Lo escuché en el Centro Cultural Universitario de la UNAM: en una de las crisis del equipo de los Pumas el rector José Narro Robles acudió preocupado a una reunión en los campos de entrenamiento; en cambio, no acude a una facultad o instituto para dialogar ni cuando existen problemas.
Aun cuando mi fuente era confiable, tuve oportunidad de confirmarlo con otra persona bien informada de la UNAM y del futbol. Así es, me respondieron, le importan más los Pumas que las escuelas. El origen de la conversación había sido la presencia del rector Narro en el encuentro de rectores organizado por Universia y Banco Santander en Río de Janeiro. Candil de la calle, remataron el diálogo.
Lo que pretendía enfatizar ya está dicho, y no sin pesar, por la UNAM y por la figura que representa el doctor Narro.
Es inocultable que este tipo de situaciones ocurrieron antes en otras universidades. La relación entre el futbol y las universidades en México tiene varios capítulos vergonzosos, entre los cuales quizá el más grosero sea el del entonces rector que fue registrado en el equipo profesional de la Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas y jugó un pedazo de partido (por lo menos eso registro) en el Estadio Azteca.
Estas excentricidades, que a algunos podrían parecer nimiedades, nos dan una medida de la importancia de cargos e instituciones. Quizá nos permitan adivinar o hipotetizar, al menos, por qué con tanta facilidad se pasa de un cargo a otro, y por qué, con tanta ligereza, cualquiera puede opinar o dirigir una escuela, donde lo secundario son los alumnos, el aprendizaje o lo académico.
Qué pensar del rector de la universidad, cuyo nombre no voy a mencionar, que concedió un racimo de doctorados honoris causa, entre otros, a Rosa Gloria Chagoyán, quien diera vida a personajes como Juana la cubana o Lola la trailera; y a Jorge Muñiz, ambos por sus aportaciones a la muy cultural industria del entretenimiento nacional en el género que practican. Y para darle mayor dimensión al acto, contaron con la complicidad de un diputado priista quien les facilitó un auditorio de la Cámara de Diputados, allí donde también se aprobó la reforma educativa, esa que ya está transformando a México como nunca, dicen sus acólitos.
En fin, con rectores así –porque no son los únicos-, como no darle la razón a José Ortega y Gasset cuando acusaba a la universidad de su época de chabacanería, con una escasa vida académica promovida desde sus autoridades y con políticas que la atraen hacia la mediocridad, “una institución (escribió) en que se finge dar y exigir lo que no se puede exigir ni dar”.
Ojalá las palabras de Ortega y Gasset ya fueran obsoletas, y el mío nada más que un exabrupto aguijoneado por pasajero malestar.
arthur edwards
Prioridades populistas en vez de educación de calidad. Mientras la políticas desangran a cualquier intento genuino de educar al pueblo, nos entretienen con cada “espectáculo” para no fijarnos en el pobre desempeño del sistema educativo mexicano.Solamente desvinculando la educación de la política podremos en realidad tomar el primer paso.
1J J1 Mejía Romero Fernando Rogelio
-Universities rectors sure have preoccupation with soccer much more than with school subjects.
-According to the last paragraphs, Ortega and Gasset were right all this time.
-These priorities that mexican rectors have is for sure one of the education problems causes.
-After reading this I must say…Really?
1E Arzate Ayala Pedro Antonio
I thing so the rector should dedicate more time to UNAM.
In my opinion he should worry more for th university.
Juan Carlos this right
1E Arzate Ayala Pedro Antonio
I thing so the rector should dedicate more time to UNAM.
In my opinion he should worry more for th university.
The rector should give importance to your office and institution.
The rector should support principally to the students.
1J Ramirez Urcino Pablo Alejandro
*The rector of the UNAM give more important the soccer that education.
*The rector should interested more for the student.
*Mexico need more peaople how Juan Carlos Yañez.
*The universities of mexico prefier a good show that professionals
1J carlos misael ramirez mendoza
-the rector of UNAM is not interested in education.
-I think that they should be more honest with the education.
– mexico needs less corrupt politicians
-mexico needs to improve its learning system for young
-Students should demand more responsability of the governing
1J 1J María Conchita Santana Ochoa
The president does not go to solve problems in the university.
The students need to be a priority in the universities.
The president is more interested in sports issues of cougars team.
These problems have been in many universities.
1 E Ceballos Miranda Olga Isela
• Since the moment, that is more priority the spectacle, and not the education something is wrong.
• Mexico has authorities with mediocre minds and mediocre policies therefore we have a bad education and deficient development.
• The sports are important, but more important is a qualit education for the development of the country.
• It’s worrying when ignorant people direct a country, but it’s worst when ignorant people decide about educatio, about the future of Mexico.
Manuel Antonio Robles Aguilar
-Jose Narro was worried more about los pumas tan school.
-Many scools of Mexico are y relation to soccer.
-Some school teachers aren´t very responsable.
