A cada muerte le corresponde su dolor. Hay muertes, también, que lo trascienden, que conmocionan a toda la sociedad o una parte de ella, por su crudeza, por la perversidad que las produjo, por la edad de las víctimas, por el clima social. Son muertes que duelen más allá del entorno familiar, que se cuelan en los sentimientos y dejan una estela de pesar e indignación en otros hogares. No hay fallecimientos útiles, pero sus dolores, los de esas pérdidas, abren paso a una nueva comprensión de la realidad, al descubrimiento de facetas ignoradas, a la constatación de algo que se negaba, como el automovilista sube los vidrios para no escuchar el ruido que augura problemas automotores, o el gobernante la prensa, excepto la que canta palabras dulces en su oído.
La conclusión parece lógica: un mazazo en el corazón del colectivo, después de instantes de ceguera, ensancha los poros de la sensibilidad y alerta a los ciudadanos. Pienso y siento que la sacudida de la semana anterior en un amplio sector de la sociedad colimense podría representar un punto y aparte, el inicio de un capítulo, de otros. No cabría esperar milagros, porque no hay victorias sin lucha, pero sí erigir un nivel de conciencia que aguardaba, quizá, el resorte adecuado.
La condena es unánime. Las razones del repudio variopintas. Surgen del miedo de las madres y padres con hijos en edades semejantes a las de Andrea; del temor de los ciudadanos que deben salir tarde de su escuela o trabajo; de la valentía de quienes han creído y siguen creyendo que el destino de los pueblos está en manos de ciudadanos, luego entonces, de quienes creen que la madurez de la sociedad se alcanza merced a los hombres y mujeres, no por la bonhomía de sus gobernantes; de la indignación que coloca a los seres humanos en el centro y no en las márgenes del sentido de la vida. Las razones son múltiples, pues, valiosas y alentadoras entre la tristeza.
La partida de la joven Andrea dejó muchos minutos de silencio. Pero también, quiero creer, la confirmación de que las sociedades son grandes por los lazos que la unen en lo íntimo, y que su savia sólo proviene del colectivo. A los minutos de silencio debe corresponder, además, la imaginación creadora, la fraternidad y la solidaridad de personas e instituciones. Por supuesto, la justicia debe cumplir su tarea.
En lo personal nunca tuve duda de que las universidades son instituciones responsables socialmente y que deben asumir los liderazgos que les corresponden, sobre todo en momentos de turbación. El rector Narro con su comunidad levantó la mano frente al tema de la seguridad nacional. En Colima, el rector Aguayo hizo lo propio. No llegamos a un punto fácil en la construcción de una sociedad democrática y pacífica, pero debemos empezar, con renovada determinación, la escritura de otros capítulos. No hay tiempo que perder; nunca lo hubo, hoy menos.
Sabes Juan Carlos, tienes razón, no cabe esperar por milagros, hay que trabajar por ellos; las sacudidas en las conciencias debe traducirse en acciones, sólo de esta manera se podrá decir que la muerte, las muertes, no han sido inútiles. Pues no basta la indignación del momento, sino las enseñanzas que de ahí aprehendemos…
Arthur Edwards
There was once a song I knew. It was called “you’ve got to have heart”. It was an optimistic song about what a positive heart with a lot of determination can do. Andrea is a sad reminder to be felt in our hearts. Yet, even in death, we can all hope to one day sing an optimistic song about healed hearts and our collective determination to make things better one day. My heart hurts on a very personal level. I know I don’t feel optimistic now…but my flame hasn’t died, nor has my determination. I hope we can all hold Andrea’s flame in our hearts for a moment to remember how precious life is and how it is our determined duty to protect all life.
Gonzalo León
Dr. Mi comentario va en reflexión: Todos hablamos de Inseguridad y Gobiernos, Civiles y policías, pero nadie habla de que como seres humanos, dependemos de cuestiones sicológicas así como espirituales y religiosas. En inteligencia, ocupamos voltear a tener control de las masas con carácter sicológico, la universidad usa la educación, los gobiernos…??? Saludos!
Ivan alejandro novela macias 1°B
It’s ridiculous that only when a tragedy happens is when everybody talks about insecurity and say that they are sad, angry, etc. and they make this situation like a political issue, they hang the bag and only by the pressure of the affecteds and until that moment is when authorities do something that they should have done from the start.
