En quince horas fui desafortunado testigo de dos percances que involucraron a motociclistas. Con esta suerte, quienes conduzcan en dos ruedas cuídense de encontrarme en la calle por unos días. Aunque ya tomé providencias y me encerré por el fin de semana, no estaría mal hacer lo propio.
Anoche, un hombre y una mujer tirados en el piso, rodeados de algunos testigos, esperaban la ambulancia cuando a Mariana y a mí la escena nos dejó perplejos, el hambre extraviada. Este mediodía otro duro golpe y de nuevo un motociclista recibía atención médica en la acera.
Las motos, todavía recostadas en el piso, me trajeron de golpe los recuerdos de las tantas veces que se adelantan al paso y en intrépidos movimientos esquivan uno, otro y más automóviles en trayectoria suicida.
Conduciendo de esa forma, en una ciudad que solo por momentos presume amabilidad, las escenas como las que tengo pegadas en los ojos son frecuentes. A veces más trágicas, pero siempre impactantes y costosas.
Por las mañanas, camino al colegio, sufro o me divierto con los padres y madres que, poco prevenidos, flojos o indolentes, salen de casa con el tiempo justo para llegar a las escuelas, pero a las 3 o 4 de la mañana, en avenidas sin tráfico ni agentes viales. Nos ponen en riesgo, a los peatones, a ellos mismos (aunque demuestren poco aprecio por la vida) y con sus apresuradas carreras apenas logran ganar metros y unos cuantos segundos, antes de ser detenidos por el arroyo vehicular.
Cinco minutos tarde, un segundo de distracción, una ojeada más al teléfono y así, en un instante, la vida cambia, y puede ser para siempre.
Canta el divo de Juárez, y con razón: ¡pero qué necesidad!
2B Luis Gabriel Romero Cervantes
1.- It´s true, but not all the motorcicles are irresponsable.
2.- In the city are normal the accidents every happens.
3.- The reality is if the citizens will be aware the accidents can be evited.
4.-For this people irresponsable the life of the other people doesn’t matter, our lives value anything fot them because writting text, calling for phone, or be are other thing less put attencion in the ride.
2D José Antonio Torres Garibay
1.- i saw how two motorcycle crashed
2.-Unfortunately young people are aware of their acts and leads them to commit these follies, like going fast on a motorcycle
3.-Not only at night people are speeding motorcycle
4.-All time innocent people die because of irresponsible people
2A Edgar Alejandro Avalos Alvarado
1.- Accidents are much more serious in motorcycles.
2.- The most common motorcycle crashes.
3.- In my opinion, motorcycles are coffins with 2 wheels.
4.- People think of saving and forget security.
2A Jesús Alejandro García Núñez
1.- They are people unconscious that doesn’t have love for them.
2.- The motorcycles are verry dangerous and more with that type of persons.
3.- The problem is that the pedestrians also are in danger.
4.- Colima need more drive education.
2D Christian Lau Heredia
1.-I drive a motorcycle.
2.-Handle with care comes first, also you must beware of aggressive drivers.
3.-There should be special regulations for motorcycles and cars
4.-Motorcyclists care little driving like crazy
2D Isaias Antonio Orozco Rios
1.-prudence is the duty of all
2.-the worst accidents are the car accidents
3.-educating road is everyone’s job and we must respect the signs
4.-this is all part of irresponsibility and mismanagement of time
2A Luis Arturo Luna Guendulain
1-.Rushing to win soon , and perhaps lose everything.
2-.Lost in speed, so that ?
3-.I think we should give ourselves time to gain time
4-.Do not leave life on the road , but take the right path
2a Ivan Alejandro Bautista Bonilla
That’s accidents are so frequent here, every day increases more.
The motorcyclists driving so hard by the roads and they don’t care the crowd of cars.
It´s as if to motorcyclists like get closer of death.
I think that should them have more care on the road but the cars too.
2B Luis Armando Duran Vega
1.-Pitifully, that is the reality, there is a lot of unwise drivers whose think that they are always going to have the control, suddenly they quit to be lucky and finally they get an accident.
2.-I am a driver car, and i’m very careful when i see a motorcyclist, I’m not saying that all the motorcyclist are unwise and craftys.
3.-I have carried my little brothers to theirs school, and i have to say that it is like the hell! There is a lot of traffic and a lot of impudents drivers whose want to exceed the limit.
4.-Our live could change in a blink of an eye. Be Careful!
2B Eduardo Antonio Reyes Carvajal
a)motorcyclists abuse maneuverability they have with the bikes , so kill them.
b)Some riders are drugged .
c)The motorcycle riders speeding .
d)many do not wear helmets .
2 A Rafael Ramírez Rodríguez
1.- Some motorcycle drivers are very irresponsible.
2.- Sometimes, they don’t care about his own life.
3.- Some car drivers are fool too, specially the youngers.
4.- We all must be cautious.
yeah accidents happen in just seconds.
some motorcicles ride like that but no all.
this are not good avenues to ride a motorcicle but sometimes is the best or only way to travel.
we should respect signals and other drivers.
2D Osorio Alcala Jonathan
1.- i saw how two motorcycle crashed
2.- In the city are normal the accidents every happens.
3.- I think we should give ourselves time to gain time.
4.- We all must be cautious.
jose angel torres martinez 2d
1._ people should have more responsbilities
2._ i had a friends that died, because a stupid drunk driver crashed him
3._ police should bee more
4._We must be cautious.
2b Hector Miguel Rodriguez Muñiz
1- Lack awareness among people traveling by motorcycle
2- You need that people understand and read the rules of road .
3- People are very foolish today.
4- Many accidents occur today could have been avoided
Alejandro Barreda 2D
1.- The motorciclysts are very irresponsables.
2.- I want a motocycle.
3.- Some car drivers are irresponsables too.
4.- You be cautious.
severo iglesias jimenez
1.- people without caution when driving
2. certain this story
3. I like to read these notes.
4. but I do not like comments
2D Jesús Alejandro Hernández Mancilla
1.- Not all riders are to blame.
2.- Sometimes drivers are also to blame for not respecting.
3.- Sometimes they are due to imprudence of people.
4.- i ride a bike and I think everything depends on the behavior of both sides..