Aunque a veces el falso orgullo nos hace caer en extremos grandilocuentes, los mexicanos no somos una raza de otro planeta. El “Como México no hay dos”, analizado con un poquito de cabeza y sin rasgarse vestiduras (ni ánimo antipatriota), aplica para cualquier país del mundo, poderoso o miserable: porque no hay dos Alemanias, ni dos Perús, ni dos Australias, ni dos Francias. Es verdad, hay dos Coreas, pero no son la misma cosa. Así podríamos seguir.
A donde quiero llegar, sin muchos rodeos, es a algunas conductas que no son exclusivas, pero que con nuestra peculiar idiosincrasia parecen geniales muestras de locura.
Vivimos (¿disfrutamos?) la semana del llamado “Buen fin” y no pude eludirlo. Este mediodía debí pasar por Soriana en el camino a la sucursal de Banamex; me desconcertó la enorme cantidad de vehículos y la romería de compradores que entraban y salían con sus carritos, unos más llenos, otros menos, muchos apenas rumbo al oasis del consumo en el desierto de la crisis.
Rumbo a casa pasé por Walmart para comprar algunas cosas de la despensa. Y casi me aplasta el alud de carritos con sus conductores de ojos desquiciados. Libré mi ruta tan pronto pude y me aposté en las cajas más abiertas que nunca. La chica bostezó después de saludarme y su cansancio me conmovió. ¿Estás cansada? Sonrío apenada: un poquito. ¿Y a qué hora cierran hoy? A la una. ¡A la una! Casi le grité sorprendido. Sí. Uf.
Salí sorteando los clientes afuera del área de atención a los clientes y luego en el estacionamiento. Como cuando Patricia, pero con motivos felices (¿será?).
Así podríamos seguir, sin que necesariamente estemos de acuerdo. Pero creo que las horas apremian: unos se irán a ver a Luismi y otros a comprar hasta lo que haga falta. Buen fin, buenas noches. Me quedo en casa con Serrat, Sabina y una copa de tinto.
Chacón Carrillo Daniel Gerónimo
*the people think that the “buen fin” have good discounts.
*the buy even that they don’t need.
*the stores increment the prize some mounts before
*and then the we think that it is an offert
1. Im angry in mexico no exist the education financial
2. The worst of this case is that the people poorest are the more afectted.
3. I dont understand the government in doesnt help to yours country
4. I hate a my government, and I like a putsch.
1K Francisco Xavier Batista Ibarra
1. Wow, 1 am…
2. Maybe, on that weekend we can find “low prices” on high-end products, but we still spending (wasting) the money we don’t have in things that we don’t need.
3. “Buen Fin” is comparable with “Black Friday”, but they will never be the same.
4. People sometimes think that, if they buy “low-cost high-end” items and save some money they won’t spend nothing
1E Eduardo Martinez Santoyo
1.-“Buen Fin” is just a goverment fake.
2.-People shouldn’t buy in those days
3.-Mexicans shouldn’t spend so much money just because is on “discount”.
4.-People with less resources are the most affected.
1E Robles Hernández Luis Alberto
1.- “Buen Fin” is a good moment to buy stuff that you REALLY NEED, not to spend all your money.
2.- People should be smart when buying stuff, for example, comparing prices between stores, and check if the prices really have the discount.
3.- In my opinion i bought something that had a discount because i checked in in the original store.
4.-I think people in Colima bought a lot of things in this “Buen Fin” related to all materials that were lost in the last hurricanes “Patricia”
1J Yazmin Gutierrez Solorio
1-the “buen fin” is a fraud
2-people always carried away by the offers and thinks of everything are buying
3-I think the government does many things for us to fall, no wonder it as “patricia” but happy
4-sometimes it’s better to stay home
1J Marco Antonio Dìaz Navarro
1.In the end good prices rise more
2.Many people believe that the success is the week of savings, but realities d is the time where money disappears without being noticed!.
3.Its more better stay home with the family the buy in walmart o soriana.
4. i dont like the buen fin
1K Luis Armando Covarrubias Rincon
2.-It is that many people spend what they don’t have
3.-An excuse more to buy things we don’t need
4.-Financial education is what is needed
1E Moreno Olmos Atzin
1. People are going to the ideas of trade
2. The successful outcome is a hoax
3. It is a way to buy people
4. There are a lot of lies
1J Christian Cagide
1 I’m not happy because in Mexico doesn’t exist financial education
2 Maybe, on that weekend we can find “low prices” on high-end products, but we are still wasting the money we don’t have in things that we probably don’t need
3 I’m glad it exists because i could buy a Laptop that I need
4 Buen Fin is comparable with Black Friday in the US, but they’ll never be the same