Excelente tu reflexión… Fue una sacudida tremenda a todos nosotros….lo que nos queda? Actuar, cuidarnos, ofrecer, apoyarnos,responsabilizarnos y unirnos.. Gracias Juan Carlos por tus comentarios.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Gracias a ti Nena.
Juan Pedro Tintos Mendoza 1 B
Death, it is our destination, but sometimes it becomes earlier and that is when it hurts, it hurts a lot. I lived that in the flesh, 12 years ago, my older sister died in an accident, it was a very hard hit to my family, she was only 12 and didn´t deserve to die, anybody deserves it earlier than we expected, but sometimes it happens and we all have to assimilate it, because we are still here, we are still alive and have a lot of things to do yet, finally, those who die, are better than us, resting in some place of peace. Andrea´s death hurt us all, even those who didn´t know her, when I heard about it I felt so much pain in my heart and said, poor of her parents, I wanted to cry, but sadly sometimes we pay the consequences of the others decisions…
Luis Antonio Narajo Mora 1B
Why wait a tragic accident for we realize of the bad things that occur?
Why wait until someone dies for we fight the cause of death?
I agree with you Juan Carlos, I think that the universities promote social responsibility. And also I think we all need to promote it.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Así Luis Antonio, la responsabilidad social es una condición que tiene que prevalecer en las instituciones y entre las personas.
Alicia Soto 1°A
Is sad and discouraging see what happens stuff so, and think we can not do nothing.
But we an error, clear can be do something. Maybe for this girl not, but yes for which we going day to day to school or work.
Take between all is a task more difficult, but that must be met.
And not wait to pass other done to “do awareness”.
Eduardo Valentín Hernández Aguilar 1-B
Think about the pain that Andrea’s parents are feeling, now think how this people are about the damage caused; I think that is not similar about the feelings of the parents of the Andrea’s aggressors. I guess that is not comparable with the act.
1A Omar Alejandro Rios Del Toro
Pauper Andre and everything our society. The pain we feels seeing so crap. MEXICO is one country very unfair. At least the punishment is not to the crime done.
salvador hernandez francisco 1`A
I think today the insecurity in the country of MEXICO is very advanced. We know that in every country in the world are very insecure, very few countries that usually there is no insecurity. Eventhough it was not party much less familiar friend, for my part I felt a sucedido.Pense grantristesa to know what my friends and my family. There are a large problem in the village for MEXICANOS
Orlando Daniel
¿The pain of losing a loved, one for various reasons either by accident that or has made a victim of kidnapping is a big pain.?
aldo david hernandez castañeda 1 B
It´s really very sad departure of person, and when you want munch but also must be take. also as a form of the reflection for all that, this does not happen again ni the future. and we care for one avoid to prevent tragic accident like that of Young woman.
Orlando Daniel 1:D
¿Do most families and are afraid that their children may be victims of crime, as was the girl Andrea was only 16, the families with children (a) similar to the age of Andrea, have such fear.?
example : !when out afternoon the school¡
Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz 1B
I think you are right, because death is something unpredictable, we should strive for have the responsibility to assume it. We should live the life every day, but knowing that it is what we want. When we wake up, we should ask to us if what we are going to do today is what we want. If the answer for several days is NO, we should make some changes. An admirable man said that.
Armando Vázquez Zamora 1°B
My opinion we have the security what was in Colima, but will be very difficult can do, as are the stuff be very difficult, we have do in these moments is trying to take care of who is abuts us, in the moment of walking our destination, treat of not talking with people unknown to avoid some the kidnapping and accidents.
Tenochtitlan Xamonek Caldera Barajas 1° D
I think the goverment not working as it should. The goverment know who is behind of all this but not is convenient work as it should as lost mora than can gain.
The people are losing faith in this country and are taking security measures that are within your reach. The goverment appears work for the people be quiet,
but not gain nothing but this is from bad to worse.
1A Ricardo Ploneda Espindola
I think that the organized crime is something that has been hitting hard in Colima.
And we as a society have to act to prevent this kind of accidents.
I have lost a loved one and I know how hard it is for the family and more when we are talking about his daughter.
I apologize to his family because we are all part of this, leaving the government to do everything and we do nothing on our part.
