Exhibida como modelo de desarrollo económico por algunas décadas, la democracia chilena parece agotada. Un año después de haberse puesto traje de héroe con el rescate de los mineros, el presidente del país andino no encuentra la madeja. El fin de semana el movimiento estudiantil chileno, que sacude los cimientos de la estructura política, asestó un golpe contundente. Si ya se advertía que no eran un puñado y no estaban solos, lo confirmó la convocatoria a un acto público que habría reunido, según los organizadores, cerca de un millón de personas. Siete horas duró la convivencia de familias, niños, estudiantes, profesionales y figuras de la música y el arte. La cita, llamada “Domingo familiar por la educación”, cumplió su cometido. El diario “La tercera” publicó: “El objetivo era una fiesta ciudadana. Y así fue”.
La sociedad chilena se polariza. El reporte de la policía indica que habrían sido cien mil asistentes y no la monumental cifra que manejan los estudiantes. La polémica en prensa está abierta: unos contra los estudiantes, otros a favor de sus demandas. La escritora Isabel Allende dibujó el corazón del problema: “El conflicto estudiantil es la punta del iceberg”. Defensora de los jóvenes dijo: “La alternativa de una educación de calidad y gratuita es una demanda básica. Y el lucro es parte del sistema neoliberal, que ya no funciona… el tema de fondo es la igualdad de oportunidades.”
El modelo más acabado que pudo pulir el neoliberalismo, orgullo de Milton Friedman, asesor de Pinochet apenas nacía la dictadura, está siendo duramente cuestionado en la parte más vulnerable, la que se relaciona con los derechos sociales, con la equidad, es decir, “con la mano invisible” de Adam Smith. Efectivamente, los números de la economía chilena le merecieron elogios del Fondo Monetario Internacional. Fue una aplicación que trajo progreso en macro indicadores y se olvidó de las personas. Un sistema con destellos que permitió la más feroz avanzada de la privatización de la educación superior, la cual obliga a los estudiantes a pagar matrículas anuales de entre 4 mil y 10 mil dólares.
El país de Pablo Neruda, ayer ejemplo, hoy parece la advertencia más próxima para que los gobiernos afines piensen cuatro veces si avanzan en la privatización de su educación y se exponen a que, más temprano que tarde, regresen la dignidad y la rebeldía a las calles para protestar por un derecho universal. (Sígueme en Twitter@soyyanez)
Los ejemplos se multiplican en América del sur y Europa, como bien señalas, el Neoliberalismos es un modelo agotado que no es sostenible ni en los países que lo impulsan… y en nuestros países y en los más pobres del orbe, generan una desigualdad atroz…
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Así es Balvanero, y ahora los jóvenes estudiantes chilenos y muchos sectores de esa sociedad están haciendo patentes los defectos que habían disfrazado con indicadores económicos alejados de la realidad-real.
Germán Osorio Novela
Como siempre, sus comentarios pertinentes. La situación chilena es verdaderamente interesante.
El neoliberalismo, nuevamente, está siendo atacado y, en esta ocasión, por la sociedad donde se presumía que éste habia arrojado los mejores resultados.
Ya desde hace años se han expuesto, por científicos sociales, de manera fehaciente, las fallas intrínsecas que tiene el neoliberalismo como modelos de desarrollo económico, sobre todo, como bien lo menciona, en temas de igualdad de oportunidades, asignación y distribución de riqueza, o vamos, concentración del ingreso.
Un servidor, por mi preparación académica, le puedo mencionar que la literatura económica contemporanea ha señalado modelos alternativos que, a priori, se cree podrían resolver todos los problemas que el neoliberalismo ha dejado; entre los más mencionados, se encuentran los de enfoque postkeynesiano, institucionalista, e inclusive, algunos más radicales, consideran el regreso del “estado benefactor”, en su versión más inédita.
Vamos, parece haber ya un consenso en que el neoliberalismo se encuentra en agonía, pero, ¿qué debe seguir en lugar de éste? con todos los actores que deben conjugarse, vaya desafío…!
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Germán, gracias por tu comentario. Es cierto, existe un claro consenso, más o menos contundente, en el estado de agotamiento del neoliberalismo. Lo que seguiría ya está siendo objeto de debate en las ciencias sociales, me parece que todavía a un nivel más teórico y menos ejemplificado en algún país.
Luis Antonio Narajo Mora 1B
I think that is unfair the privatization of the education. The education, as is in México, should be a right for everybody, regardless the country they are from. If a country wants to progress, the government of “the country” should pay more attention to the education of its citizens. The citizens are the country itself.
