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Enseñanzas de “El Principito”

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

En el capítulo 2 de “El Principito” se lee: “A los mayores les gustan las cifras. Cuando se les habla de un nuevo amigo, jamás preguntan sobre lo esencial… Nunca se les ocurre preguntar: ‘¿Qué tono tiene su voz? ¿Qué juegos prefiere? ¿Le gusta coleccionar mariposas?’… en cambio preguntan: ‘¿Qué edad tiene? ¿Cuántos hermanos? ¿Cuánto pesa? ¿Cuánto gana su padre?’ Solamente con estos detalles creen conocerle. Si les decimos a las personas mayores: ‘He visto una casa preciosa de ladrillo rosa, con geranios en las ventanas y palomas en el tejado’, jamás llegarán a imaginarse cómo es esa casa. Es preciso decirles: ‘he visto una casa que vale diez millones de pesos’. Entonces exclaman entusiasmados: ‘oh, qué preciosa es’.”

Con la lectura hay una asociación automática en mi cabeza entre ese pasaje y el sistema educativo nacional, pues algo semejante sucede en la realidad. Para el sentido común que, ya sabemos, es el menos común de los sentidos, solo se tiene alguna credibilidad y se es digno de respeto, si se tienen las cifras, los datos, los llamados “indicadores” para ser esgrimidos cuando se requiera, para llenar un informe o dictar un docto discurso. Solo con tasas, indicadores, pesos y centavos, es decir, con números quien habla ostenta “autoridad”.

Y me temo que los procesos más estrictamente sustanciales son invisibles frente a esas visiones: que ni el aprendizaje ni la enseñanza pueden cuantificarse como zapatos o ladrillos. Por ejemplo, los exámenes estandarizados, como PISA o Enlace, son aproximaciones distantes y, quizá, antagónicas con la buena educación, porque olvidan y desdeñan lo esencial: aquellos pilares que el libro de la UNESCO conocido como Informe Delors llama “aprender a ser y aprender a convivir con otros”, tan indispensables como nunca.

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33 thoughts on “Enseñanzas de “El Principito”

  1. Luis Alonso Hernandez 1ro A

    by misfortunes doctor, i think most adults

    I think you do not care, but that routine

    when in fact there are more things and values​​, good deeds

    that make a person a special being

  2. Jorge Caballero 1ro D

    Sometimes people can’t see the really education.
    The education consists of two parts.
    All the benefits that the education provides are great but this don’t have to prove with superficialities.
    We begin to forget the true meaning of education, we can not see really what people describe as authority.

  3. Balvanero

    Hola Juan Carlos. Primero que nada, gracias por recordarme este excelente libro y a la persona que me hizo redescubrirlo, el Padre Héctor Michel Ortega…

    Y sí, tiene razón el Principito y tienes razón tú; esta sociedad nuestra tan atenta a la cantidad y tan distante de la calidad; los números sobre la esencia, el tener sobre el ser, el acumular sobre el disfrutar…

  4. Daniela Moctezuma Garcia 1A

    Is true, adults don´t ask the essential.

    Also are complicate life, they don´t have imagination.

    I never had ocurred associate “El principito” with the education.

    “El principito” is a book that can teach much.

  5. María Guadalupe Alvarez Negrete 1° "B"

    Doctor, people need to understand that our basic principles
    should be education, values​​, education and above all moral value itself is not do things the wrong way and move towards a better future

  6. Marié

    Mi libro favorito!!!
    Y justo por sus claros ejemplos…
    Aún pasados los años… Su enseñanza es vigente.
    Bonita tarde (:

  7. Carlos Alberto Santoyo Lopez 1A

    Adults don´t see the details of the things.
    Details are very important in the life and the education.
    Good education isn´t indicators or evaluators of learning.
    We should pay attention the details and the important things.

  8. David Toledo Zúñiga 1B

    Older people have in mind only the economic value of things.
    Perhaps that is why don’t they take importances to other features.
    This phrase is a good way to interpret what is happening with education.
    I think that I will read again “El Principito”.

  9. Felipe Lao-kiun Alcantar Lam 1B

    That book is one of my favorite
    It teach so much things
    I don’t remember the last time I read it
    I think I got to read it another time

  10. Saul Alejandro Jimenez Mendoza 1ºA

    Adults do not see the details of their surroundings.

    People see the monetary value of things.

    Education is not shown through exams.

    Education is evaluated with actions.

  11. Edwin Preciado

    Very interesting your text
    Very good sentences to reflect.
    Very good way to express
    thanks for your article

  12. Erick Donaldo Arceo Magaña 1D

    I like these book.
    I never had thought in that, the book and you all right.
    I think that call for numbers when you describe something is wrong because it’s important use to imagination.
    Good article Doctor.

