Opinión en radio

El movimiento estudiantil chileno y sus enseñanzas

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

Chile, el laboratorio más avanzado de las políticas neoliberales, orgullo del Fondo Monetario Internacional, parece hoy el laboratorio más perfecto para experimentar en campo ajeno. Las lecciones que de allí se desprenden son una hipótesis sobre el futuro posible o indeseable. En el centro de los cuestionamientos del movimiento estudiantil está la enseñanza superior, presa de tendencias a las que se suma nuestro país desde hace algunos años.

En México se analizan en estos días, en diversos espacios, temas álgidos, como el derecho a la educación y el presupuesto para la enseñanza, especialmente para las universidades públicas. Ambos tienen su especificidad, pero también lazos imposibles de disolver: de los recursos depende, en buena medida, una educación de calidad para todos.

Los jóvenes chilenos protestan porque el progreso económico en sus grandes indicadores no se tradujo en una sociedad equitativa. ¿Qué quieren los estudiantes y una porción considerable de la sociedad chilenas? Exigen derecho a una buena educación, mayor inyección de recursos públicos al sistema escolar, ayudas a estudiantes, más acceso a las universidades, no promover una educación elitista y excluyente, y sí otra que sea una plataforma de movilidad social.

Los rectores de las universidades públicas mexicanas están demandando, como el movimiento social chileno, presupuesto y una comprensión distinta de la educación pública. Aquí, como allá, el fondo no es de dinero, es de proyectos; no es de economía, es de ética. Lo que está en juego es la contestación a preguntas como qué tipo de nación queremos, qué tipo de mexicanas y mexicanos vamos a formar. De las respuestas dependerá el país del presente pero, sobre todo, el que seremos en 20 años.

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72 thoughts on “El movimiento estudiantil chileno y sus enseñanzas

  1. Luis Antonio Narajo Mora 1B

    I like the way of thinking of the chilean students. The education should be for everybody, everybody have the right to study. Instead of privatize the education the government should support the poor citizens.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Gracias por tu comentario Luis Antonio, sin duda, esa lucha en Chile es una lucha por la dignidad y por un derecho universal al que todos tendríamos que acceder, salvo que uno decidiera otras opciones.

      1. Arthur Edwards

        Luis Antonio:

        I like the way of thinking of the chilean students. The education should be for everybody, everybody have the right to study. Instead of privatize the education the government should support the poor citizens.

        “Everybody HAS”, pravitizing

        Well written, well argumented GOOD WORK!

  2. Balvanero

    Ética, Juan Carlos, una palabra que es un misterio para muchas personas, desafortunadamente…

  3. Arthur Edwards

    Any economic system that is not just for the people is going to eventually fail. The modern challenge is to keep a capitalist system that will permit everyone to participate and receive benefits. However, one component of capitalism is GREED. It is wanting everything four oneself, and not caring about anybody else. That is the paradox. When we speak of ANY political or economic system (Communism, Socialism, Democracy, Capitalism, etc.) people’s imperfections cause these systems not to work. Communism fell, socialist countries with high debts because of their “welfare” states are bankrupt and purely capitalist countries like the USA are beginning to fail because of structural problems.

    Creating a system that provides for human dignity and equality of opportunities for everyone has always evaded mankind.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Arthur, un apunte excelente: en el centro deben estar las personas, sus derechos, su dignidad.

      1. Cordy

        Life is short, and this arctile saved valuable time on this Earth.

  4. aldo david hernandez

    Actually Chileans have reason to inject more money or economic support, for some school wing continue their education or are provided, to students attend other school and larges organization counted with a great work ethic for everyone to have better nation but they need to have a great work ethic.

  5. Juan Pedro Tintos Mendoza 1 B

    Damn, is it really that bad the situation in Chile? I didn´t know about it but now that i read this, it is true, and I think that what Chilean students are demanding is the same in other countries, like here in Mexico for example, education is fundamental for everybody, we all have that right, and government here in Mexico must help the universities and schools with resources to keep the education in the right way, to be a better country tomorrow, finally it depends on us, we are that future.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Juan Pedro, este comentario revela que los elementos que tienes ya te permiten juzgar un poco la situación y ubicar la justeza o no de sus demandas.