Arthur Edwards
The financial and economic system of the world has reached its breaking point. Where is the money? Who has the money? Nobody really knows because the financial system is so fluid. What is true is that there is a redistribution of wealth. The poor have had to support failing banks that once again are making money. No regulations have been passed so their greed is still manifest and their practices are still dangerous. In 1994, the December error cost millions of Mexicans their homes, their cars, the value of their savings….and their money went to the banks. We will be paying a very long time.
Now it has happened all over the world. The entire world will now pay.
What this has to do with education is that the governments want to find a way out of spending money of education and other socially important obligations. Their answer is to privatize. Let’s privatize the kindergartens so children can die burned to death at the ABC. Let’s privatize education so that the state no longer has to pay. Let’s deregulate so that the state no longer has to worry about controlling education or other important functions.
In this way, we pass money from the people to those who have more money than they know what to do with. In this way, we all become poorer as there is insufficient regulation to insure equity and equality, as well as other freedoms we enjoy in our public education.
The Chileans are ahead of us insofar as this problem is concerned. We need to look at what is happening there and see how we can still make corrections.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Arthur, como tú, pienso que Chile es un espejo para mirarse y corregir o para disfrazar los errores que hundes a millones y millones en la pobreza y la desesperanza.
aldo david hernandez
I reality I really think that neoliberalismo now depends on everyone. In know how to use the best you have to spew good results, but however it is a good point that young people, others people are capases to solve all the problem that neoliberalismo a however not all care about neoliberalismo
Pedro Madrigal Velasco 1°B
I think that this doing the Chilean government is the same that pass in the all countries in the end your government and looking it as sympathize the people for vote by they to follow ruling in that country.
Juan Pedro Tintos Mendoza 1 B
I have not even heard about that situation in Chile, but now that I read, it is interesting to know about how about that student’s movement against the system. I do not really know what the conflict was, and I´m still not informed about is, actually, I do not even know what the neoliberalism is, can somebody tell me please? The good thing is that not everything is as it seems to be, like the past heroic rescue in the mines.
Juan Pedro Tintos Mendoza 1 B
I have not even heard about that situation in Chile, but now that I read, it is interesting to know about that student’s movement against the system. I do not really know what the conflict was, and I´m still not informed about it, actually, I do not even know what the neoliberalism is, can somebody tell me please? The good thing is that not everything is as it seems to be, like the past heroic rescue in the mines.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Juan Pedro, lo que está pasando en Chile es complicado de resumir en pocas líneas. En mi artículo intenté un resumen de lo que pretende el movimiento estudiantil y alguna relación con México.
Ojalá leas un poco más y puedas aportar un comentario al respecto.
axel orozco 1B
It’s actually stupid to privatize education because kids receiving an education are the future, they are the one’s who will apport something to their country once they finish their studies. I have never met a student that is a successful business man without an education.
ivan alejandro novela macias 1°B
This is an example of the power of the masses for a good cause, something where we can take a little and apply it to our country as a system of pressure to resolve issues that affect us and sink to mexico.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Iván, es correcto, es un ejemplo que tiene sus seguidores y sus detractores. Cada uno debemos evaluar y tomar un punto de vista propio con argumentos.
Ernesto Alcaraz Andrade 1"D"
I like the way Chilean students make manifestations without fights and violence, and make a manifestation pacific and with family environment that talk very well of them and that they can be hear without violence and unrest.
they are demonstrate to the worl than the students can dialogue peacefully.
Arthur Edwards
Juan Pedro,
La información se encuentra en muchos lugares. Una persona crítica y propositiva hace su tarea e investiga!
Irving De La Mora 1B
Every government in the end cease to be viable. not endure the burdens that the governed demand. Students are an ejemplo a seguir by demand their right to education, but in this country, how to agree a hundred million people?
Armando Vazquez Zamora 1° B
The country of Chile is should the opportunity the students, no most ban the education, is most as Mexico because if they do not opportunity what is the country without students, the students is future of the country as Mexico
Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz 1°B
I think that’s a good idea, cause when we include not just students, when we include family circle and students, we
improve our community and our behavior into a work team, or any other idea. Title is something very important in
this activity, because when we think about it, we look the kind of behavior in our daily circle.
Manuela Rodriguez Niebla 1B
The privatizacion of education in Chile is an error, the protest of the people is a success, that excuse will the Government of Chile to the world for it´s intransigence, this situation is a horror movie.
