La noticia sobre la captura de los asesinos de Andrea Rodríguez es esperanzadora. Es una buena noticia dentro de una tragedia conmovedora. El anuncio de las autoridades nos deja, por lo menos a mí, la sensación de que la justicia sigue siendo posible. Quedan, sin embargo, lecciones por aprender, a las familias, a las escuelas, a los políticos y gobernantes, a los medios.
La violencia y la inseguridad que vivimos en el país no es un hecho fortuito o producto de la mala suerte. Es consecuencia de decisiones equivocadas, por omisión o ignorancia. Salir de este laberinto es responsabilidad de todos, aunque unos son más responsables por su cargo.
La gran tarea que tenemos por delante no se dirimirá con el ejército y las policías batiéndose frente a los delincuentes. Esa es la parte violenta; necesaria ahora, pero no puede ser permanente. La batalla por la construcción de una ciudadanía educada es la definitiva, esa sí, vitalicia. Ciudadanía educada que significaría no sólo acceso a la escuela sino a los derechos que a todas y a todos corresponden: empleo, salud, seguridad social.
La paz, dicen sus promotores más conspicuos, debe construirse en las mentes y en los corazones de cada ciudadano, de cada mujer y cada hombre, de todos los niños. Por eso la Unesco promovió hace años un informe llamado “La educación encierra un tesoro”. Allí se afirma que la educación del siglo 21 debe sustentarse en cuatro pilares: aprender a aprender, aprender a hacer, aprender a ser y aprender a convivir. Estos últimos, normalmente ausentes en las escuelas. Es urgente que hoy aprendamos a ser y a convivir con otros, con los diferentes.
Si ese desafío no lo encaramos y resolvemos en forma adecuada, no habrá arsenales ni dólares suficientes para pacificar al país y enderezarlo a un estado de prosperidad y justicia. Ese será nuestro legado. Ojalá el futuro nos juzgue con benevolencia porque actuamos a tiempo y acertamos.
Madrigal Velasco Pedro 1:B
The case that they captured is good! but, what about the others hijackers to go free?.
¿Who will stop they and do front? Is not always the situation, sometimes some people buy to elements supposedly protect us.
arthur edwards
All the responsible persons never pay! Nice comment!
Iván Alejandro Novela Macias
Buena noticia para las personas afectadas directamente de esa tragedia quedara el consuelo del peso de la ley en su máximo esplendor aunque cualquier castigo que se les de sera poco comparado con el daño que han causado,solo espero y que no sea en vano y que la sociedad o al menos en las cercanías de Andrea tome esto como el comienzo para tener un poco conciencia en su vida y no solo sea por moda.
Iván Alejandro Novela Macia 1°Bs
A good news for people with directly impacted of this tragedy have the consolation of the weight of law in all its splendor but any punish that they are given be nothing compared with damage they have caused, I just hope and do not to be in vain and that society or at least to in the neighborhood of Andrea takes this as the beginning to have a little awareness in your life and not just be for the season.
mary kent
Felicidades un acertado y reflexivo panomara de nuestra realidad…
Arthur Edwards
The four pillars of education, as you mention in your writing, are not usually present. The focus on education has traditionally been to prepare people for the workforce. Many economists still work with this false premise. By preparing a person in a holistic manner, in a humanistic manner, towards developing talent, whatever that talent may be, then we are contributing to a good citizen who is capable of contributing to society. What must the educational system do in order to achieve the four pillars? That is the question we must find the answer to. What must we do to make students recognize that an education is not to make you richer in monetary terms, but to make you a richer person also in personal terms. Students must learn to love learning first and foremost and teachers need to learn how to transmit a love for learning. Learning is lifestyle that relatively few select. We need to learn as a choice, not an obligation and not in terms of some kind of credential. If learning becomes a part of our lifestyle, every other matter related to learning will be resolved by itself.
Juan Carlos, al igual que a tí, la noticia de la captura de los presuntos culpables me lleno de esperanza: esperanza en el inicio de una justicia pronta y expedita, en que las instituciones de procuración de justicia hacen su labor, en que las autoridades, electas por mayoría, se interesan en las problemáticas de la sociedad, entro otros…
Sin embargo bien señalas que la tarea está lejos de haberse concluido, las acciones nos incumben a todos, y al sector educativo en especial pero no en exclusividad…
Sigo con interés tus reflexiones, que hacen, a su vez, reflexionar… saludos
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Gracias Balvanero, esta mañana te perdiste una conferencia auténticamente magistral.
