Conozco muchos aficionados-adictos a la red social Twitter, tuiteros, se autodenominan, que suelen apalear a los feisbukeros, aficionados-adictos del Facebook, con cuestionamientos a veces denigrantes sobre su capacidad intelectual, al grado extremo de su fundamentalismo, que ponen en tela de juicio la pertenencia a la selecta clase del “homo sapiens” donde caben, entre otros ejemplares, personajes como Laura Bozzo, George Bush, Bin Laden, el Chapo Guzmán, diputados, senadores y los conductores de los programas de chismes, abundantes en México y Argentina.
Aclaro de una buena vez: me tienen sin cuidado los tuiteros y sus expresiones groseras, aunque no pocas veces carecen de fineza en el estilo o en el lenguaje. En otros tiempos probablemente me enzarzaría con ellos en discusiones sin otro afán que desenvainar espadas y discutirles: bizantinos serían los intercambios, por supuesto. Como lo tengo muy claro, no lo he hecho ni lo haré jamás de los jamases.
Cada quien es cada cual, canta el maestro Serrat. Cada cual tiene derecho a decir lo que le plazca, y a criticar a quien le pegue la gana, pero a mí, por lo menos, me fastidia el trato denigrante para personas bienintencionadas que usan esa red social para lo que fue creada. No defiendo, ni falta que les hace, a Facebook, una empresa fundada lejos de la búsqueda de la paz y hermandad entre los seres humanos. Ya vimos el papelón que juega Facebook y todas esas empresas como agentes (involuntarios, tal vez) del espionaje norteamericano. Pero eso lo hicieron con Facebook y sin Facebook, y lo seguirán haciendo cuantas veces se les hinche el deseo.
También tengo muy claro que la tecnología no es ingenua ni angelical, así que tampoco defiendo a las redes sociales. Nada más las uso como me son útiles. Lo que me enfada, repito, es que se denigre a las buenas personas que también abundan en esa red social. Ni Facebook es una caterva de retrasados mentales y cursis, ni Twitter es el olimpo de la inteligencia, la ecuanimidad y el ingenio más agudo. ¡Por favor!
Como no tengo intenciones de extenderme, me abstengo de presentarles una lista de los buenos amigos y amigas feisbukeros, en México y varios países, que gozan de más estatura intelectual que muchos tuiteros y tuiteras que conozco; moribundos en la comparación. Así que cierro aquí mi exabrupto repitiendo que cada uno usa las redes como quiera, bloquea a quien quiere, lee lo que se le pega la gana, a quien quiere, y si no, a otra cosa mariposa.
Entre Santa Fe y Córdoba
Daniel Enrique Godinez Medina
*i know, all the teenagers, spend hours and hours on Facebook and twitter, and don’t care, they share his homework’s, the things that are thinking, and all the things you want, i spend, many hours in the internet, speciality on Facebook, i don’t know why, because its funny, and i can chat with my close friends, or far friends, who lives in other state or country. But exist consecuens, like addiction, exist person who, all day is online, in the work, in the school, in home, in his cellphone, in his laptop.
other consecuens, is, when you have account on Facebook, you put your information, like address, real name, adrees work, your cellphone, girlfriend, etc, and with this, other people can steal you information or something worse,
conclution: if you use Facebook, don’t put real information, and don’t accept unknown people,
luis manuel sanchez paez
We all have the right of saying whatever we want to say but some people should just stay quiet.
I really cant stand being in facebook more than 5 minutes.
Facebook it´s an amazing idea who can comunicate people free from almost anywhere.
Facebook it’s incredibly juvenile compared to other networks, yet I constantly see people using it for business reasons.
Gerardo Orbe Sánchez
The social networking is something that, like everything, has good and bad things. An example of that is like you said, the use of our information with the goverment.
Even if there are bad things about this service, is good if we want to share information with people we care, chat with people far away from us, etc.
The only thing we have to do like users of this services is to be careful about EVERYTHING we do.
Gabriel Andrade
Even if there are bad things about this service, is good if we want to share information with people we care, chat with people far away from us, etc.
Facebook it´s an amazing idea who can comunicate people free from almost anywhere.
Perla Esmeralda Rivera Rueda
The social networks are very popular nowadays.
In my opinion, I believe the social networks are there to let ourselves express our thoughts.
Let´s just remember we shouid not offend others, it´s important to express what we think with the right words.
They are also a good may for communication.
Jhonatan Gonzalez Perez
Facebook is a good social network if used for good and useful things and not to be playing or doing other useless things.
Social networks are now very popular worldwide.
We must be careful what we say or do on Facebook that things can be misinterpreted.
The good thing about these social networks is that we can maintain contact with family or friends that you live far away from us.
jose guadalupe ojeda martinez 1J
Facebook itself calls it waste of time.
A big problem with teenagers, and even adults including me.
Its use is no more than prevent a full and complete development of our children are the future.
Brian Alexis Florian Peralta
Personally Facebook is better.
Facebook allows communicate with my family and my friends.
Twitter only allows communicate by tweets.
and certainly i not understand to twitter.
jorge salvador ciprian figueroa 1J
I really cant stand being in facebook more than 5 minutes.
The social networks are very popular nowadays.
Facebook itself calls it waste of time.
I really liked this post.
2b celso alejandro maldonado mendoza
I haven’t know that, did i use the two social networks, a lot of people do this,somebody’s have a boyfriend who know the password of facebook (for example), and have an other accound for to talk whit me. it’s just a example, nothing real.
but a lot of people do this.that’s people are crazy, who say that the facebook user’s are fools and twitter user’s are bright.
I think the facebook, twitter and other social networks are good in the aspect of communication.
but also there are people who take advantage of social networks to commit crimes, extortion, harassment, and kidnappings.
therefore this evil that companies that provide us the service of social networks to meet people and communicate not improve their network security.
also mention that nowadays people are addicted to social networks, while all kinds of harmful content is published and not harmful to society.
it is also important to note that social networks are a means of communication in the world, but more and more younger children are more influence in social networks which causes are isolated from society, so that family problems are generated and even divorces.
2B Celso Alejandro Maldonado Mendoza
I haven’t know that, did i use the two social networks, a lot of people do this,
somebody’s have a boyfriend who know the password of facebook (for example),
and have an other accound for to talk whit me. it’s just a example, nothing real.
but a lot of people do this.that’s people are crazy, who say that the facebook user’s are fools and twitter user’s are bright.
1J Leslie Jordana Fernández Moreno
1.- Definitely everyone has a different way of thinking, and do not mean me, if there are those who use their social networks just to criticize or discuss a topic.
2.- Ultimately you do not win anything, if they were really interested in being heard, they would do differently.
3.- The information provided may be read right now a little longer, so we cherish the comments do.
4.- Habemos who publish what we do, how well he had not, up photos of our trip, and good, provided you know that everyone who can see your information is trustworthy.