your publications.

    So that you have my support in the elections.

  9. Jose Manuel Tapia Gonzalez 1A

    The applicant of rector is something very serious, as is the maximun job into of the University for this you will secure a good work and i sure that you can do.
    The election of rector most be whit democracy and i listen that the opinion of a student never is considered, perhaps we pertain at the community Universitary, “i heard” hope is mistaken.
    I consider that you is a good applicant at the rectoria.
    Your studies talk and i think that whit you work into of the university i consider that you will win.


  10. David Toledo Zúñiga 1B

    I think that his professional experience is extensive and is very important.
    You are a great person.
    Is a great candidate for the rectory.
    Good luck Doctor.

  11. Christian Daniel Rentería Garcia 1.-D

    Now I can understand why you think in this way.
    You have more knowledge that most of the candidates.
    You have a good profesional experience.
    Good luck with your campaign.

  12. Erick Donaldo Arceo Magaña 1D

    I say again you’re very trained for the position.
    I think that someone like you, and with this curriculum is the right person for be principal.
    I don’t know the others candidates but, i don’t think there someone exceed at yours.
    I wish you good luck Doctor you still so.

  13. victor alejandro escalera sanchz 1-D

    It would be an honor to have you as our president of the University of Colima.
    I am surprised at their achievements.
    You are a great example to follow.
    I wish you luck for this big step.

  14. Edsel Barbosa Gonzalez 1D

    You have good cards with
    which played the stay as president,
    I wish you the best of luck
    and encourage teacher.

  15. kevin roberto gomez peralta 1 "D"

    Professional experience is extensive will be a great rector.

    Do not think there is a better candidate than you.

    Prove to everyone that you can do for this university.

    Dr. luck that their proposals are realized.


    Submitted its application as an aspirant to the rectory of the U of C.

    He was director of the School of Education from 1993 to 1997.

    Organizadorde participate in academic events as together with the University of Guadalajara and the UNAM.

    He was named technical secretary of the national network of senior high ANUIE.

  17. victor fidel garcia sanchez 1b

    I find it interesting that has been licensed in higher education from the University of Colima.
    He was appointed secretary of the national network technician from high school college.
    He was a guest speaker at 30 universities.
    He has participated as an organizer of academic events.


    I see that you are a person of many studies, congratulations.
    I see you’ve also written many books.
    You have done great things that not everyone can get.
    Really is a person from whom you can learn a lot.

  19. Omar Salvador Gutiérrez Zamora 1° D

    It is easy to notice how experienced you are in education themes.
    It is also easy to notice when someone if commited to what they believe.
    The only way to acomplish one’s goals is to keep trying.
    I wish you good luck, may you succeed on your quest.

  20. Jever Amezcua Garcia 1D

    I think you have excellent experience.

    I consider it a good candidate to the rectory.

    I wish you good elections.

    I wish a democratic election.

  21. Karen Stephanie Fletes Tejeda

    It’s really interesting to know more about your professional experience.
    I think you’ve worked hard throughout your life to accomplish all these things.
    I didn’t know about the book you published in 2011.
    You’re the best candidate without a doubt.

    Karen Stephanie Fletes Tejeda 1° “D”

  22. Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras 1D

    To be rector must have good academic resources.

    The places where ah exercised are renowned.

    The work that has been done a number of these.

    To be president of any college you need to have responsibility and desire to work properly.

  23. Jose de Jesus Jimenez Garcia 1D

    It has a good educational history.
    You can aspire to that position, you know the education of Colima.
    People like you are the University of Colima need.
    And I hope everything works out in the best way.

  24. Keila Abigail Valdéz Pérez 1D

    We are proud you are a graduate of the University of Colima.
    It is an example for us undergraduates.
    It gives us hope that we can be better and improve our state.
    It is an example that if we work hard we can achieve our aims.

  25. Victor Ivan Lopez Gonzalez 1A

    You are a wonderful person.

    I personally like to have a rector like you.

    The University of Colima need someone with knowledge as much as you.

    I hope he wins and stays as rector of the university.

  26. Jesus Roberto Trejo Quiroz 1B

    I think you can do a good job as rector.
    You are a great example to follow.
    Your curriculum is extensive.
    All studies that you have are very impressive.

  27. sergio rodrigo ceceña lares 1B

    Very certain what you say, is an electoral process in which it is possible to win or lose, does not matter the one who is the new rector imports like sera the course that him of wing university. We know that you gave the better thing during the choices.

  28. José Luis Garza Gallegos

    You have a very good personal career.
    Make more ties to other universities is very important.
    Education is very important for a democratic country.
    For me, a rector with a blog would be cool, much better than other public servers.

  29. Oscar Arturo Gonzalez Ramirez 1°B

    In addition to official combine their work and full professor, a columnist in various media and local and national news agencies.

    Education for a democratic society is better.

    The sole purpose of showcasing some of the most relevant actions.

    You have a good experience preparing and professional.

  30. Hector Jose Manzo Briceño 1D

    I like your academic record.
    Only wish you luck.
    You have good expectations for guiding.
    But we are still waiting.

  31. sergio eduardo palomino diaz 1´ D

    I like your comment.
    I’ll be on your part because the university needs a change.
    You are a great example to follow.
    I think best people have good opportunities.

  32. Jorge Caballero 1º "D"

    I think this is a good chance for having a rector, with whom we are in accordance. No doubt that is supported by many students and teachers of the university. Myself included. Good Luck!

  33. Ignacio Ramirez 1A

    I think you could be a good rector
    is very interesting to read your great experiences Professionals and the struggle that one must do to achieve their goals.
    I hope you achieve your goals and help the regeneration of the university
    I wish you good luck

  34. Antonio Torres Figueroa

    Is clear that pedagogy is-his passion.

    We need people who are interested in educacion as you.

    That prepare better teachers.

    For a better educational development in Mexico.

  35. Maria Guadalupe Alvarez Negrete 1° "B"

    i hope that you can stay in this way..
    someday.. someday all the students will
    have some powder in the university and you be the most important 🙂 because you are the some people that its not interesting in the money or others privilegers

  36. Martha Cecilia Trevizo Villanueva

    El maestro que nos motivo a leer,felicidades.

  37. Francisco Javier Gutierrez Mondragon 1o D

    I personally like to have a rector like you.

    I see you’ve also written many books.

    You are a great person.

    Education is very important for a democratic country.

  38. Jose Ivan Martinez Najera

    I say again you’re very trained for the position.
    I think that someone like you, and with this curriculum is the right person for be rector.
    I don’t know the others candidates but, i don’t think there someone exceed at yours.
    I wish you good luck Doctor you still so.

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