Diario 2015


Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

Durante varios años el 1 de septiembre era un día feliz para los niños de entonces. Nosotros. ¡Se suspendían clases! Es que era un día grande: el presidente de la república rendía su informe de gobierno. En realidad, él leía un larguísimo texto en cadena nacional (los tres canales de televisión lo transmitían sin misericordia), los diputados y senadores, casi todos del mismo partido, le rendían pleitesía y se rendían a sus pies, a sus órdenes y le juraban la más abyecta lealtad, si era necesario. ¿El pueblo? Pues nada. Una masa de ignorantes que no estaban preparados para tomar decisiones, para la democracia y había que conducirlos como una manada, entre más obediente, mejor. Luego, todo mundo (o sea, periodistas en periódicos, en televisión, políticos, gobernantes) hablaba maravillas de ese muy bonito y pacífico país que éramos, aguantador y católico, priista y guadalupano. El país casi siempre fue dando tumbos, a veces caminando pa’tras, a veces arrastrándose, pero esa fecha era el Día del Presidente y su magnanimidad estaba a resguardo de maledicencias.

Ese es el recuerdo más antiguo que tengo de los 1 de septiembre.

Con los años, llegó la muy frágil democracia, la alternancia partidista, los primeros gobernadores de oposición, las caras de puerco en el Congreso, las pancartas y banderas nacionales en tribuna, las interpelaciones durísimas, y los presidentes optaron por no asistir más y enviar su informe al Congreso, mientras, con los derechos que les concede la ley, sin molestias ni interpelaciones y gente fea, por televisión leen unos mensajes bellísimos a la república de los súbditos.

Ese es el recuerdo más fresco del 1 de septiembre.

¿Cómo será mañana?

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10 thoughts on “EL DÍA DEL PRESIDENTE

  1. arthur edwards

    Triste comedia lo de los informes que se rendían (rinden) en este día. Un día de halagos falsos, verdades ocultas, intereses defendidas, política de conveniencia, círculos cerrado, pueblo ignorado, derechos inhibidos o prohibidos, etc.

  2. 1J Alejandra Peralta Escamilla

    1. The government do not think about security of the people.

    2. What they really matter is if they are ok.

    3. They don’t ask the opinion of the rest, they do what’s best for

    4. In my opinion, there is not really democracy.

  3. 1J Aylin A. Hernández Reyes

    1. The president is a glorified thief, who thinks about it but not in it´s people.

    2. They say that the democracy it´s an opportunity for the people choose who you want as rules, but it´s hard to believe that.

    3. The electoral campaigns are nothing more than an fanfare.

    4. They say to you that can choose, but in reality there is only black and white.

  4. 1E Luis Alberto Robles Hernández

    1.- The goverment of Mexico is hiding information that doesn’t let the people know about it.
    2.- Televisa is sold by PRI, they don’t talk about negative things from EPN.
    3.- People should know that all what the president said in his 1st government report, is false.
    4.-I don’t think i should be happy with this, because more than the half of Mexico still in poverty, and the USD is gaining terrain against the Mexican peso.

  5. 1j kevin padilla garrido

    1.we just fool ourselves when the electoral campaigns are open, if they want a random guy to win for sure he will win, no matter how many votes he got
    2. Its stupid to keep “voting” IMHO they will do whatever they want..
    3.democracy? We dont have it in México..
    4.the government did, does and will do whatever its better for them, they dont care about the rest of the people

  6. 1K José Daniel Ceballos Peregrina

    1.- I don’t really care about de government report because i know everything in it are a bunch of lies and nonsense.
    2.- I believe that currently, everything that has to do with mexican politcs is a circus.
    3.- Aboute the article, i don’t know how accurate is it, must be, i don’t know.
    4.- I think mexican politics is not changing anytime soon, and those government reports will continue to be the same trash.

  7. 1K Francisco Xavier Batista Ibarra

    1. In fact, a child doesn’t always want to go to school, is beacouse of that this is/was a great day.
    2. If everybody in the country, just for that day, stop whatching tv, this could be different.
    3. We were all afraid of the goverment, nobody used to talk about it openly.
    4. I think now is al different.

  8. 1E Juan Plata Hernandez

    1.-That day was my birthday and I was ill, was Tuesday-

    2-I know, when I was at dinner they began these reports

    3.-The government do not think about security of the people.

    4.-acutualidad now hear only good deeds from the mouth , but what about our country really?

  9. 1J Luis Fernando Gonzalez Sandoval

    1.-the president its just a puppet being manipulated by another people to say what is best for them but no for the people.
    2.-the government in mexico is just bs.
    3.-they always hide the truth beacause its “the best for mexico”.
    4.-the president back then was a idolized but nowdays we just see him as another thief.

  10. 1K Cesar Alejandro Ramirez Arreola

    1. so this is and has long been so, just lies
    2. this was over until the people react, because
    and they are fed just need to do something
    3. the more they want more, so we are as we are
    4. while give them bread and circuses, okay for them

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