      La educación es un derecho que tenemos sólo por haber nacido!

    2. Arthur Edwards

      Well-written and expressed!

    3. Juan Pedro Tintos Mendoza 1 B

      Yes that is right, I have read other commentaries here about this movement and they all have the reason, Chilean students must fight for it, they must fight to reach that right to study, actually, we all have to fight to reach every goal that we have, me for example, I really wanted to study in Telematics, so I did what I had to do, and reached my goal, actually I had to make some sacrifices, like leaving my work for example, so Chilean students are doing what is right, it makes me remember what happened years ago in Tlatelolco with those students here in Mexico, sadly, it had not a good ending.

  6. axel orozco 1B

    its true if this chilean students want to study then they should fight to have the right to continue with their education. everyone in this worls deserves a shot a success and no one should take that away from you education is the base of society, of life.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Así es Axel, la educación es un derecho y todos debemos tener la oportunidad, si uno la aprovecha o no, eso es otra historia.

    2. Arthur Edwards

      “a shot at success” As long as people feel they can succeed, they will participate in civil society. It’s when people feel like they have no shot when injustice and hostility grows.

  7. Ernesto Alcaraz Andrade 1"D"

    I think that whole world shuold have the oportunity to estudy if the want like the Chilean students say.

    The gobermet have to think very clear their reaction of this acts and choose the better opcion for the students.

    1. Arthur Edwards


      I think that whole world shuold have the oportunity to estudy if the want like the Chilean students say.
      The gobermet have to think very clear their reaction of this acts and choose the better opcion for the students.

      Shuold SHOULD…spelling! estudy STUDY…spelling
      the “THEY want” gobermet GOVERNMENT…spelling
      this THESE acts…plural. This act es 1 acto. These acts son varios!
      opcion OPTION…spelling

      Necesitas eliminar los errores ortográficos. Tenemos correctores en línea y ya no existe porque cometer errores como estos……

  8. Irving De La Mora 1B

    I hope in twenty years we have an educated society, a society should have now but the thought of Mexican, others do it or him think that will not do the difference, will keep us in the current situation. Education is a right, but who really realize it?

  9. Ivan Alejandro Novela Macias 1°B

    Again Chile is an example of what can happen in but countries where the education puts on in second instance, it is correct that the education has to be for all, you should never privatize, that serious to cut many of the lives and illusions of many students that could not finance this way an education.

  10. Armando Vazquez Zamora 1° B

    The students is have reason to protest because they is have right study, not must ban the students study because they is the future of the family, in all world the students is have right study

  11. Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz 1°B

    Really, not just in Chile, in our country we have the misfortune of look it sometimes, cause in a lot of countries
    or places it happens, government worries more on their problems, without take a look that in the future we’ll be
    the same or worse than now, because they don’t do anything to contribute enough to education for the next citizens
    who are going in front to the ethics of each country.

  12. Pedro Madrigal Velasco 1°B

    I share some idea Juan Pedro but there that contrast to Mexico the education is fundamental but the students don’t demand teachers of quality and don’t we the our part to learning better if don’t that most part of times us conform with it is gives, become that serves have it unless know take advantage

  13. Pedro Madrigal Velasco 1°B

    forgiveness,in mexico the student don´t demand teachers of quality

  14. Manuela Rodriguez Niebla 1B

    I saw on the news that the family of a chilean student, they are foreclosing on their house because they can not pay your child´s school, being that education shoul be free for the benefit of the Government.
    From this day shall begin to save for my child´s studies.

