Esta tarde pasé por el colegio de Mariana Belén para recoger sus calificaciones del primer bimestre en el cuarto año de primaria.
Camino a casa, con la sonrisa por los resultados, divagué acerca de las conversaciones que solemos tener en las mañanas. Le inquieta el valor que tienen las calificaciones y yo, no me canso de repetirle, con palabras diferentes y buscando nuevas argumentaciones, que sacar 10 no es el motivo más importante, que el 10 no es la medida del éxito escolar que persigo en la escuela, ni para ella ni para su hermano. Que un 10, obtenido sin el máximo esfuerzo y aprendizajes, no merece aplausos o felicitaciones. Así pienso que debería funcionar la escuela.
Es verdad, en esta época en que la escuela pondera las estrellas, las competencias y la competitividad, el individualismo o las medallas de oro en lectura, hay que tener mucho cuidado en el mensaje para no provocar disonancias incapaces de resolver los niños con sus medios.
A contracorriente, le insisto, no tengo obsesión por hijos de 10 en las escuela, o máximas calificaciones con esfuerzos regateados, ni quiero como meta ser mejores que los demás. La medida de la comparación es siempre uno mismo, si se trata de compararse.
La educación, si la entendemos como el proceso de formación de las personas y no se reduce a la escuela, trabaja con personas y no con objetos o mercancías, por tanto, es mucho más compleja e interesante, más delicada y requiere de un sentido común que hoy es elementalmente escaso.
1. I hate of my university the competitiveness.
2. Excellent way of education, I imagine that yours son are the best people.
3. Although a 10 is a measure of responsibility.
4. What other way of rate in the school could have?
Buena tarde Juan Carlos. Coincido en que el valor numérico que se otorga en las escuelas ? en relación al ¿aprendizaje? es un problema, tanto para docentes como para estudiantes, llegando a los padres, pasando por la valoración que se hace de la propia institución educativa.
Es de valorar enseñar lo que indicas, el parámetro es uno mismo…
1K Francisco Xavier Batista Ibarra
1. I agree with you, a high grade isn’t equal to a great effort.
2. A great effort is worth more than a great grade
3. Unfortunately, the higher grade, the “smarter” person.
4. Sometimes, students don’t achive the best grade, not becouse his capacity, or his IQ, but becouse social or economical issues.
1K Alvarado Villa David Alejandro
1.- The 10 not signify that you are better person.
2.- People who only work for their ten a subject not learning anything.
3.- This is happening these days.
4.- The school must change your form to evaluate a students.
1E Eduardo Martinez Santoyo
1.-A good grade without effort is not reason to be proud.
2.-All the students should think about that.
3.-You have all the reason about what you are saying.
4.-That is a good way of education.
1E Robles Hernández Luis Alberto
1.- The best students doesn’t reflect in their grades.
2.- When you want to request a job, the boss won’t be interested in your grades.
3.- I think students must make an autoevaluation, and they could be more aware about what they really earned.
4.- A student that has a 10 in their grades, most of them doesn’t reflect their grades outside of the school.
1J Leslie Jordana Fernández Moreno
1.- Is a very good opinion.
2.- I also think that, you should not ask ten if learning is not in that category.
3.- It is best eight but well learned that ten half.
4.. I’m glad you have parents like you who understand that point.
luis Alberto Calleros Carrillo 1"K"
1.-All the students should think about that.
2.- The 10 not signify that you are better person.
3.- Excellent way of education, I imagine that yours son are the best people.
4.- This is happening these days.
1K Javier Perez Mendoza
1.The ratings do not show the true performance of the student.
2.The school should also teach that students must be United and not individualistic.
3.Education is a complex issue that must be understood with caution.
4.The 10 not signify that you are better person.
1J Marco Antonio Dìaz Navarro
1.The ratings are nothing !, what matters is what is learned at school
2. Es mejor esforzarse por una buena calificación que no hacer nada y que te reconoscan por esa baja calificacion
3.i like the school.
4. Its a good way
1J Aylin Hernánndez Reyes
1 – We give him many importance to the qualifications in the school.
2 – Most of the times a number since there are the qualifications do not determine the grade of knowledge that you possess.
3 – In countries as Mexico give themselves many relevancy to these things and they are necessary to be able to go on from grades in the school.
4 – If the schools will change the method of much better serious qualification.
1J Andrea Muñoz
1. All my life I’ve had to fight with this kind of comments about school grades. I’m part of the group of the “10” students.
2. I started in this because I wanted a scholarship, and once having it, I had to keep those grades.
3. Then I understood the value of giving the best of myself everyday, and I started to strive everyday for learning and doing well my homework.
4. And I’m not the one that thinks that the “10” is the most important thing, I think that a “10” means strive, hard work, passion and perseverance.
5. For those who only thinks about challenging, the worst rival for you is yourself, anyone more.
1J Christian Cagide
1 I agree with you, a high grade isn’t equal to intelligece
2 The ratings do not show the true person that you are
3 Schools should teach the value of learning
4 Students don’t achive the best grade, not becouse his capacity or his intelligence, but becouse social and economical issues
1j kevin padilla garrido
1good post
2if she wants todo score 10 thats just awesome
3learning its TVE mostró important part
4 notes dont indicate how smart you are