El debate de los candidatos al gobierno del Estado de Colima me dejó azorado. Supongo que técnicamente es muy complicado encontrar un formato atractivo para que ocho candidatos contiendan en tres horas sobre una cantidad de temas que, difícilmente, pueden profundizarse.
Después de lo visto esta noche no cambio mi opinión del órgano electoral que decidió realizar sólo un debate, pero creo que es suficiente para formarnos una idea (si no la teníamos y andábamos buscándola) de los perfiles de los candidatos. Cierto, en un escenario así es difícil tener una valoración completa y, tal vez, justa, pero le asiste razón a Ludwig Wittgenstein cuando sostiene, en la séptima tesis del Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus: todo lo que puede ser dicho, puede ser dicho claramente, de lo que no se sabe, mejor callar.
No es que pensara que el auditorio de Ciencias Políticas se iluminaría con unas inteligencias súper dotadas, pero sí, creí que podíamos esperar más en general. La opacidad de algunos se confirmó, y si sus partidos conservan el registro en Colima será un triunfo, cuando no milagro.
El balance completo no lo tengo, pero sí estoy convencido de que la pobreza argumental de nuestros políticos (y uno supondría que los de esta noche son una muestra de lo mejor) no es motivo de orgullo, ni para tirar cohetes, sino de honda preocupación por nuestro destino al ponerlo en manos así.
Muy claro tu comentario Juan Carlos. Saludos
yea i think this discussion was a waste of time.
the politicians are out of place.
and yeah colima may be worried about them.
thats why i dont like politics.
2D Méndez Hernández Germán Eduardo
1.- the important issues should be taken very seriously
2.- candidates appear to be people who are not
3.- They would have to have proposals that are really going to meet
4.- many times candidates fight among themselves instead of proposing useful things
José Ramón
La formación política y la preparación ideoĺógica es un notorio faltante en los cuadros partidistas. La militancia denota desinterés en el estudio de la realidad social e incapacidad para debatir ideas.
2D Aldo
I didn’t watch the debate, but by reading what you wrote it was an awful debate. People shouldn’t be talking about topics they dont know, because if someone talks about something he doesn’t know, he is only going to talk around the topic, without actually touching the real topic.
jose angel torres martinez 2d
1._ jorge luis’s mask was a absolut insult, its seems he is not taking the debaate seriusly
2._ nacho peraltas did not preparate the thinks he said, its seemed he was dooing another stupid comercial
3._ they say they won the debate, but depates dont have a winner, they just have
4._candidates suck
2D Aldo
1.- Politics in Mexico is crap
2.- To make everything better , create a new form of government
3.- All politicians have hidden things
4.-I dream Mexico that is free
Alejandro Barreda 2D
1.- Jorge Luis is a thief.
2.- Nacho is a liar.
3.- Colima never go out of poverty with these candidates.
4.- I don’t want to vote.
2D Llerenas Maciel Luis Alfonso
1.Proposals not only should be on proposals
2.It seems more important to discredit the opponent who try to win with arguments
3.Society must deeply analyze your vote
4.In the debate, it was more important to discredit the opponent
severo iglesias jimenez 2A
1.- I like this story.
2. certain things that speaks this note
3. I like to read these notes.
4. but I do not like comments
2D Francisco Javier Vega Barbosa
I HATE IT. Im apologize for this but, fucking politicians why do they need to do all the shitting publicity? all the podcast? all the blurb? all the noisy fight against another tipically politician.
First. Why dont we stop all this teather and just demand(a true demand) for a true leader?
All politician are the same shame.
Shame on you politicians
2D Jesús Alejandro Hernández Mancilla
1.- Always think poorly organized and not well know what actually thinks.
2.- Often it seems that only the government would waste time.
3.- I do not tend to follow politics as closely as the country is lost in that and always results in something useless.
4.- Mexico some day may be as long as there are people but should also not prosper.