Eduardo Valentín Hernández Aguilar 1-B
now the goverment have to think carefully about privatize some things.in my opinion privatizing is like become poorer and i´m not talking only about money, poorer in the way that people couldn´t get or access to some freedoms and important activities.
Tenochtitlan Xamonek Caldera Barajas 1° D
I think this movement that do the students, not is some bad that the press are against them, was a citizen party, was some healthy, nobody result hurt, if the goverment want avoid this problems, then must attend the needs of the citizens.
Jose Carlos Hernandez Hernandez 1B
I think.. the education in chile show you that as country we are very good in education, is for that reason that we have to take all the opportunities that we get.
Alan Rair Guzman Delgado 1ªD
In my opinión privatizing just make the poor more poor, there is no balance in the economic aspect, also that shows that the rich people don’t cares leave others without the money to feed their family and least to pay an education.
Ramon Francisco Martinez Velazquez 1 D
In my opinion i think the government a mistake wanting to people abuse, for though the governament not choose the peaple this reveals mor sooner or later and always wins
Maribel Perallta Larios 1°D
I believe that is injusta , the situation for the on come the student .
I agree of agreement, the student they all the rights to work hard is just.
I get to thinking that If the students are the future. The next leaders and workers, as they were able to privatize education without thinking of the skill
Maria Dolores Adán Santillán 1.-D
1.-I tnink the education should not privatize
2.-If we to make progress i sour to begin.
3.-And take away we early as something stable.
4.-I don´t like prefer to spend in thing not necesary instead of favourable for all.
Javier Alexis Cernas Avalos 1.-D
I believe Chile must try to agree with the youths, because, as we all know, they’re the future of the world and if they want a better education, is because they know that with better education they will be prepared for the future..
José Carlos Llerenas Montes 1-A
I think these students are right to demand a education of quality.
The government already should be listen to this movement because the many people who make.
If it’s true that was one million, the police, to reduce this amount, is showing signs that affects him and don’t want that number increase.
I think, they win or lose, it’s good the youngs complain clearly and with luck they achieve reconsider to who deprive their education.
1A Omar Alejandro Rios Del Toro
Have more information. I think what the young we the future and they should take in consideration. This is the I think but always there more options.
1A Ricardo Ploneda Espindola
These projects are doing as a country grow and excel as a society. We the students are the future of the world and we have to solve problems peacefully and a example is Chile.The way they solved their problems and fight for his ideals is to follow to be better as country.
Edgar Daniel Gaitan Rodriguez 1°A
I personally I think that is particular and what they are doing it young Chileans since it is a corruption that will privatize the education of youth is right now if k is going to be president of the Andean nation is not the skein AS ONE YEAR AGO iS PUT tHE SUIT aS MINERS SUPPORT ——- 2SUPUESTO “to the families of this.
Ismael Perez Avalos 1B
Certainly it’s a lesson for the countries that are going the same way, the privatization of the education it’s a really difficult theme because increases the cost of the education taking it away from a big part of the population, in no cases taking away opportunities of education it’s good, no matter the reason. I want to thank you for the information you give us, I feel shame but the truth is that I had never put attention in this conflict before, thanks again.
salvador hernandez francisco 1°A
We students are the future of a good society in this country i world.This projects designed to improve coexistence between the company or group of people are perfectly fine for improvement.
but our country is not far behind MEXICO. …¡¡¡¡¡¡ eye first is our
alvaro arellano galvez 1"A"
In my point the education there have ruls for all contrys. beacause whit the privatization of education for that cause for delinquency. beacause the half part of the students don’t studi in this times we can convert in more drugers. Fot that i say the education need more support to the maximum.
Rubén Ricardo Trujillo García 1 A
In my reviews me seems very wrong it that this doing the laws Chilean that is very similar to it that this going today in Mexico, you are taking more importance to it that is the technology and spend millions and millions of weights to disque improve and it only that make is give less opportunities to the students.
Roberto Quintero Cervantes 1`D
I think that it was a great choice that the students didn’t use violence in the manifestations,because they have the right to demand an education from the goverment and they are doing it the right way.
Alan Cisneros Godinez 1A
How interesting is the country CHILEAN, the president knows how to treat their people to be all alone, that’s good.
osdy gersaid fletes arreola 1 "A"
The governor dont case the planned.These serve in the future the education Chilean.The students to raise the voice in Chile.It’s good for students to give econnomy to the Chile.