Lo sè Juan Carlos, he estado leyendo comentarios al respecto… también leí la solicitud de que se compartan las exposiciones, aunque no es igual, al menos podremos tener una referencia los que no pudimos asistir…
Hasta pronto…
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Balvanero, prepararemos un material para ser publicado con las contribuciones que se presenten.
salvador hernandez francisco 1ªA
I think that is very well have left me with the joy and to seguransa that justice is being done and that security if you’re doing something for our country. Day to day is that they are working to improve safety in our state and our country, the great task that we have as citizens is to spend more and focus more on living together in respect, study, etc. etc. ….! !
And the million dollar question is … and your what you are doing to change or improve MEXICO …..?
Juan Pedro Tintos Mendoza 1 B
Andrea´s dead was an unfortunately and lamentable coward act that hurt us all. Now it is a really good new to know that those murderers who cowardly killed Andrea without any necessity are finally in prison. Despite of that, it is still a shame that Andrea died, she was a good student, a good daughter, a girl with goals and dreams, with a great future; her parents must be torn, and with a lot of pain. The only thing I hope is that those murderers pay for what they did, in part I feel happy because they are now in jail, but still sad because nothing will change the past… Andrea is dead and nothing will make her come back
arthur edwards
good thoughts!
Armando Vazquez Zamora 1° B
My opinion am now the people have of life care, for have happened in these days with friend Andrea, there are lessons to learn in the life for what happened, we can do what the state is more security with before but is very difficult, can do is what not let what between those type the people, but what not can do damage.
Luis Antonio Narajo Mora 1B
It’s comforting to know that justice faces Andrea’s tragedy. But oppose delinquency isn’t the only thing to do, it has to be prevented. If “we don’t cut the herb from the root they will grow again”, that’s what we must do. If delinquency isn’t cut from its roots there’s going to be delinquency forever.
arthur edwards
excellent thoughts!
Irving De La Mora 1B
And can we trust the authorities? Because as you can see in the media and the comments of the people, there’s still some uncertainty about the closure of this case, think, what happen if the people arrested don’t committed crime? Would have justice in this? I do not think that having to punish someone, let me free from fear that something happen to me. As always, each one of us draws your own conclusions.
arthur edwards
yes, we often do not trust the authorities. Trust is something people must earn.
1A Ricardo Ploneda Espindola
We all regret the death of Andrea, but thank´s the police, they caught the murderers and they will go to jail. I do not agree with the time that they will be in jail because we are talking about a life that is impossible to recover.
I know that in every comment I write, I put that we must to do of our part to be better, but I put it because it’s true
We need to be better to all the people who already died. For those people we need to change.
alvaro arellano galvez 1"A"
I say that justice is not done the way is suppose to be done. Those people that kill shouldn’t just get locked up, they should have a major punishment; because not everybody knows to have a tragedy like that happened to you, I have lived that experience and believe me the fact that you know they got caught it doesn’t satisfies you enough, you feel it should be them the once dead. But the worst thing is knowing that they are still out there and everyone & everything stills the same
Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz 1B
I agree with you, because we must to foment peace. That’s a signal, that the search was done. We have to take like a challenge, to foment more in education and home, values of Honesty and coexistence. In a future, if we, or better, if they be prepared for a new citizens, I think it will be a better coexistence organization in all the country.
arthur edwards
excellent…well thought!
Jose Carlos Hernandez Hernandez 1B
I think for avoid the violence in the world, like you said, first of all is necesary bring a good education to the kids because they are our future
and the worlds future.
I think its a great new know that the guilty of andrea’s murder were finally arrested, still there justice.
I agree with the four pilars of the education: learn to learn, learn to do, learn to be and learn to coexist, this is the way.
Alicia Soto 1°A
Is news excellent, imagine almost wonderful to family´s Andrea. Good work of justice.
Is now continue doing awareness of these acts.
Our turn now one pillar that mentioned “coexist with us”.
Ismael Perez Avalos 1B
It’s good to know that not all the people at the government aren’t doing their jobs, actually I think than are only a few bad elements, the thing is we use to generalize. I am totally agree whit you, if we want peace, all of us have to involve like the society we are and don’t leave to a few ones the challenge. Certainly the education it should form citizens with integrity and good values, it’s not enough teaching sciences without human sense.
cesar castro carrillo
I believe that justice as if they could give and was not immune Andrea’s death. But I also think it is not back to life.
