Después de una sesión de trabajo de cinco horas en la Escuela Vasco de Quiroga, llegué a casa un poco cansado pero contento. Creí que sería un buen viernes, preludio de sábado intenso. Cené ligero y descansé.
Cerca de la medianoche encendí la computadora para escribir el Diario. No estaba muy seguro del tema y tenía dudas si podría cumplir. Abrí páginas habituales de noticias y en Twitter me sorprendió el TT con la etiqueta de París. La curiosidad me mostró las reacciones frente al brutal atentado en la capital francesa. Las imágenes fotográficas de El País me atraparon y se formó un grueso nudo en la garganta. No conozco la ciudad, no me es familiar, pero me estremeció el horror vivido hace unas cuantas horas.
Otra negra noche, otro negro viernes que nos recuerda, triste, infaustamente, que la condición humana sigue siendo tan endeble, como indignos de portarla una buena cantidad de grupos e imbéciles fundamentalistas que pululan por el mundo.
Al igual que tú, estaba por concluir esta jornada de viernes; al ir por mi hija Sarahí, cerca de las 12 de la noche, me entera de lo sucedido, venía con dos amigas más, bajé el volumen de la radio y platicamos sobre lo sorprendente que es la condición humana. No conozco las razones, se mencionan algunos posibles grupos, pero ningún Dios, se le llame como se le llame, puede estar de acuerdo en acciones como éstas…
En el módulo que nos compartiste en Vasco de Quiroga concluyes con un video de Galeano, en donde habla de la utopía, en sus palabras, en las nuestras y debería de ser en las de todos, no tendrían que caber estas acciones.
1. France, who after? this is a time bomb
2. My world is my house, is house of all, why they do this?
3. I feel the necessity of cry, i understand tghis problems!!!
4. Peace and union is the solver and the problematic world.
1E Alan Fco. Sánchez Cazarez
1. I got a little sad when I heard about Paris and its deaths.
2. I could say Mexico is safer than Europe right now, but that will be a total lie.
3. We don’t really know where is the safest city to live in right now.
4. Peace will win and fear will lose.
1K Anuar Avimael Jiménez Anguiano
1.- The thing that ISIS has done is very terrible.
2.- I can’t stand it, the war and terrorism, they aren’t the answer.
3.-Meanwhile 120 persons has been lost. Very sad.
4.- All around the world, we wish peace.
1E Eduardo Martinez Santoyo
1.-It’s so sad to hear that news about France.
2.-We don’t know where are we safe now.
3.-All the countries should be in peace with each other.
4.-I hope all this stops soon.
1E Robles Hernández Luis Alberto
1.- I heard that terrible news when i finished my classes on that day.
2.- I got shocked when i heard that many people were killed.
3.- “Bataclan” was the most affected place by terrorists, and many people were killed.
4.- I think SIRIA must be eliminated ASAP, but i think Mexico wouldn’t do nothing because, our country aren’t protected if we receive the same attack as in France.
1J Alejandra Peralta Escamilla
1.- Once again, the humanity doesn’t exist.
2.- No one cares the other people, only cares about theirselves.
3.- We need to raise awareness of our actions.
4.- Inocent people shouldn’t suffer about bad actions of others.
luis Alberto Calleros Carrillo 1"K"
1. I got a little sad when I heard about Paris and its deaths.
2.- I can’t stand it, the war and terrorism, they aren’t the answer.
3.-All the countries should be in peace with each other.
4.-I hope all this stops soon
1J Yazmin Gutierrez Solorio
1-They do not realize that killing people has nothing to do with his problems with paris
2-I think they took the news as much, comparing more catastrophic things
3-but I hope it’s all over with well and we all live in peace
4-I hope you can fix all the problems of the world, but of course that’s impossible
1K Javier Perez Mendoza
1.Also taking me by surprise news
2.I do not understand why groups like ISIS to decided to attack its neighbor.
3.Unfortunately France responded in a way nothing Orthodox
4.What is making the UN? I this aware of the UN not to taken action in the hands. This is very sad.
1J Aylin Hernánndez Reyes
1- It is very sad that this happens in the world, that innocent people should suffer for the actions of people without heart or moral.
2- Each day that passes humans show that they are not able to live together with others.
3- But while it is tragic what has happened in France, we must also turn the head to the other side of the world, to countries such as Syria, which are attacked almost weekly.
4- We need to know how much the two sides of the coins and if we are going to sympathize with France let us also with Syria.
1E Moreno Olmos Atzin
1. My condolences
2. we must show solidarity
3. With our brothers and deserve our support
4. We must be aware of the facts
1J Andrea Muñoz
1. I can’t believe that you felt terrible with this, while are miles of people dying everyday in our country.
2. It seems that people only cares of what is on “trending”, instead of caring about the problems they have on their own towns.
3. If every person takes care about what happens on their environment, problems wouldn’t be as big as this was.
4. If you want a change, you have to change first. Be better as you were yesterday.
1K Luis Armando Covarrubias Rincon
1.-A real shame, but also is a real shame that people only interested when such things happen on that side of the world.
2.- The history of humanity
3.-What is the solution? each who believe know it and that is part of the problem
4.-I hope that this will end soon
1j kevin padilla garrido
1 humans are their own enemy
2we should learn to live in peace
3always innocent people pays what they dont deserve
4very interesting topic