Alejandro Gilberto Heredia Morán 1°B
I agree that the students act to defend their rights, in this case the education, but they should make actions not just for this cause, but other causes that are topics of every day: corruption and violence, and everything must be done by the dialogue, a clear example is “La Marcha por la Paz” by the wirtter Javier Sicilia, the goverment has to learn to listen but we must learn to talk.
cesar ivan castro carrillo 1*D
I think if it is important to invert in education but for me the most important thing is that as you mentioned is that it strengthens the ethics, morality and humility prevail
Miguel rosales ochoa 1A
1.My opinion is that political say the good and not the 2.problems of the country.
3.I think that the people already not attend to vote the false promises of the rules.
4.The manifestations are the result of the commitments that not meet.
Are good performing movements to have one word better?
Alan Cisneros Godinez 1A
My opinion is that this well has the government strikes to see the flaws that his country.
Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios 1A
I think so that I agree with you. The Neoliberalism is a model exhausted, that is not sustainable in countries that declare that the report. That all the contries will never have a well government that support all students to excel, always the estudents for ther own accounts, they will have to stand alone.
diego alejandro 1b
i taste are worry to subject what to very common every year that countries have are problem the demans that there are race an example here that some are not at the races the that they wish i the us we need young orientation to know we that
Diego Alberto Rodriguez Jaramillo 1D
In my opinion is a good way of the young chileans to defend theirs rights, through a peaceful manifestation for a good cause such as education.
Alicia Soto 1°A
Is noticed the determination of the young, that want study; that want an education better day by day. As well as tell us ” the kinds and young are the future. Es a way to defend what is law. And is very true of the equality of opportunities as the Chileans, as in Mexico.
Francisco Javier Chan Ramirez 1°B
My opinion is that in Mexico, we can’t see something like that, I don’t know if it is because it is not happened yet, or if it is because in Mexico the education is not good at all.
I consider necessary to take good models to follow. In this way, we can avoid the same mistake. I notice that the principals of the education apply new ways to teach; however, I think that they could do more than this.
It is unbelievable, the situation In Chile; we can see how the students are the responsible to grow up the economy, but it is regrettable to see how they do protests to get it. I hope never to see that in Mexico because everything could happen due to the money.
Manuel ALejandro Rodriguez Valdovinos 1°D
Actually my view is that young people should demand more personally because the government is taking advantage of society and youth are in fact all of their right to express their sense of opinion and that education should be free and a right of all young people, really young people should unite and demand their rights as well as the governor is very wrong and just wants to win people over, I believe that education can be charged but not exploited.
Rommel Salvador Juárez Rodríguez 1 B
In my opinion the privatization of the educations is a really bad idea, because everyone has law of it, and nobody has law, neither the government, to take it away.
Julio Daniel Rodriguez Puga 1 A
I think that the students Chilean made well.took a good decision, the truth in Mexico if we come to express of this way or we did something like, who knows “OUR GOVERNMENT” against us for not to carry out and for susupress (as always) or right of free express. I feel good for the students Chileans who dared to speak out for a better quality of studies! 🙂
Ivan Alejandro Vega Flores
It’s said that violence result in violence. In this case, in my opinion, the pacific manifestation of a huge grouping of people would generate a few important changes in the way to govern a country. But break off a politic system will require to impose another, surely better.
Maria Lizbeth Ochoa Sarmienta 1B
“The Chilean movement” as well as designate the rectors of Mexican public university, you is should listen and understand, and comply the demand Chileans students,they want the social improvement in the educational and above all prestige by giving a good education.
yet I dare to compare the type of education in Mexico remains a country with improvements, but still fails to get an education well grounded.
Adrian Vizcaino Martinez 1B
Why having this economic model type?
Can’t they see that it affects all the Chilean young people?
Where did the phrase “The future are the young people” go?
Miguel Leòn Bautista 1º "A"
I think that the politics not should mix with the education for any reason.
Because that is the cause of that in Chile and in many places are given the manifestations .
I think that is unfair the privatization of the education.
I feedstuff that it Mexicans have that take as example to continue …
daniel 1:D
education should be free and without any profit FN by as the students were the future of the country itself
daniel 1:D
in the country of Chile is an injustice to students that are paying a lot of money, education should be free, and not for any profit.
Enrique Madrigal Diaz 1 A
I think the base for development of country is educacion.
Privatize education is walking back in the development human and country.
Educaton is law that belong to us all.
Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto 1-b
If the study is seen as the policy is profit profit education should improvements to society.
if students are thus united in wanting finding of oppression.
Luis Guillermo Briceño Ochoa 1° "D"
it’s a shame howexpensive is the education in this country ,when apart of being a right it should also be an obligation because for every progress we must start with a wothy education