Jose Carlos Hernandez Hernandez 1B
The national security or in this case state, is not fold in a 100 percent of the civil autorities. The security begin first from home, en the way of we educate our children, in the example wich you give to they. Is like the television spot said – The security is a commitment from everyone -.
Alejandro Gilberto Heredia Morán 1B
In first place, my condolences to the family of Andrea.
I think that we have to do our part; not only is by demand justice but also to exert justice though we aren’t authority. This one notice is sure that shakes to the society but only show our side weak. The criminals will become in terrorists then only to set terror to the society. I agree by that we should to act immediately.
my opinion is that sad watching as the insecurity to ument here in Mexico.
I think that all this himself must for lack of work.
Lack of education and all this leads to insecurity.
my condolences to family of the deceased.
Alicia Soto 1°A
Is sad and discouraging see what occur stuff about, and think
that not we can nothing.
But we an error, clear can be do something. Maybe not for this girl, but yes the we that are going day for day to school or work.
Take care between we is now a task more difficult, but has be fulfilled.
And not wait to pass other done to “raise awareness”.
Rodriquez Niebla Manuela 1B
I feel sad by tragic tragic death Andrea´s. I think the security should be first for people, otherwise nobody has right to take life to nobody and although the die is natural also we have right to life.
Manuel ALejandro Rodriguez Valdovinos 1°D
Is it true that our present situation is a bad.
But only changing our mentality, nothing will change.
We need to something drastically in order to make that change.
But what can we do?
Pedro Madrigal Velasco 1°B
I feel as lose it’s Andrea and that don´t Knew her.
This situation made see impact all either to way direct or indirectly as lose it’s Andrea.
Leaves much that wishes our society with this type the acts.
But all problems you have solution the problem is know which the solution.
Ismael Perez Avalos 1B
In my opinion it’s very sad what occur to Andrea and with many people that died in hands of criminal groups, sadly we all have been feeding these groups. Social responsibility, we need to be an active part of it. We may ask each other, how can I participate? Of course we can, just put attention in the little decisions that we make every day for example, buying illegal products and substances, bribing etcetera. There are a lot of other situations that in one or other way affects positively or negatively to the society and to the country in which we live.
Maribel Perallta Larios 1°D
I believe that is worrying the situation for that is happening to Colima.
I agree in each day the unsafe you’re talking force.
In my opinión we must act is we must act for talk to young leapt self defense.
I get to the unfortunate death of the young to cause a great worry and is notice for young and their security.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
De acuerdo contigo Maribel, también es un grito a tiempo, una advertencia dolorosa pero necesaria de ser comprendida por los jóvenes.
Ramón Francisco Martínez Velázquez
I agree, we to finish with crime for the benefit each of us and therefore the country
José Carlos Llerenas Montes 1-A
It’s a shame that happened to Andrea.
These types of incidents now are very common in Mexico.
The authorities must guarantee our security in the city.
They are relaxing in this area.
Roberto Quintero Cervantes 1`D
Mr. Juan Carlos,I agree with you 100%.Andrea was my friend,and yeah her death cause a big silence in the city and hurt me a lot.Hopefully the government and investigators can make justice and find the murderer,because Colima wasn’t as bad as now!We need to make changes or Colima will get worst!We need to make Mexico a better place for us the young ones.Mr.Juan Carlos I liked this Article very much,this article can inspire a lot of young men and young women so they can realize that we need to take care of ourselves and realize that in life you never know when it’s your time!
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Roberto, muchas gracias por tus palabras.
Un abrazo
ramon francisco martniez velazquez 1D
I gree, we have to finish with to crime for the benefit our and therefore the coutry
cesar castro carrilo 1*D
I think it’s very hard not only for the girl’s family, but also for society as you mentioned. What happened indicates the insecurity of our country, but also shows lack of education in our country. When you have people who have no respect for others. They have a hint of conscience.
How cruel is that people do not bother nobody should think three times before leaving that to the outside, nothing is safe while the perpetrators are walking as if nothing had happened.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
César, gracias por tu comentario.
Enrique Madrigal Diaz -1A
People and Mexican especial, learnning the hard way.Wainting happen to raise awarness what happened.When it should be the opposite. But now we should learnning for this and everyone person take actions corresponding as society.