  15. Jose Carlos Hernandez Hernandez 1B

    I think the governments invest more in another kind of proyects when they know that the education is the pillar for a better country and when this school are publics…the price wich generate is very high and lots of applicants dont have the enough resources. If the government support to the universitys the fee will be less and with lees fees… more number of students

  16. Eduardo Valentín Hernández Aguilar 1-B

    All is based in education, i really admire the way that chilean studentes are agreeing for their rights, privatazing is not the only way to improve the country, maybe some new ideas can help to the government to take a better decision

  17. Tenochtitlan Xamonek Caldera Barajas 1° D

    the estudents have the right to demand a society more fair and seves your needs, as are a just cause as their education, and the goverment is the obligation server this needs,
    as say the sr. Juan Carlos of the answers depend the country but above all that wich will in 20 years.
    this is reference of the answers of the goverment.

    1. Arthur Edwards

      the estudents have the right to demand a society more fair and seves your needs, as are a just cause as their education, and the goverment is the obligation server this needs,
      as say the sr. Juan Carlos of the answers depend the country but above all that wich will in 20 years.
      this is reference of the answers of the goverment.

      THE (siempre empiezas con mayúsculas
      seves SERVES
      your needs THEIR NEEDS (hablas de necesidades de muchos, no los mios!

      the Sr. Juan Carlos…eliminia “the”


      Con diccionarios en línea, ya no hay porque tener errores de ortografía.

      Bien argumentado!

  18. Alan Rair Guzman Delgado 1ªD

    in my opinion i agree with what Eduardo Valentin said, education is the base, but education about values that help to construct a great nation, honest workers, good people with ideas to make this nation progress, privatizing, i think, is just focus in get more money for i don’t know what kind of proyects.

    1. Arthur Edwards

      in my opinion i agree with what Eduardo Valentin said, education is the base, but education about values that help to construct a great nation, honest workers, good people with ideas to make this nation progress. Privatizing, i think, is just focus in get more money for i don’t know what kind of proyects.(the money will be used for)

      “In” Mayúsculas!
      “i” I…la palabra yo en inglés es siempre mayúscula.
      progress. Privatizing …punto seguido y Mayúscula.
      “in get” ON GETTING
      “i” I
      Complete the final sentence.

      Well argumented and well structured. Great work!

  19. Ramon Francisco Martinez Velazquez 1 D

    I agree with you juan carlos for the end the public school is that the population not have the resources to the estudy abroad or “private schools” consider them and the graduates have the capasity to work in this and the this way compensate

  20. Maria Dolores Adán Santillán 1.-D

    I think the chileans students are doing a movement very important because something not only help thenm to next generations i hope what it softens the heart responsable of the education.

    1. Arthur Edwards

      I think the chileans students are doing a movement very important because something not only help thenm to next generations i hope what it softens the heart responsable of the education.

      “are organizing a very important movement”
      “but to the nest generations”
      “i” I..tiene que ser mayúsculas!

      Soften the heart! Very good comment. Sometimes we need to touch our hearts before we make decisions…and think about how it affects others!

      Very good thought!

  21. Maribel Perallta Larios 1°D

    In my opinion the México at Mexico we do not enjoy an excellent education or academic level
    academic as in other countries, but is less expensive for students.
    I don’t believe that within 20 years is a power but what if there is in Mexico the person are you concerned by the education and hope for the future

  22. Javier Alexis Cernas Avalos 1.-D

    I believe that the goberment of Mexico should start to copy this kind of actiones, being this the only one way Mexico could advances as a country, and if it’s needed to invest more in the education so this could happen, that what Mexico should do.

    1. Arthur Edwards


      I believe that the goberment of Mexico should start to copy this kind of actiones, being this the only one way Mexico could advances as a country, and if it’s needed to invest more in the education so this could happen, that what Mexico should do.

      “this kind of actions”….THESE kinds of actions. la palabra “this” es para 1 acción. La palabra “these” es plural para muchas!

      Oros errores mínimos…bien argumentado, pero copiar otros modelos no siempre funciona porque no somos chilenos….pero seguramente hay cosas de valor que nos pueden enseñar (o no hacer como ellos)

  23. 1A Omar Alejandro Rios Del Toro

    What country we want have?. This is to me, the young of today.
    Always try do of the live one hell. All to me is alone waste

  24. Edgar Daniel Gaitan Rodriguez 1°A

    I believe that in general the chile has many resources and very good educational institutions to use them and not waste as it is so, young people have the right to protest because the chile is a great power but is charging too much for it can be used in general Chile would be better than what you have and exploit their costs down.