I think this is the result of mismanagement of the country that people become criminals because of the need for money to help their fam.
osdy gersaid fletes arreola 1 "A"
It’s very good news for the family because death do not remain challenging,but that will not make the young q with them again.
We must all cooperate make to better country.
The education is the answer?
The education we can make change mexico.
Roberto Quintero Cervantes 1`D
I am glad that they captured the men that kiiled Andrea.But the violence and the insecurity of this country does note stop.We need to make this country a better place for everybody.Hopefully the Goverment can do somethng about it and stop this insecurity.
arthur edwards
Very good English and good thoughts!
José Carlos Llerenas Montes 1-A
This kind of news is that we always want to see.
Criminals receiving their punishment for waht they did.
It’s true what the article mentions about the four pillars.
The day that our society contain these pillars, the violence will not necessary.
arthur edwards
Great work!
J. Enrique Madrigal Dìaz
Good to know about the capture the murdeves of Andrea Rodriguez, And how you,I also believe that justice is possible, but when they want, how many cases are unresolved? I think many.
I agree your publication , i bilieve in education we face a sea of troubles upstream, and we learn to swim upstream, and help that is behind you, and propel and out of this courrent.
1A Omar Alejandro Rios Del Toro
Sorrow and pain eye for eye. I think that should put more of our part. It’s the reply everything depends of the people. At least there will be justice
Alan Rair Guzman Delgado 1°D
I believe that education is the way to a better country, better citizens. I think that the most important education is in the family. But in a moment in the history this type of education lose value. Justice is done, I hope this tragedy not happen again to no one.
arthur edwards
Wonderful conclusion and good English!
Miguel rosales ochoa 1A
1-My opinion the pain not end with the capture the murderers.
2-I think the violence not end with violence.
3-The peace should exist in all parties of the word.
4-No longer matter be rich if not have power.
Julio Daniel Rodriguez Puga 1 A
In my opinion the justice in Mexico is for so many people fictional. but really this is because we allow it. The most in Mexico prefer to ignore the current situation. I hope that the capture of the murderers of Andrea not be the last act of justice in Mexico.
arthur edwards
Many agree with you! Good English. Nice job!
arthur edwards
Many agree with you! Good English. Nice!
Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto 1-b
1.My opinion is that as always the justice alwais arrives afternoon but arrives.
2.-And never owes hin to fear winng delinquency this scares them to this.
3.-What need is that the society have mass conscience of theact are good or bad.
4.-And there is that tenderiser to the country.
arthur edwards
Quiero que vengas a verme….clase particular!
Alejandro Gilberto Heredia Morán 1B
It’s true that mistakes have led the country into a war interminable, but we have to learn of the mistakes. We can do eradicate the violence; we know yours debilities, as when we were fight for a nation independent, we did. One hundred years later we were fight for a country democratic, we did. Is time to act, we are able. We can do and why not? Mark one more time the history.
arthur edwards
I really like your effort and ideas Alejandro!
Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios 1A
Let me opinion that this excellent news. I’m so happy to find these criminals captured. Sounds interesting that report called “La Educacion Encierra Un Tesoro” by the method that works. Hopefully we all the peoples act positively.
Alan Cisneros Godinez 1A
My opininon is:That in MEXICO is over insecurity, not only is government work, also of citizens.
If we citizens begin to think positively, to help to people everything will change.
ramon francisco martinez velazquez 1D
I think the phrase the UNESCO is the salvation the Mexico. Because I think that if our country had a good education we would not have the problems we have. If we could do think this way at the children and at the fathers and we could support so they can complete their studies to the 100% Mexico will cease to have the problems that.
María Lizbeth Ochoa Sarmienta 1B
This situacion we give hope of that justice there,
That the Mexicans can changes for a better future;
for they can coexist with hope and tranquility,
creating good people for a better country, yet is important
that all cooperate because this depends of all and not of one alone.
Rodriquez Niebla Manuela 1B
Good job by capturing the killers Andrea´s I just hope justice is done and it serve as an example for other potential criminals I also hope that the news do not lie. I think is have lost the concept solidarity mainly in each family we give more importance to the material things that to the education or the convivence with the people to our around, finally if we are in the century 21 we should evolve and not backspace.
Rubén Ricardo Trujillo García 1 A
In my opinion this leaves more quiet everyone to know that the authorities if they try to do something for the violence.