-Students need to be 1° priority in the mind
of the teachers.
1E alan guadalupe machuca silva
-Sought to emphasize what is said, not without regret, UNAM and the figure representing Dr. Narro.
-It is undeniable that these situations occurred before in other universities.
-Even though my source was reliable, I was able to confirm with another knowledgeable person UNAM and football.
-May allow us to hypothesize guess or at least why it is so easily passed from one office to another.
1E - Alan Ulises Montes Rodríguez
1.- In my opinion the rector should get fired for doing things like these ones, he cares more about football rather than the students, he should get a punishment for that.
2.- It is sad for me to know that actors and/or films have more importance than education in Mexico.
3.- By the looks of it, education in Mexico will need a lot more years to actually change and be as good as that of a first world country.
4.- I hope that we all see some changes in education soon, even though it doesn’t look like it.
1E Orlando Arias Rodríguez
-No need to give greater importance to sport.
-The rector seems to have no responsibilities.
-Obviously students are more important.
-Corruption is the cause of these situations.
1E Jorge Luis Aguirre Martínez
– Schools should put more importance to the students than sports.
– Yes, sports are important but education should be dominant.
– The rector should dedicate more time and worry most for the university and the education that is being taught to the students.
– One Institucion in what is pretends give and requiere what not is may requiere or give.
1J Jesús Alejandro Chavarría
-The chancellor doesnt care about the school, but he does about Los Pumas team.
-I agree, sports are important but school and studens should be more.
-This is not something new, in the past other universities had problems with sports and students.
-He should get fired because of his comportment.
1 j carlos enrique pizano saucedo
-Why is the Pumas club having a crisis?
-It is questionable that the rector prefers soccer over education.
-Education should be before anything else.
-What does he mean by ‘honoris’ doctorates.
1J Yabin Alain Cinta Montelongo
-Jose Narro was worried more about los pumas tan school.
-The students need to be a priority in the universities.
-mexico needs to improve its learning system for young.
-He should get fired because of his comportment.
1J Isaac Méndez Amaro
-The corruption is everywhere.
-The Unam it is increasingly more in decadence.
-The students are the most affected.
-Maeby this will be best or worse.
1 E Mario Ruben Saucedo Alvarez
1- The rector prefer Pumas team than the schools.
2- The soccer isn’t a priority in a university.
3- The students is the most important thing in a university.
4- The rector of UNAM should give an apology to all the students.
1 E Horacio Gerzain Avalos Aguayo
-The pumas are in crises.
-The rector took importance at football and not at education.
-The relationship between at football and at University in Mexico is embarrassing.
-The university in Mexico need more attention for the education.
1E- Jazmin Moreno Hernandes
-Imaginarse To have priorities like soccer governing rather than education.
-Then he asked us why education is till the mexico border.
-Honestly in mexico education no matter which tristesa
-Everything originates from the house, to see teachers, principals, principals, etc
1E Rocio Rodriguez Niebla
It seems that the main concern of the rector is unable to meet its obligations.
It is sad that the eccentricities of the authorities leave in background academics.
It should recognize and support people trying to put Mexico up to their academic achievements.
It would be a difference if the president to fulfill his responsibilities.
1J Jose Banda Espindola
He hear in the university center.
The rector should give importance to your institution.
I think the president should take more encuenta the students.
Mexico have various shameful chapters.
1j Jose Manuel Gozalez Vazquez
1-They look for weaknesses to exploit society.
2-It is in very bad taste that the government takes us for fools.
3-I loved this post.
4-I love the freedom that speaks yanez.
1 J Edgar Ivan Alcantar Guerrero
-a football game is more important than a school
-bad example to put the university authorities.
-for these reasons education in Mexico is so bad.
-will take more importance to a comedian than a scientist.
1K Gustavo Abraham Urbina Torres
1.- Today is given more importance to the social entertainment than true education.
2.- The priority must in the education and not in football team.
3.- Thr attitude from the rector is support football team instead of the study.
4.- But this doesn´t include all teachers that imparting class in UNAM.
1K Esteban Armando Brizuela Castillo
-No need to give greater importance to sport.
-I prefer the marcial arts.
-The pumas are in crises.
-that affect to the comunity of the UNAM.
1°K Avalos Galindo Marcos Antonio
1-The rector should give importance to other things.
2-The priority is education and not football.
3-Not all think alike, we have different thoughts.
4-The rector of UNAM prefer football education.
1k Víctor Manuel González Ventura
– What to think of the university president, whose name I will not mention, he gave a bunch of honorary doctorates, among others, Rosa Gloria Chagoyán, who gave life to characters like Cuba or Juana Lola trailera; and Jorge Muñiz, both for their contributions to the national culture industry very entertainment genre that practice.
– What was intended to emphasize is said, not without regret, UNAM and the figure representing Dr. Narro.
– PRI deputy who provided them with an auditorium of the Chamber of Deputies, where the education reform that is already transforming Mexico as ever, his acolytes say was also approved.