Los retos del sistema educativo mexicano se resumen en uno: educar con calidad a todos. Pero no entendida la calidad como la satisfacción del cliente, ni como el acatamiento a normas técnicas o burocráticas. Tampoco, como es usual, con base en resultados alcanzados por los estudiantes en exámenes nacionales o internacionales. Porque la educación no es una empresa y porque su objetivo es la formación de ciudadanos, no su entrenamiento para los exámenes de opción múltiple.
Calidad, entonces, definida a partir de cinco atributos, comunes entre los expertos en el tema. Primero, con equidad: no hay educación de calidad en un sistema escolar si acceder a el y culminarlo es privilegio de algunos, normalmente aquellos ubicadas en los estratos medios y altos.
A la equidad su suma la eficiencia y la eficacia, para optimizar recursos y cumplir objetivos, para encontrar medios adecuados a los fines.
Pertinencia y relevancia son rasgos más de una educación con calidad, para atender necesidades sociales, preparar ciudadanos capaces de enfrentar la problemática social y propiciar todos los cambios posibles, en particular, el de cada persona: quizá la más trascendente de todas las funciones de la educación.
Educación de calidad así es imperativo ineludible. No es una disyuntiva. Es el único camino para la escuela. Menos de eso es inadmisible; es, debe ser una de las exigencias primordiales de la ciudadanía a sus candidatos y gobernantes.
En el mar de campañas iniciadas y las que están por llegar es un tema central: ¿escucharemos los mismos discursos y consignas, o encontraremos posturas frescas y esperanzadoras?
¿Será esta la ocasión de dar vuelta a la página de la historia o repetiremos los desaciertos del presente y del pasado?
Chan Ramirez Francisco Javier 2 B
It’s true that not only is to educate by is said if not do so with quality.I agree that it isn’t enough to have many projects, proposals and more if in the end don’t pass to facts,not met.And if it’s true that you see come sea of proposals from the different political parties, it will be very interesting and we now turn to choose.
maria corbin
dr. ya es tiempo de manejar los resultados y caminar al futuro. buenos deceos para todos los estudiantes. son buenos deceos para el pais de mexico .
Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios 2A
In my opinion this is true the issue is quality Education for all. If you’re right we should know it’s quality and with these 5 points. It is also not the same as having several projects if they know how to work them. And as always in politics for me is the same.
Adrian Alejandro Vizcaino Martinez 2B
Who wants to study succeeds, because there are always resources to do so. Few years improvements to education have not asked? Always reach the same point in that year after year low quality education.
Rommel Salvador Juárez Rodríguez 2B
It is always the same, we are already tired of the same proposals, which have already become a cliche. Would be more interesting to the innovative proposals, fresh and with hope. Investing in education is the best response in which the candidates in politics could do, so hence this future, the future of our Mexico.
Alma Galindo
Trisitemente he estado viendo una publicidad del consejo de la Comunicación que dice que si te preocupa la educación de tus hijos les ayudes a pasar el examen de Calidad y el PISA. Y que el reto es que 1 de cada 2 entre a una calificación aceptable. Me preocupa porque es evidente que la “buena educación” no se debe medir sólo con un examen y no debe ser objetivo de los padres que el niño “pase” sino que deberían tratar de inculcar educación para todo y para toda la vida. Un educación social, no una educación bancaria 🙁
Creo que este sería otro de los rasgos para empezar a desarrollar una capacidad educativa permanente, más equitativa y evidentemente con mayor calidad.
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Alma, totalmente de acuerdo.
Un abrazo!
Juan Pedro Tintos 2 B
Education is always the key, for many things but especially for our own good in the future. The thing is not just education, but quality in that education and it has come to be always the same topic, good education, quality teachers, quality system, great investments on education from our government, etc. but I insist, we students have to make the difference, and do what we have to do, not just go to school and heat the chair, not just taking a place we don`t deserve and waste the money of our parents…
Luis Antonio Naranjo Mora 2B
Exactly, the education quality of Mexico should be better. I think that it would be possible if teachers would be better prepared. Students acquire knowledge, but also they must “learn to learn”, without knowing “learn to learn”, they will use only their knowledge without reasoning.
Madrigal Velasco Pedro 2°b
The problem lies partly in the teachers that do the bidding of those who sent them in this case the SEP.
If the teacher follow his own plan of teaching the story would be different because the protocol is the one that hurts.
Apart from that see education as a company see it also as a recipe and not the solutions to this problem.
The educations is very sensitive to not be affected by the policy if it is affected by the policy is that there are interests involved.
María Lizbeth Ochoa Sarmienta 2B
always hear the same things, always the same goal of political campaigns, perhaps some promise if fulfilled, but never come true as they said, just waiting to win the presidency of Mexico while in power the way you see situations and completely changes people, education in mexico I will always be the same yet we are not prepared for something big.
Ivan Alejandro Novela Macias 2°B
Education is the best option for growth of the country, but is useless tell them to candidates because they ignore, only say listen to win votes, what we have to do is learn how to learn for ourselves because with citizens better educated and prepared mexico will be better in the future.
Ramon Francisco Martinez Velazquez 2°D
In my opinion, I think for the benefit of all as he says hopefully you’ll be back to the page and not fall into the same old thing.
