De las universidades puede surgir lo mejor. Pero también, en distintos momentos, de ellas salió lo peor. Así fue, así es. Y nada permite pensar que ya no será; para bien y para mal.
Eduardo Galeano recuerda que la Universidad de La Sorbona dictaminó que Juana de Arco era cismática, apóstata, mentirosa, adivinadora, sospechosa de herejía, errante en la fe y blasfemadora de Dios y los santos. La asaron sin piedad.
Después, su patria y la iglesia cambiaron de opinión: hoy es heroína y santa. Símbolo de Francia, emblema de la cristiandad.
Los estudiantes en solidaridad con sus maestros
Leo la noticia de que los estudiantes del Instituto Superior de Educación Normal de Colima, ISENCO, se sumarán a la protesta de sus maestros con una manifestación pacífica este lunes.
La noticia me alegra. Es una buena noticia. A diferencia de quienes piensan que podrían estar siendo manipulados por sus maestros, creo que los futuros maestros de Colima y México tienen la suficiente dignidad e inteligencia para comprender el problema.
Si la protesta tenía una legitimidad incontestable, que se sumen a ella las mamás con pancartas en las escuelas, y los estudiantes normalistas, futuros profesores, obliga todavía más a la solución del problema.
arthur edwards
Lástima que no he escuchado posicionamientos de las IES del estado.
1J Andrea Muñoz
1. I think that students must support what their teachers believe only if they’re right.
2. Also, I’m not agree about striking,
3. I think striking is a bad way to solve problems.
4. There would be more ways to solve this kind of problems, but to do that, it needs the help and the union of the people involved.
1k Mildred Silva Méndez
1. I think the futures teachers has a better ideas
2. ISENCO is a good school to the students
3. I believe that Mexican people sometimes don’t have the enough clever
4. It’s a good idea change the way to break the manifestations
1J Jose Ricardo Mendoza Martinez
1. Indeed, it’s great that the future teachers do that.
2. It make me think that not all is lost.
3. In a society that’s fine being conformist.
4. Maybe in the future the people start to see beyond their nose.
1K José Daniel Ceballos Peregrina
1.- I totally agree with this
2.- I believe is better for the students of this institution too be involved in this trouble cause the may face it again one day
3.- This students should be able to join their teachers in this protest
4.- I don’t think they are being manipulated by their teachers at all, they are old and smart enoough to know what they are doing
1E Juan Plata Hernandez
1.-this very interesting comment , because as I think there is potential in universities.
2.-Each university has its rules , plus each teacher is different , I think it can greatly influence this point
3.-Este ha sido uno de los principales mensajes que he visto
4.-not everyone thinks the same , I think it’s a very complex issue
1E Moreno Olmos Atzin
1. It’s true, sometimes they hurt the people
2.Sometimes you have to show who we are
3. Students must support teachers
4. Never being controlled by anyone
1J Luis Fernando Gonzalez Sandoval
1.- its good that the students support they teacher but just if they do it in a pacific way.
2.-maybe the students are also seeing for they future.
3.-sometimes you just have to pressure the government.
4.-if you just let the government do what the want the you know you have no future.