
Inolvidables primeras veces

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco


Me pregunto dónde y cómo vamos perdiendo la curiosidad. ¿La perdemos o solo se esconde por allí, entre algunas de nuestras capas y etapas? Dicen que los bebés y los niños son capaces de reírse cientos de veces por día, mientras los adultos ya somos incapaces. Y al extraviarlas vamos congelando gestos y engrosando las venas por donde transita nuestra vitalidad.



Hay primeras veces que no olvidamos jamás. Cada uno sabe cuáles, en qué ámbitos y elabora su jerarquía. O no, o nada. De poca memoria y no grandiosa sensibilidad, he sido consciente de la primera caminata entre mi hijo y yo. Solo el acontecimiento me resultó estimulante, además de inédito, como queda claro. Fue hace unos días cuando tuvimos la oportunidad de caminar no sé cuánta distancia. Tal vez dos kilómetros, a la orilla de la playa, escabulléndonos de las olas. Allí íbamos, un padre y un hijo tomados de sus manos. El infante, con enorme determinación, indicando a dónde debíamos llegar. El padre miraba el punto de arranque y calculaba que si cumplíamos la meta, heroica a todas luces, tardaríamos un par de horas y con final impronosticable. Emprender la larga caminata, larga, dicho sea, por la estatura del menor y por nunca recorrida, fue un acontecimiento único, pero más inolvidable que lo hiciéramos en animada conversación –si dicho término puede aplicarse-, solo interrumpida por el nene cuando sus emociones lo asaltaban y volteaba para contarme sus descubrimientos. El motivo de casi todos sus sorprendidos gestos eran los hoyos en la arena, o un pedazo de cualquier basura. Cuando sucedía, me soltaba decidido, se inclinaba y lo miraba, hurgando, buscando descifrarlo o cómo taparlo. Una curiosidad inusitada para un adulto: un niño que una y otra vez, diez o quince veces se agacha sobre sus pies y aprecia sorprendido un nuevo hoyo, en nada distinto –a los ojos del adulto- a los 5, 7 o 9 anteriores. A mí me sorprendía su sorpresa, más que el hoyo, y sus enormes ojos abiertos que miraban los míos para confiarme su hallazgo. Mira papá, un hoyo, decía. Supongo que un adulto normal, normalmente desprovisto del sentido de la curiosidad ni vería los hoyos a su paso, ni siquiera por dónde sus pasos andan. Y entonces se perdería de lo que podría encontrar, o se perdería, nada más.

Dónde se extravió la curiosidad, esa virtud que los adultos dejamos como una de las primeras pieles, que hace a un niño descubrir en la playa un cacharro inservible o una caracola bellísima. Dónde. No lo sé, en todo caso, al extraviarla nos despojamos de la posibilidad de un maravilloso descubrimiento cotidiano acechándonos a cada nuevo paso. Así en la playa, en la primera caminata con tu hijo, como en la vida misma, solo durante el resto de la vida.



Cuando finalizaba estas líneas unos versos de Juan Gelmán me esperaban en “Violín y otras cuestiones”:

Especialmente ando preocupado

por el tiempo, la vida, otras cositas como ser

morir sin haberse alcanzado a sí mismo.

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20 thoughts on “Inolvidables primeras veces

  1. José Manuel Ruiz Calleja

    Ah, como es de lindo disfrutar de los hijos, cuando nos sorprenden con su constante cuestionar las cosas que son nuevas para ellos y… para nosotros también, porque todo es irrepetible, solo que ya de adultos no lo percibimos igual. Los niños son grandes problematizadores pero ya de adultos, muchas veces con la “ayuda” de la escuela y de nosotros los padres van perdiendo esa capacidad tan importante para ver y entender la vida, descubrir sus misterios y construir conocimientos.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Algo sabrás de eso, mi estimado doctor. Qué place inmenso, sin duda.

      Y en efecto, son problematizadores estupendos, que luego domesticamos, para su y nuestra desgracia.

      Un abrazo

  2. Sergio Ursúa

    Vamos creciendo y vamos perdiendo la capacidad de asombro y en uno guijarros se encuentran cosas maravillosas los niños. Voy a subir la foto en un rato para dar fe de esto. Esto es también de Cabral:

    No crezca mi niño,
    no crezca jamás,
    los hombres al mundo
    hacen mucho mal.
    “Vuele bajo”

  3. Ramon Francisco Martinez Velazquez 2°D

    It’s very funny how we are reading a text while you any plans to place and in this case a memory came to me when I was young and first time I went to the beach (I think), and also recalled several times and had first throughout my short life and as mentioned proverb says a recall is to live again and really do not doubt that. Try to amaze me more often.

  4. Thamara

    Gracias Doctor, al leer lo anterior reviví la sensación que experimentaba con mi trabajo cotidiano y sonreí desde el alma.

    Cálido abrazo 😀

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Gracias por leerlo Thamara!

