Anoche vi en CNN la entrevista de Carmen Aristegui con Edgardo Buscaglia, profesor de la Universidad de Columbia. La corrupción y los llamados narcobloqueos en Jalisco la semana anterior fueron el foco de la conversación. Buscaglia fue incisivo en aseveraciones a partir de las pesquisas que realiza en nuestro país.
Colima fue uno de los estados que apareció en sus respuestas, como sitio donde podría estarse filtrando el narco en la política, imponiendo candidatos y financiando campañas. Junto a Nayarit o Guanajuato, los tres en aparente calma respecto, por ejemplo, a Tamaulipas, son motivo de sus preocupaciones más que en aquellos estados donde las manifestaciones violentas son visibles. Porque allí, sostiene, podrían arraigarse las redes del narco en un clima discreto.
No sé cuánta información tiene sobre nuestro estado. En lugar de las autoridades no tiraría en saco roto ni escondería lo dicho, aunque la historia marca.
Posponer declaraciones, minimizar u ocultar puede ser terrible frente a los medios más críticos, iracundos o alarmistas, pero ante la inminencia del peligro podrían ser actos de costos incalculables o impagables.
arthur edwards
y vaya, Buscaglia sabe de lo que habla. Tiene años en esta tarea sobre la crimen organizada y la narcopolítica en Colombia, y ahora México!
2B Luis Gabriel Romero Cervantes
1.-First that all, he talked about the great´s criminals groups don’t needed kill, at the politics for can put their.
2.- When the state is in aparent calm and quit is more worring than states where are unrest.
3.- Other point is about the politics where we have been watched how the corruption is visible.
4.- This acts show us the incapacity of the president for do something that represent an action
2D Carlos Francisco Nuñez Delgado
1.-In Mexico there are a lot of corruption that didn’t help to progresss.
2.-The politics says that Mexico don’t have corruption and like the slogan of PRI said we are going to live safe, everything is a lie.
3.-This acts of ‘narcobloqueos’ are made to distract us about the next elections.
4.- The insecurity is a topic that always is said by media
2D Kenovi
1. Insecurity is a higher problem for Mexico, maybe that’s why we are so.
2. The politicians are the ones who still we’ll slow it down, up borrowing every day.
3. The law these days is not fair and also be bribed by the politics, is a network of corruption.
4. The unrest that are possibly only have been a distraction and an advantage for thieves.
2A Edgar Alejandro Avalos Alvarado
1.- In my opinion, all that happened was a political tactic.
2.- The drug dealing in Colima is very large and this is below the government.
3.- The rulers are elected before they carry out the elections.
4.- The Rulers create pacts with drug traffickers.
2A Jesús Alejandro García Núñez
1.- All this is thing of the presidents.
2.- It’s true that Colima was a place of violence for the “Narco” the 1 May, but Colima isn’t dangerous as believe them.
3.- I don’t know if the man met Colima as for talk of our state.
4.- Colima is and will be beautiful and secure.
2D Christian Lau Heredia
1.-Drug trafficking at the end wins
2.-They do not mind hurting people
3.-The governments do not care or do anything about it
4.-Is better tread carefully
2B Jonathan Hali Gorbea Aguayo
1.- he yesterday saw in CNN an interview of Carmen Aristegui with Edgardo Buscaglia
2.- The corruption and ‘narcobloqueos’ en Jalisco last week were topic of conversation
3.-Colima was one of states appeared in your answers, how site when could seeping to narco into policy
4.-This is a big problem in our country from many years.
2B Luis Armando Duran Vega
1.-I had to cancel a trip because there was every blocked owing to the racketeering.
2.-I really admire Carmen Aristegui, actually, i used to watch hers videos on youtube, she is one of the last journalist who search and talk about the true.
3.-There are people whose say that Jorge Luis Preciado has links to the “drug traffic (narcotrafico)”, and they say his “political campaign” has been funded for them.
4.-nowdays, we notice what’s happening through of social networks, there are a little journalist whose talk the real true. They used to hide the information.
2D Isaias Antonio Orozco Rios
1.-public safety is everyone’s job , but the government plays an important role
2.-if the crime imposes on governments can not expect a safe state
3.-violence has become part of every day a day in mexico
4.-likewise the politicians ignore the facts
2 A Rafael Ramírez Rodríguez
1.- Insecurity in Mexico keeps growing.
2.- Colima should be alert for now on.
3.- The government should better prepare the country’s security.
4.- Corruption in Mexico is something to be worry about.
2D Osorio Alcala Jonathan
1.-First that all, he talked about the great´s criminals groups don’t needed kill, at the politics for can put their.
2.- Colima should be alert for now on.
3.-violence has become part of every day a day in mexico
4.-Is better tread carefully.
2b Hector Miguel Rodriguez Muñiz
1- The corruption is throughout Mexico .
2- I think that politics is full of people who see only their interests.
3- Organized crime increasingly seizes power in Mexico to make your own .
4- And according to that, the politicians say there is corruption in Mexico
2D Francisco Javier Vega Barbosa
Aristegui haha! She go down. so deep…
Colima should be alert for now on.
public safety is everyone’s job , but the government plays an important role
The unrest that are possibly only have been a distraction and an advantage for thieves.
2D Francisco Javier Vega Barbosa
Aristegui haha! She go down. so deep…
Colima should be alert for now on.
public safety is everyone’s job , but the government plays an important role
The unrest that are possibly only have been a distraction and an advantage for thieves