
Día del libro

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

23 de abril, Día Internacional del Libro. Del libro y del derecho de autor, agregan algunos medios. Extraños y hasta peligrosos como suelen ser algunos de esos artefactos (recuérdese “¡Indígnate!”, de Sthépane Hessel, de profunda influencia en el movimiento europeo que de allí tomó su nombre), no gozan de la popularidad del día de la amistad, el compadre o la comadre, el maestro y, ya no se diga, del niño o de la madre. En la fecha se suele escribir mucho y recordar las cifras sobre nuestro promedio de lectura. Como vivimos en un país singular, donde no se necesita leer libros para llegar al sitio más alto de lo que sea, nos toca el infortunio de que leemos poco, que nuestros promedios son raquíticos y nos avergüenzan o que, como en todas las cosas de la educación, la culpa es de la alguna vez profesora Gordillo.

En mi caso, no creo en los promedios. Si en este país nuestro hay cerca de seis millones de analfabetos (poco más de cinco, dirán las cifras oficiales), ellos no leyeron un solo libro en el año o en su vida, mientras otros seis millones o más disfrutaron los que les tocaban en aquel reparto ficticio. Tengo varios amigos que pueden leer 15 o 20 libros en una semana. Cada uno, entonces, lee en una semana los que debieran leer otras cuatro o siete personas en un año. Los promedios en lectura esconden una injusta distribución del derecho a disfrutarla.

Como todos los años, los medios repiten que el 23 de abril se celebra el día del libro por una decisión de la UNESCO, en 1995. Paradójicamente, la razón es una fecha trágica, pues el 23 de abril de 1616 murieron tres gigantes de las letras: Shakespeare, Cervantes y Garcilaso de la Vega. Claro, un día así nacieron también escritores como Nabokov o Steiner.

Por mi cuenta, hoy rindo tributo a los autores de libros que me acompañaron, acompañan y acompañarán, en casa, en la oficina, en mi cubículo, en cualquier lugar donde pueda tener acceso a un medio para leer, distraerme, divertirme, ilustrarme, o indignarme. Allí están siempre, siempre abiertos, si acaso con un poco de polvo.

Gracias a sus creadores…

Pablo Latapí Sarre, Paulo Freire, José Gimeno Sacristán, Francisco Larroyo, Juan Amos Comenio, Herbart, Durkheim, Dewey, Pestalozzi, Freinet, Antonio Gramsci, Puiggrós, Ángel Díaz-Barriga, Miguel Ángel Santos Guerra, Roberto Follari,  Meirieu, Mariano Fernández Enguita, Inés Dussel, Alfredo Furlán, Manuel Gil Antón, Lorenzo Luzuriaga, Perrenoud, Pablo Gentili, Gadotti, Juan Miguel Batalloso, Luis Porter, Dubet, Martuccelli, Juan Carlos Tedesco, Ortega y Gasset, Apple, Giroux.

Mario Benedetti, García Márquez, Neruda, Vicente Alexaindre, Kundera, Eduardo Galeano, Salgari, Saramago, Gelman, Almudena Grandes, Joaquín Sabina, Octavio Paz, Miguel Hernández, Murakami, Antonio Machado, Camus, Jorge Ibargüengoitia, Dostoievski, Kafka, Nietzsche, Skármeta, Paco Ignacio Taibo II, Arturo Pérez-Reverte, Goethe, Javier Marías, Borges, Monterroso, Bryce Echenique, Julio Cortázar.

Platón, Aristóteles, Morin, Steiner, Bourdieu, Juliana González, Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez, Enrique Dussel, Cioran, Schopenhauer, Lichtenberg, Chomsky, Fromm, Zygmunt Bauman, Eric Hobsbawm, Montaigne, Daniel Pennac.

Y más, muchos más que no tengo a la vista ni recuerdo ahora, pero que están aquí, me aguardan. Tomarlos, limpiarlos y cuidarlos y, sobre todo, leerlos y darles vida es el mejor homenaje que el 23 de abril y otros 300 o 350 días, por lo menos, podemos hacer cada año.

“El Comentario semanal”, suplemento de nuestro periódico universitario, hoy me regaló la satisfacción de descubrir que otro reputado intelectual, Gabriel Zaid, publicó en marzo, en “Letras libres”, un artículo titulado “Testamento educativo”, que reseña un libro que dirigí en 2008, con el magistral discurso legado por Pablo Latapí Sarre cuando recibió el doctorado honoris causa por la Universidad de Colima. Un libro bello en su edición y hecho con todo el cariño a que obligaba un reconocimiento como el que tributamos a tan extraordinario educador, una noche memorable en el Archivo histórico. Esta constatación fue un lindo regalo, una feliz coincidencia con este día tan especial. Pero del libro, de su autor, don Pablo, Pablo Latapí, hablaré o escribiré en otro momento. Este fue, sí, lo creo, un gran lindo regalo, aunque yo no sea el homenajeado este 23 de abril.