      Un abrazo.

  5. Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios

    My opinion is not lost curiosity a human being naturally curious and will always do I will not miss. The smile is lost when we grow because we’re worried about other things and sometimes we forget to smile. Walking on the beach with a sunset shining think about of yours best moments of your life that if you stay relaxed. Maybe you lose the curiosity that you know what you are trying to look.

  6. Luis Ricardo Hernández Rebolledo 2°A

    My opinion is that we have not lost the curiosity they once had, that curiosity with which you discovered many wonderful things and many say they do not, I say that every moment we are curious, but no longer show as before.
    And if there things that we never forget

  7. Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz 2B

    I think that is inexplicable for each person, enjoy those moments with people who we appreciate. The first times, almost always are the best ones, because those are experiences which we have not lived. Therefore, lets enjoy them , i mean, the máximum. Lets live the life day by day, like new things.

  8. Jose CArlos Hernandez Hernandez 2B

    In my opinion I think we all have dreams and those dreams are the reason to get up every morning and keep going.

    I think curiosity should be well promoted and our duty is to be curious and alert mind researcher and revived, that is not obtained in correspondence course.

    Do not let die the curious child that each has in it.

    I feel the world has many wrongs each day and this requires us to live always at the time and leaves us no time to investigate new things.

  9. Vero Huerta

    Son sorprendentes las lecciones de vida que los hijos nos dan… y es realmente divino, el poder disfrutar esos momentos…

  10. Ruben Ricardo Trujillo Garcia 2*A

    In my view, is very curious to see how we are reading a text, while plans to place and in this case a memory came to me when I was young when I first went to the beach (I think) and also recalled several times and was first through my short life, and as mentioned proverb says that the withdrawal is to live again, and really no doubt. Try to surprise me more often.
    This subject is something I did not think to get to live the truth I find it interesting that you mentioned is very nice to see every step of your life the truth from your children is very important to do things you could not make me go to learn new things this post was fine.

  11. Roberto Quintero Cervantes 2D

    In my view, is very curious to see how we are reading a text,that we should be well promoted and our duty is to be curious and alert mind researcher and revived, that is not obtained in correspondence course.Do not let die the curious child that each has in it.

  12. Omar Alejandro Rios Del Toro 2ºA

    The first time at anything is to me something once in a lifetime. Being a father for the first time, getting married, traveling by plane and so on. These things happen the first time you stimulate filling you with joy for life that is to be happy and live it. For my part I laughed more now than when I was a kid so I disagree with being unable to do so. It’s different and not wanting can not so I think they do not want to laugh.

  13. 2A José Carlos Llerenas Montes

    I think the curiosity is still inside of us, but eclipsed by the routine.
    Maybe that’s why the first times we remember it fondly.
    However, I think we should enjoy every detail of life.
    No matter if we have made one or a thousand times.

  14. j.Enrique Madrigal Díaz 2 A

    I believe that curiosity, as you mention is lost over time, and I think that life could be because over time it becomes more complicated, and we engage in personal problems, social realities and I think these are anesthetics that are going by removing not only curiosity but much more, and this is how we perceive things in different ways, be a privilege to be a child again.

  15. Ricardo Ploneda 2°A

    Many feelings at the same time, is wonderful to have someone to remind us how important it is as insignificant to life in our, as we passed, every second.
    You may say that; “I have no time for other things “” work / school / drown grooming / etc, I take lots of time”.
    But I think it is necessary to take “time” to enjoy the small great details that we have life, time is relative, as these going to walk, to do, to listen, or just sitting quietly for a moment.
    It is important without taking regardless of age, time, duties, chores, keep the thing called “curiosity” or casually every second.

  16. Alvaro Arellano Gálvez 2A

    In my opinion the first time around is the best thing to happen to anyone because it is something new you’re doing and enjoy it so much that makes you want to continue to explore other things.
    Curiosity never lost just that sometimes you are very busy with otherthings you have no time and be curious.
    And I laugh I think that laughter is something very nice without it we would be very boring and did not open a little joy from time to time.
    I really liked this post made me think several things very nice.

  17. Ivan Alejandro Vega Flores 2°A

    It just happens, we allow it, we let reality impose on ourselves, we start chasing time instead of using it wisely; the daily life starts to wear us down, to numb us. But that doesn’t mean we can’t be awekened again, when we see the passion in other people, we remember the fire that once burned in ourselves, that’s the most wonderful thing of being close to kids, through their eyes that see the world as something new, we become renewed; we awaken from our slumber, and we see, once again, that the world is a wonderful place, exciting, and new.

  18. Miguel Leon Bautista 2A

    Children are motivated are the ones who teach us how to enjoy life.

    You must enjoy every moment of our lives, and what better to do it next to a small, seeing him grow and how it changes your perspective on the world.

    While we should not let our busy life a little or a lot or a little busy to see us remove those little great things.

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