El poder es absoluto, dicen; y el poder absoluto, enfermizo. El poder que encarnan las personas es efímero, como la vida de cada uno. Pero el poder fantástico que acumula una persona durante un sexenio, dos, tres, más temprano o más tarde terminará, desplomado sin contemplaciones.
El poder erigido sobre la base de mentiras, carcomido por eso mismo en su ejercicio, al fenecer deja estelas imborrables e ignominiosas. Nunca deja de ser falso, aunque relumbre.
El ocaso de los gobernantes que edifican pequeños reinados en sus terruños, lubricado con dinero público, a veces mal habido, es constante entre nosotros. Y con el fin de los periodos de gobierno se destapan las pequeñas cloacas por donde se irán, para nunca jamás volver, esos reinos de fantasía que construyen países o estados de ficción, sólo posibles por una ciudadanía apática, indiferente, atemorizada, cínica; o todo ello junto, al amparo de medios alimentados glotonamente con dinero también público que se invierte para disfrazar la desnudez del rey.
Es así, y así, parece, seguirá la rueda incesante que infla globos que duran seis años y luego, juguetona, los revienta con sonrisa cruel.
arthur edwards
Comparto tus sentimientos.
2D José Antonio Torres Garibay
1.-As you pass each new ruler does what he wants with his people
2.-The media are purchased to cover up what they want
3.-Unfortunately the Mexican people are not educated to govern itself and thus take advantage of he
4.-I hope the day comes soon when people decide to end these presidential terms of theft
2A Edgar Alejandro Avalos Alvarado
1.- People who aspire to political office do it for the money.
2.- The people are elected to govern this ally, or is allied with drug traffickers.
3.- The politicians steal the people’s money to live well.
4.- People should follow the steps of the elected candidates.
2A Jesús Alejandro García Núñez
1.- The presidents are very hypocrites.
2.- The mexican people need presidents more honest but apparently don’t exist.
3.- While they are in Europe traveling,while the people in Mexico fight for survive in the poverty.
4.- They forget why are in the power.
2D Christian Lau Heredia
1.-Everything is about money
2.-Governments are not interested in helping the people
3.-To the people bread and circuses
4.-Hoping to be better is lost
2B Jonathan Hali Gorbea Aguayo
1.- people want have power to win money for them.
2.- the government in Colima is terrible because don’t help to poor people
3.-the government in Colima isn’t conscious about the problem there inside of state.
4.-In the country doesn’t exist good persons to govern and doing things a better way.
jose angel torres martinez 2d
1._ candidates jutst want money
2._ people that work hard wins less money
3._ people that serve to the contry wins alot
4._ corrupt makes people with alot of money havemore
2D Kenovi
1-candidates just want money.
2-The media are purchased to cover up what they want.
3-The politicians steal the people’s money to live well.
4-corrupt makes people with a lot of money have more.