Javier Alexis Cernas Avalos 1° D
I agree with you, very sad the death of the teenagers. The only way of fight versus the criminals is all together. It’s not only about rulers, if not every citizen. I hope what every us together could finish with the criminals.
Ivan Alejandro Vega Flores
It’s sad the fall of a young girl like she. But only with hits like these to the society we are able to open a little bit our eyes, to hold us each other’s, to see the close reality that let us see put the community felling before our daily life. It’s very considerate of your part Dr. Juan Carlos, to let an space of your page to her lost. Thank you.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Iván, gracias por tus palabras, pero hablar del tema, escribir sobre eso es una obligación ciudadana elemental.
Miguel rosales ochoa 1A
1-The people not think in the pain that causing by depriving of the existence to one human.
2-My opinion is that the insecurity each day is largest.
3-Some citizens become accustomed to acts cruel and not try do something to stop.
4-The family not are the unique that suffer the society also obtain pain.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Miguel, es verdad, pierde la sociedad entera, o una buena parte de ella, pues dolores así son terribles.
Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto 1-b
My opinion is that it be change the physical motivationss and not be undue that put a family in panic and the entire society , but whatever you if justicee does not reach them soner or later everything has to paid, there is no better thought to feell the life.
Alan Rair Guzman Delgado 1°D
I agree with Xamonek, the goverment one more time is not doing what they should. Maybe I’m mistaken, maybe a lot of people is working on this. Even so is important to find the responsable and make justice. I’m sure authorities by the moment can only give letters of condolences.
Francisco Javier Chan Ramirez
The first sad happened one,It’s unusual that they happen this type in fact so that speaks much of the type of people who there in Mexico and of to where a human being can arrive. Personally I would say more financial resources intended wings authorities and you will say that this that it has to do?…But in the personnel much since when not having the sufficient resources the DEMOTIVATION is a very important point in the facts occurred to date…
alvaro arellano galvez 1"A"
The organized crime is growing fast in Mexico and i would say its not just the Gobs fault, its our fault too. We have to act against the crime and fight it together in the community and then the whole country. THINK AND ACT IN NEW WAY
Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios 1A
In my opinion,you are right. True at each death corresponds to their sorrow. That feeling of love becomes a little sorrow that always we will remember. But we dont always we will hope a miracle that we help to cure that sorrow that we feel.Just there are to be imagine the people that we love on our side and that sorrow It will disappear.
Julio Daniel Rodriguez Puga 1 A
I think we are living in a society hypocrite and ignorant. And is not so because we are forcing, rather it is we want to be so, because we do not care what happens to others until not affecting to we! It is sadder, prefer down the look and ignoring what happen. And it’s disappointing that these things have to go for we raise the voice. They´re several the causes of Mexico are in this situation but I fell that the main culprits are the Mexicans as a society. 🙁
Irving De La Mora 1B
Completely agree with the post and the comments. At this point, we must agree as a city, state and a country to end this evil that whip society, only citizens we finish this.
Rubén Ricardo Trujillo García 1 A
In my opinion, very sad see what is happening in or state, because it was a state very quiet.
I invited all to bring something to the welfare of us ourselves as a society. For this reason just happened no fair. Take someone´s life do not even de serve the worst offender.
Daniel : 1D
At my opinion the state government should put more security in schools, to provide more security to student?
Daniel : 1D
¿ My opinion the death of Andrea, is one of the injustices that exist for our state and so the government should make decisions drastic to solve this serious problem in our state.
IS problem serious?
osdy gersaid fletes arreola 1 "A"
I want the colima quiet for after.
The government shall of solution already.
This is a subject should not be to side.
Mexico is beautiful for, it’s safe for mexican?
Diego Alberto Rodriguez Jaramillo 1D
A lot of people die everyday, is part of our nature. But a death like this catch the atention of everyone, because we are not used to hear this type of news. Cause this is no the kind of society we are.
This city is growing I know, but in quantity, not on more important things like ethics and moral.
Edgar Daniel Gaitan Rodriguez 1°A
These things are beginning to be running in Mexico.
That’s why the Mexicans begin to feel fear.
Some can get used to these things but not others.
It’s good to do things to prevent this.
Arthur Edwards
10! bien escrito…seguiste indicaciones! Mision cumplida!