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29 thoughts on “Día del libro

  1. Luis Ricardo Hernandez Rebolledo

    Well for starters, the Mexicans are very bad about reading, they should implement a system in schools or something if you can make a change in us if we want!

  2. Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios 2 "A"

    In my opinion Juan Carlos Yañez referred to the World Book Day, held this 23 open despite its unpopularity on this date recalls the low readership in our country. And also to top it off he begins to blame others for our education. I do not think I come to the conclusion q is necessary to conclude the great authors alone that day if not the best way to give tribute is well read and give them life. I think that it could thanks to an effort that are cast.

  3. Juan Pedro Tintos 2 B

    I haven`t thought about it that way, it is certainly true, what a shame. I know that it isn`t a good culture to read in this country, I admit it, but thinking about it, we need to read more, I didn`t even know that it was a book day like mother`s day or children day or even Christmas or teacher`s day. There are a lot of holydays and festivities in our country and it is amazing that we don`t celebrate this important day like others, after all, books are part of our life, thanks to them we know the history of our country and even the whole world… and many more things.

  4. Ernesto alcaraz andrade 2 D

    I think is very important to our own culture to read like a habit, this habit is one of the most important that we can get in our childhood or in our youth,the point is that never is late to adopt this habit to our self.

    If we read at less 20 minutes every day or knowledge would be more rich than the actual.

  5. Diego Alberto Rodriguez Jaramillo 2D

    Reading is fascinating, personally I’ve only read a few books, but I entertained and had fun with each of them. The feelings that cause you a book to read is beyond description and hardly anyone feel the same as you. What I like to read is the experience you learn from books, among other things.

  6. Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz 2B

    Reading is not something for one day at year, that’s imposible. Either read notices or read something of our interest, culture is in it. Me, personally, i like read, i don’t read constantly, because a time reason or another difficult, but when i start Reading a book, I become so excited about it, that when i have finished it, i look for another and start with it, until temptation finish and, time later, it starts again.

  7. Rommel Salvador Juárez Rodríguez 2B

    I think that reading is very important in our lives, that apart from improving our spelling, among other things, teaches us culture. I am amazed that candidates, not read, but I am surprised a rather than the people vote for such people forgiving on pretexts of: “it is normal that people don’t read”, “a lot of people not like read”, etc. When not reading they are demonstrating their lack of culture.

  8. Luis Antonio Naranjo Mora 2B

    Seems that the International book day is special for you Juan Carlos. It shows that you wrote this post with enthusiasm. Lamentably some mexicans are bad for reading, also I don’t read a lot, in this year I have read only two books.

  9. Maribel Peralta 2D

    I like the concern some people showing because México worship is a country more
    I like to know the figures used literacy in Mexico
    I like to know the comment of poor of book
    The way that gets my little brethren interested in reading was reading to them every night.

  10. Ivan Alejandro Novela Macias 2°B

    The rates are just that, do not reflect the truth of the lack of culture of the majority of Mexicans unfortunately. As you say many people have read or a book in his life, but others read a lot. Whether singular or whatever the truth is that most of the schools where we should inculcate the reading is not done, so do not really expect this to change.

  11. María Lizbeth Ochoa Sarmienta 2B

    On the day of book that we can promote international communication among readers, authors, booksellers, publishers, writers, libraries, poets, illustrators and literary groups. always celebrate other dates by events but very few people know when they celebrate the day of the book and it is sad that society wants and seeks only fun, I admit that I do not know this date until recently I hope this society more aware that reading opens doors.

  12. Rodriguez Niebla Manuela 2 B

    I agree with your comment, the habit of Reading has lost because of other distractions. I`d like you to suggest me some light reading book so I can start to read. The book day is to remember the best writers.

  13. Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto. 2-B

    My opinion is, a book contains many good stuff applicable things in the life, if one as person we were applying and taking again them we would have another vision of the current world.

  14. Javier Alexis Cernas Avalos 2°D

    In my opinion a book is the way to know new worlds.
    If we would have a best culture we would read more books.
    We need more kind of days like that, only this way Mexico could be better.
    Day International of Book is a good opportunity to visit a new world, the fantasy world.

  15. Ruben Ricardo Trujillo Garcia 2*A

    Avia not thought that way, it is true, what a shame. I know that without good reading culture in this country, I admit, but think about it, we have to read more, I did not know it was a day of the book as a Mother’s Day or the day the children or even Christmas or the day of the teacher. There are plenty of holidays and festivals of our country and it’s amazing that we celebrate this important day because a book is the best that can be daily but it’s something I did not take the importance that he should take this day as important as the others, after all, books are part of our life, thanks to them we know the history of our country and even worldwide.