One of the attributes mentioned caught my attention, equity is a fundamental point for me because I believe that helping people located in the lower strata to study would be considerably reduced crime and many social problems, do not say that people limited resources are criminals but in large part to what I regarded as “no money to stay in school” get to work from an early age and soon get angry and looking for easy ways out, and I am almost certain that a large percentage of these people Headboard have to continue studying and I dare say that if given the chance would be excellent students better than me at least if I do.
Luis Ricardo Hernández Rebolledo 2°A
An education system well implemented, I think to do that, would have to work hard, because in our country we are unfortunately very bad in terms of education, is not that teachers are bad or ineffective, but most of all is the motivation bring the student to study.
Very good contribution on now, and I hope and someone to do something with this.
Miguel Rosales Ochoa 2A
In my opinion I think these 5 points I mention are crucial for the country’s educational level increases.
I believe that rulers should opt for real change and not just ilucionar people to get votes and when the truth is not what they promised cumoplir.
I think Mexico will progress better eficasia when it comes to work and not just collect salaries for doing nothing.
Someday I hope and change this situation because it would be gratifying to all be well and change the perspective of Mexico around the world.
Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz 2B
That challenge is the one that we all wants to have done. But, i think that the sistema is not the appropriate to do it. There are things that have to change. Mentioning equity, they have to prepare equally to all, if as stated, all of we have the same capacity.
Jose CArlos Hernandez Hernandez 2B
Education involves three basic dimensions of human being: “being-in ‘, the’ being-with ‘and’ being-for ‘, this mean, respectively, be generated and depend on someone or something previously existing, cooperating with other and be responsible in relation to them for taking the endowed elements of truth and value to the point to give an address, a “sense” of his life.
Rodriguez Niebla Manuela 2 B
I agree with your comment. Education isn`t just prepare us for the tests but prepare us to face our life problems too. Education is a power. And we must fight for a little piece of it.
Javier Alexis Cernas Avalos 2°D
I agree with you, I hope education will be a true education with quality.
In my opinion these 5 points will help to level education increases.
With best education, Mexico will be a better country, with better persons.
Education should prepare us for the life and it don’t just for a exam.
Ruben Ricardo Trujillo Garcia 2*A
In my view this issue is something really interesting because people have the habit of saying I could not study because there is money when it is something very foolish, because nowadays there are many grants you can get to further explore the support is very completely.
One of the attributes mentioned caught my attention, equity is a fundamental point for me, because I believe that helping people at the lowest strata in the study would be considerably reduced crime and many social problems, not saying that people with limited resources are criminals, but much of what he regarded as “no money to stay in school” get to work from an early age and soon becomes angry and looking for easy ways out, and I am almost certain that a large percentage Header of these people have to continue studying and I dare say that if given the opportunity for excellent students would be better than me, at least if I do.
Armando Vazquez Zamora 2° B
I think not only educate students, to get as many proposals as the latter do not comply, it is better to teach students with quality, you must be making proposals on how to teach the new graduates.
salvador hernandes francisco 2 °a
The educations is very sensitive to not be affected by the policy if it is affected by the policy is that there are interests involved.ust waiting to win the presidency of Mexico while in power the way you see situations and completely changes people, education in mexico I will always be the same yet we are not prepared for something big.is not that teachers are bad or ineffective, but most of all is the motivation bring the student to study.
Very good contribution on now, and I hope and someone to do something with this.
Omar Alejandro Rios Del Toro 2ºA
It’s a nice challenge to have quality students. Having quality is very important because they are the future of our country. Leaving aside all issues about education in my view this is a moment worth the effort. That is a challenge that requires the commitment of all to have paid off in no time.
2A José Carlos Llerenas Montes
I think these five aspects are very important to have a quality education.
Equity must be established so all of us have the opportunity to receive education, and not just a part of the population.
Hopefull the new presidential period will be beneficial for education.
Thus, our country will be better citizens and grow in all areas.
j.Enrique Madrigal Díaz 2 A
I think that to get a quality education, we must require quality teachers, we, the students committed to education for quality results.
Ricardo Ploneda 2°A
“Quality” that is the word perhaps key, but unfortunately not all institutions have this requirement, if, a requirement to achieve or do something GOOD.
But obviously, to have quality requires that all do their part, And now we ourselves should decide, but how to do it without the support of society.
Alvaro Arellano Gálvez 2A
In my opinion for me these 5 points apply very little in all schools in the world.
Not really in all fairness there schools or anything.
Education needs to improve for the good of our country and if the government does not let go each time initiatives falling more and more.
Say it is true that many proposals for education and all but the lastare just in words and never do anything.
Ivan Alejandro Vega Flores 2°A
To have a proper educational system we do need some basic rules that may appear burocratic, or useless even; but I do agree with the fact that at school we’re supposed to learn what we will actually use when we “go out to the life of adulthood”, and the main problem is to transform what we learned in class into a problem solving reality. The educational system needs to change, but there are basic aspects of the organization, even if it’s not a business, or anything like that, to keep it functional.
Maria Dolores Adán Santillán 2°D
In my opinion I think they feel the quality education that will be excellent passing exams, but not, there are several ways to learn and can give better results than we have today