María Lizbeth Ochoa Sarmienta 1B
In my personal opinion the death more painful it’s when lost a son, that pain does not compare,some people not deserve to be appointed humans by the acts so cruel that commit,many death not are deserved, and the that yes never happens,why the life is so?we have that feel a pain so strong for be able to change in all aspects of our life? for be best person,only suffering is able to change to humans. i think yes!
in this case andrea was my friend,my classmate of soccer,and the pain of lost still persists in my heart, she it went of our lives but never of our hearts.
Ana Laura Ochoa Vallin 1 D
It’s really sad. Why exist such of people? Is very sad the end of the girl. Nobody deserve die so only the criminals. We the young want to walk for the streets of our Colima calm. Hopefully justice is.
I send a greting to the family of Andrea.
diego alejandro 1b
What a nice read and very good reflection remains in us no doubt leave a mark and empty i not is dissatisfied thus pass
in this world is obvious that thisn my generate many questions:
what passing with justice
what guilt in EU
what not raise and hand of violence
because it
Maria Dolorees Adan Santillan
In my opinion often watch out around. I be in of not have condition safe. I life with danger. I be sorry for the family of Andre.
Ana Laura Ochoa Vallin
It’s really sad. why exist such of people? Is very sad the end of the girl. Nobody deserve die so only the criminals. We the young want to walk for the streets of our Colima calm. Hopefully justice is.
I send a greting to the family of Andrea…
Miguel Leòn Bautista 1º "A"
My opinion is that death should never be in vain, as Dr. Juan Carlos.
Andrea’s death was something that angered many.
But not only deve of being on that in a simple indignation but instead deve of giving us the strength to now more than ever to be united and fight against insecurity we are experiencing today.
And as Dr. Juan Carlos should not expect a miracle is to work for it, not everything is going to fall from the sky.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Miguel, por supuesto, hay que trabajar por ello, hay que asumir responsabilidades en los espacios que cada uno ocupa.
Alan Cisneros Godinez 1A
My view is that in the life we are full of obstacles, we have to jump and overcome fears.
Many young I am now afraid to go out have fun.
Someday going to see justice because people without morals too
they hurt a family member something happens so.
Rommel Salvador Juárez Rodriguez 1B
The death of this teen girl had a huge impact in Colima’s society, whether Colima was insecure, now with this new, all became into a chaos, more for the families that have children between that age. The answer isn’t fight fire against fire, I think it’s that the society became one, and start not to fear, to live inside their homes because they’re afraid of the outside, because, living with fear and locked, the only thing it does, is make this shitty criminals bigger and bigger…
Adrian Vizcaino Martinez 1B
When I knew about this new I was thinking in the insecurity that Colima has, and how can Andrea, being to Young were killed, she still had a lot to live. I don’t know why there are people that do this kind of things, they doesn’t have heart, I hope this won’t get worse by the time, I hope Colima was a safe state, that’s we all need to help as the nation we are.
Arthur Edwards
Bien escrito, buenos sentimientsos!
Luis Guillermo Briceño Ochoa 1° "D"
It is a shame that such things like that happen in Colima,because is not fair that inoccent people die,Colima is getting worse everyday.My condolences to Andrea’s family.
Arthur Edwards
Bien dicho, escrito y al grano!
luis humberto urzua araiza 1b
I gree that you express someones death always
shocks society and even more but when it comes
a person who had alifetime a head and though
we knew that we had able to achieve.
Arthur Edwards
Muchachos, les quisera dejar la reflexión que la pérdida de uno es pérdida de todos. Andrea pudo habe sido una madre, esposa, científica o rectora de una universidad. Pudo haber sido una activista que activamente trabajaba por el bien de todos. Pudo haber sido tantas cosas. Perdemos todos al no ser testigos de lo que Andrea pudo haber sido. Igualmente, perdemos cada vez que una persona no se puede realizar completamente como persona o profesional. Esta pérdida de potencial, del brillo que pudieron habernos dado, del corazón que pudieron haber compartido, del ejemplo que nos hubieron haber mostrado, todo esto y más perdemos. Jamás permitan que se devalue la vida de un semejante. No permitan la deshumanización o humillación o exclusión de un semejante. Trabajen con corazón para dignificar y ratificar la vida de los demas. Todos ganamos o todos perdemos. Es una decisión que en conjunto tenemos TODOS que decidir.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Comparto el sentimiento y la inteligencia de tus palabras Arthur.