  25. Ismael Perez Avalos 1B

    Thankfully the education in Mexico for now it’s relatively stable but it’s important to put a lot of attention in the decisions that the government are taking so we don’t get in the same problems that the education in Chile are now. It’s sad that the economical stability don’t get reflect in the education that it’s the best tool to ensure the future of a country.

  26. Rubén Ricardo Trujillo García 1 A

    In my reviews the education Mexican can be much better that the chile, it single that is need is more determination to support to the students.

    In my point of view I would know that this doing Mexico to support and contribute to the students to power see a advance scientific as the that this achieving and Chile ¿not them seems?

  27. cesar ivan castro carrillo 1*D

    I think that`s right countries have to think like things done without harming the people that the action of privatization of education will generate more violence that is supposedly what we want to end all countries

  28. Miguel rosales ochoa 1A

    1.In the most of the country there unconformities not matter the economy.
    2.With education is can go forward and avoid conflict social.
    3.I think the equity should is real and not single written in papers.
    4.Create projects to the education would help in the development of the economies.

  29. Roberto Quintero Cervantes 1`D

    Mexico should be doing the samething overhere.They sholud invest in the education so other youngmen can study and be something in life.Because honestly the education needs to get better.

  30. salvador hernandez francisco 1°A

    I do not think it is good to compare nor talk more but this is the case of two very different question Paiz all. A if and culture as you see the company entering another topic I want you to know that reality in our country if that we were up and down. We see very clear in any situation and in every sense of the word so we all worth it as well as any other person from another world

  31. osdy gersaid fletes arreola 1 "A"

    Because Chile and Mexico no?.The culture Chilean supports more the education.The futures generations have to give more in the formation academy.All we have to our part fot the changed Mexico.

  32. Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios 1A

    I think so. That is the situation CHILEAN is very interesting,I am embarrassed that is not a country so rich in education. I fell embarrassed that the goverment dont help them in nothing of the education. Is very well for MEXICO that support this situation CHILEAN.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Hola José Antonio, gracias por tu comentario.

  33. alvaro arellano galvez 1"A"

    I think that education must be for every one. And support to all the schools in material and resources for better installations for education. Also support to low-income students, for they them can study

  34. diego alejandro 1b

    juan carlos play an important topic is presicely Eastern studies the requerimets that school some students best, true that we future the mexico as well as students us to do all possible instead the time protesting ay que demostrar to authorities because must invest in us with facts

  35. Alejandro Gilberto Heredia Morán 1°B

    I agree that the education most be imparted by the resorts that they count, also the goverment must put of its part to make a education of true quality. Must be improve two aspects, a good inversion and quality education; not just must been formed good professionals but a good humans been.

  36. Diego Alberto Rodriguez Jaramillo 1D

    Like in Chile, Mexico is a country where there many inequalities, in my opinion in this country the universities costs are more accesibles, but this country has a big problem like the overpopulation that limits to the people to continue their studies.
    I’m agree in what you said at the end. A mexico without education in a future it will be a ignorant country.

    1. Arthur Edwards


      Errores mínimos…bien entendible! bien argumentado!

  37. José Carlos Llerenas Montes 1-A

    It is happening in Chile may help us to know what do in a similar situation.
    It’s important have the necessary resources to a education of quality.
    The education shouldn’t be a privilege of the elite, should be a right of all for equal.
    As the article says, the education depends what country we will become within a few years.

  38. Francisco Javier Chan Ramirez 1°B

    it is true what you said, however, I think that it is better to follow a good model/example and carry it out in our country. I think that there is an abuse of power in Chile because this type of event happened without a purpose.