  13. Keneth Michell luna Naranjo

    All this quantities than autorities are really inconsistent.
    Be with other people in classrooms always could help to get a better learning.
    I like “el principito”.
    The teaching of this book creates conscience with these forgotten parts of complete education, because, education is a learning to work; constant work and convivence in the real world.

  14. Marco Antonio Lopez Mendoza 1B

    if the reading takes you to other dimensions that are unimaginable but as property and more like a title of principito is something incredible teachings filled

  15. Jesus Roberto Trejo Quiroz 1B

    I remember bit of that book.
    I would like read the book again.
    Most people today are very superficial.
    People gradually forget the little details.

  16. Antonio torres Figueroa

    Education should be massive and effectively transmit.

    Theoretical knowledge, technical and evolutionary cognocitivos.

    These underpin the future competition.

    Are the compass to navigate the future world


    I remember as a child I read this book.
    Though some don’t believe the book we leaves many teachings.
    And believe it or not we can learn some important things from that book.
    Well I hope your next publication.

  18. Keila Abigail Valdez Perez 1D

    Very good observation Doctor.
    I agree that not everything can be measured with numbers.
    There is much more behind the numbers representing education in Mexico.
    If we remain as square mind,we cannot solve the problem.

  19. Ignacio Ramirez 1A

    This is a real interesting book.
    It is perfect for a kid to start reading.
    Mexico should modify its education and start reading more.
    Good article Dr.

  20. kevin roberto gomez peralta 1 "D"

    it’s a shame that we believe a good education is a private education which invested more money.
    A public education system that is so costly.
    Prince’s book and never read but I think I will.
    Appears to have an understanding of the world much deeper than it appears.

  21. Edsel Barbosa Gonzalez 1D

    Unfortunately, I do not play reading
    the prince, but what you got,
    What I learned is that one is worth more for the
    good deeds before anything else.

  22. Amayelli Itzel Silva Contreras 1º D

    It is depressing to see that the numbers are based on older and / or numbers instead of more important things.

    Not everything has to be based on figures, numbers at the end been alone are nothing.

    True, the numbers we use all the time but not why they are so important.

    I found this text interesting as it reveals great truth.

  23. Christian D. Rentería García 1.-D

    This is a great book.
    It shows us how can we create a world with just our imaginateion.
    Most of my friends have read this book.
    Improves our skill about how we see life.

  24. Jose de Jesus Jimenez Garcia 1D

    “El principito” was one of the best books I read in childhood.
    It is definitely full of teaching.
    Although it is a book “for children” can learn a lot.
    Thanks for reminding me of this great read I did some years.

  25. José Luis Garza Gallegos 1ºD

    I am still saying that they probably don’t want to help Mexico, they just want to keep us in this level of knowedge.
    After all we can go as far we want, so just we need to remember our brothers and help them to up with us, not to use them like a chairs.
    I don’t like too much the “Little Prince” hehehe, but it have good reflections, i can’t deny that.
    The wisdom of our home is too necesary, just books gave by our goverment are not enough to make a great person.

  26. edgar eduardo zepeda orozco

    Adults don´t see the details of the things.
    Very good sentences to reflect.
    Are the compass to navigate the future world.

  27. Manuel Salvador Saldaña Rojas 1°A

    Reading is good for better mental development.
    Very good story that!.
    Reading helps you see the world.
    Read is learning.

  28. Víctor Iván López González 1A

    The Principito book is always very good.

    Teaches very interesting things.

    With books we learn many things.

    Reading always very good.

    As in this case shows that people are used to ask the same questioning.

  29. miguel virgilio jimenez brena 1A

    It is a wonderfull book.
    Adults see more value on things and money than anything else.
    You can learn something if you read frequently.
    I think I’m going to read this book again.

  30. Jose Manuel Tapia Gonzalez 1A

    This book is interesting.
    We should be better in the education.
    Mexico need more attention in this point.
    Good article Doctor.

  31. Adrian contreras 1 A

    I think that I will read again the principito).

    Doctor is a great book.

    There is much more behind the numbers representing education.

    Is my book favorite.

  32. Roberto Banda 1A

    I say same of the exams of each partial.
    By the way, The human always measure all.
    Thanks for open my eyes from other angle.
    The text seems me almost poetic.

  33. Luis Enrique Flores Ramirez 1°a

    That make a person a unique being.

    I find it very interesting reading.

    It teach so much things.

    I never had thought in that, the book

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