On the other hand I feel bad the fools who take punishment in law but in the end is a never ending story.
Miguel Leòn Bautista 1º "A"
I think this was good news for relatives of Andrea.
But this was only a clarification of many who have not yet been clarified.
But this was only a clarification of many who have not yet been clarified.
I think we are still in time to begin to be new people, not to let the edcucaion decay as mentioned by Dr. Juan Carlos.
I think we deal with crime is not a matter only of justice but that is more responsible for us to overcome it.
A good news for the family of Andrea.
That have arrested to guilty.
I opinion that to these people give them death penalty.
i hope one day have no delinquency..
It’s good to know the search for assailants of Andrea, gives peace but also great uncertainty for this heinous crime. since it is assumed that Mexico is a civilized country, where it is assumed that these things should not happen, education should be to learn and not to promote violence or end it as soon as possible for peace to all and to live better .
Tenochtitlan Xamonek Caldera Barajas 1° D
I think the justice not working adequately, why the citizens opressing the goverment and the goverment having the power of all appear catch the guilty when the guilty is free.
Unfortunately while the citizens believe this all this appear to go well when reality to go from bad to worse.
The peace depends of the citizens, and not of the money or the weapons.
luis humberto urzua araiza 1b
Actually thats good news is very goo,
but we must also think of many occasions
in which the crimes are with impunity.
Good to know that there is so much
corruption among lingh at the and of the
Ivan Alejandro Vega Flores 1ºA
Well, as said: Hope is last thing to die. I agree with you, the most important battle is educating people, true peace don’t come by fear, but from knowledge of what’s good and bad, and doing good, so to really have peace, we need people with knowlege and culture, but more than anything: values.
Violence by itself will not bring true peace.
Manuel ALejandro Rodriguez Valdovinos 1°D
This country has many flaws, to me the worse is our government that is only based on corruption. For us to progress, we must change our government.
that’s my opinion.
Manuel ALejandro Rodriguez Valdovinos 1°D
That’s my opinion.
arthur edwards
Nice work!
Adrian Vizcaino Martinez 1B
What a great notice, the Andrea’s murderers have been busted; maybe her family is better now that they know that will be justice. It’s good that the authorities are doing their job but still it is a lot to do to finish with all the delinquency where we also must put from our part.
arthur edwards
Very nice!
Diego Alberto Rodriguez Jaramillo 1D
I believe the education is the key to create, to renovate the humanity, to make a change in all the minds.
I’m glad to hear a good new like the capture of the guilty on the murder of Andrea.
arthur edwards
Great work! Much better.
Rommel Salvador Juárez Rodríguez
It is good that the scum will go to the jail because he deserve it, the bad thing is that just with offer money they will be on the streets again, that’s the real Mexico; although is a great notice, the scar that the family has will stay forever, because nobody will give their girl back.
Ana Laura Ochoa Vallin
I’m glad know that the sitution of Andrea not remain unpunished. In our Country still exist the justice. We need end with this delinquency but leave aside violence.
I think our homework is raise awareness of all this that occurs on our Country.
Ernesto Alcaraz Andrade 1*D
Like you, that news fill me with hope and joy,there is a prove than there is justice.
I believe that like country we have the option to choose the way of this and start by oneself the change.
Javier Alexis Cernas Avalos 1D
I think that this is a little step for a new country. Just working together we can change our country. I hope that with this action everyone reflects our acts.
arthur edwards
Ladies and gentlemen:
The work has improved! Better effort! Better expression of many great ideas! I am very pleased by your work. I hope you are too!
aldo hernandez castañeda
That’s good news and I hope this young murderer be punishment a that no wing
Would cause any other problem the society really grabs your work justice punishment
aldo hernandez castañeda 1B
That’s good news and I hope this young murderer be punishment a that no wing
Would cause any other problem the society really grabs your work justice punishment ¿what now will be his punishment?
Francisco Javier Chan Ramirez 1°B
My opinion I proud that those responsible for this unfortunate tragedy are now available to the authorities, because otherwise we were all with nerve again to know that people who perform such acts go unpunished and the authorities take no action on the matter but fortunately was not the case.
Eduardo Valentín Hernández Aguilar 1-B
i really agree about the article, i think that education is the base of the good morals, our nation is poor, no just talking about money,our nation need to improve and applicate all the knowledge.Is really sad the situation of the country, but we have to do something, and maybe the answer is start changing by own, so lets do it!