  16. Jose CArlos Hernandez Hernandez 2B

    scientifically proven: Mexicans are not interested in books.
    What good read 20 books if not you understood completely?
    Is not it better to read one but as a reader?
    I like reading books because they transport me to different places without having to move.

  17. Chan Ramirez Francisco Javier 2 B

    Personally I didn’t know that on 23 April was the international day of the book. And it’s true that the average of many people in the reading is not so good to say, I’m within those. I think there are very interesting books of recognized writers. And of those creators mentioned me they sound like several of them.

  18. Armando Vazquez Zamora 2° B

    Reading is good for us, reading is not only once but for a lifetime. The ability to read makes read from as small as a message to something more complete as a book. Reading makes us to go we improve our reading. I do not read much but I like reading interesting books as well as those of the author Ted Dekker, I enjoy reading his books, interesting books out.

  19. Ramon Francisco Martinez Velazquez 2°D

    In my opinion the reading is very pretty, if we had the habit of reading I think the world would be very different, the reader lives many lives and their thinking is extended, hopefully in the future is more fortalesca reading for all people.

  20. salvador hernandes francisco 2 °a

    Reading makes us to go we improve our reading. I do not read much but I like reading interesting books as well as those of the author Ted Dekker, I enjoy reading his books, interesting books out.There are plenty of holidays and festivals of our country and it’s amazing that we celebrate this important day because a book is the best that can be daily but it’s something I did not take the importance that he should take this day as important as the others, after all, books are part of our life, When not reading they are demonstrating their lack of culture.

  21. Omar Alejandro Rios Del Toro 2ºA

    The day the book is unimportant to me because I’m not a big reader. On the other side does not want to downplay the importance of reading or want to suggest that reading serves not just not my interest. It’s good to have one day to the book because it takes a lot of reading culture in Mexico. Should do more publicity on the importance of reading a good book and all the benefits that one gains from reading constantly.

  22. 2A José Carlos Llerenas Montes

    Certainly our country isn’t known for reading a lot.
    However. I think the day of the book can become the perfect day to encourage people to read.
    We know it’s hard to change the position of an entire country quickly.
    But as soon as we start, we will achieve our goal.

  23. j.Enrique Madrigal Díaz 2 A

    Unfortunately as you mention, in Mexico, do not have a reading culture, and are much more, those who do not read that those who read and those who read, read for those who do not read, I think those who read frequently have discovered a world of opportunities and a broader picture than do not read, I think if people had an interest in the primary things, there will be more competitive Mexico

  24. Ricardo Ploneda 2°A

    With respect, I must say, I get “laughter” that many young people say that reading is so important in these times and so on and so forth, but they say what they know, or because they actually read? It is an open question, of course. . In my say is that I feel empowered to say, “I celebrate the day of” not just today with words, but whenever I can close one of my books (maybe some more than ten times) very constantly.

  25. Alvaro Arellano Gálvez 2A

    In my opinion the day the book should be every day reading a bookevery time you can.
    And so to honor these very good writers who strive to aya good books to read.
    Because very few people read and then we complain that hai very little education at home if we do not get to read a book.
    If we read from time to time everything would be better and more we progress.

  26. Ivan Alejandro Vega Flores 2°A

    Creating a day for something is a way to cause awareness of its importance; and reading is incredibly important, but it’s true, most of us do not read, or if we read, we’re talking about magazines or comics even. I do not demerit such work, I myself am a comic book fan; however, it is true that we need to start searching for a more complete reading material; the sad thing is that books aren’t always available to everyone; as students, we should read, and share what we read, so that if someone else cannot have access to that book, they still get to know about it, even if it’s through someone else’s reading experience.

  27. Miguel Leon Bautista 2A

    A good way to give a little celebration of this day should be, read a book, and well, not to just this day but where possible.
    Would be great that we all take a little time to reading.
    Not necessarily stop doing something, why not do while traveling in the back of the car, or passenger, or as we in the truck, or when we go to the doctor and have to wait, or the bank.
    If we take time to sleep before watching TV or being an extended time chatting online, for either to do some reading.
    We should make reading a habit.

  28. Madrigal Velasco Pedro 2°B

    It’s a shame, although we know about our poor culture of reading, no much people care about it. Most of the people doesn’t see the importance of reading. Reading it’s like an exercise for the brain and a really important source of information. I think we need to spend a minimum of an hour reading, change the tv for a good book.

  29. adrian alejandro vizcaino martinez 2B

    The reading is very important for people. I believe that books are the most important things that we have, in the books we learn the history of our country, the history of the world. It is sad to know that in our country we do not have the habit to read a book for pleasure, without need that force us to read.

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