  39. Manuel ALejandro Rodriguez Valdovinos 1°D

    ( OO ) As I can see Chile has a very good economy and excellent facilities. It is a great power but in my opinion they don’t know how to use these capacities. The Chilean government is abusing by increasing the costs in education. Besides it is losing authority and creating controversy among its people. I think Chile should make a good use of its resources in its education and it does not need to take advantage of these in its economy. Moreover, I could say that it should be aware and develop itself a little bit more, because it has all the resources it requires. Furthermore, I consider that the Chilean government should let the people express their complaints and fight for what they deserve, “who perseveres reaches”

    1. Arthur Edwards

      Casi perfecto gramaticalmente. Felicidades

      Bien escrito y buenas ideas!°

  40. Alicia Soto 1°A

    Clear that students ask more and better education is your law.
    And that if the problem is not money, but yes projects and los proyectos y la ética; Why not start if then it will be expensive.
    Should have the same law to study, as receive education.

  41. Maria Lizbeth Ochoa Sarmienta 1B

    The students have law of protest for their education, in my opinion personal it’s fine the protest, anymore that only fight it’s for the welfare of country of their inhabitant and of students for that the country can increase in all the aspect, it’s absurd find good politics to govern the country and without good political it imposible have good the future.

  42. Rommel Salvador Juárez Rodríguez 1 B

    I think the situation of Chile is cruel, the student of Chile has reason, everyone has law of the education, and everyone should be able to take it; the government should be careful to choose the answer, because a wrong answer can cause more problems with the students

  43. Julio Daniel Rodriguez Puga 1 A

    Good, in my opinion serious a very good option this of clamming for a better projection to the universities. Would open the doors for many young people enterprising whit win of study. Would have been good for the Mexicans begin whit some kind of movement same of the Chileans!. We could use as a country, as a society and as students are for a better education. And in case of don´t play the opportunity of this to me, I would my children have this opportunity

  44. 1A Ricardo Ploneda Espindola

    In my opinion the movement that made ​​the Chilean students it is very important not only help to each other,they help the population too because they are more together like a country.

  45. Ivan Alejandro Vega Flores 1ºA

    The situation in Chile should be, without a doubt, an example for all students and students-to-be, of knowing how to regain their…no, our rights. I think that if we don’t do it, who’s going to care? We should know our rights and how to demand respect for them so that we can become great people and create a great country.

  46. Adrian Vizcaino Martinez 1B

    I think that the mayor part will always have the reason, and the Chilean student’s must keep going on to reach that great education that the governments always ask for. It will be necessary a good system plan to reach a goal. Just we, in a team can solve this and create a better future for new generations.

  47. Miguel Leòn Bautista 1º "A"

    I think that in Chile as in many other places there is more money for education is not used to it.
    That is why the young Chilean require much capital that exists in their country be invested them Offer a good education.
    Why require they a good education worthy of them.
    I wonder giving himself a good education really to stop have manifestations.


    I feedstuff that should create a law to that the university is free..
    I think that education must be for every one.

  49. daniel 1:D

    Chile can be a country with great future and as for other countries

  50. daniel 1:D

    All governments need to take means to provide better education and invest in scholarships for poor students to continue studying

  51. Enrique Madrigal Diaz 1 A

    In my opinion Governments and rules they are fool matter of education. The education is key of development integral not only of the countries, as person , as human.
    The education is beginning the long a way that human walking and it^s not fair people like this close this way.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Así es Enrique, la educación es uno de los procesos más importantes y, justamente por ello, todos debemos tener derecho a una buena educación.

    2. Jayna

      Short, sweet, to the point, FREE-exactly as inorfatmion should be!

  52. Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto 1-b

    It is correct the rectors of Mexican public universities in Chile to support the wing position but to see them learn from the mistakes made that were not committed in Mexico. if the resources for education dobut what it is the desire to.

  53. Luis Guillermo Briceño Ochoa 1° "D"

    People from all over the world have the right of the education,and it’s a shame that there are still countries where it isn’t easy to have the freedom of this right limiting the oportunities of many young people ,all because of the econimic situation.

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