El semestre pasado tuve un estudiante coreano en el curso de Formación Ciudadana en la Universidad. Amable, silencioso, atento, risueño.
No hubo gran interacción verbal. Apenas pudimos aprender algo de él y su país. Ming, como se llama, tenía severas dificultades con el español y fue gran impedimento.
En la última clase, mientras llegaban los estudiantes a la sala, conversamos. Le pregunté por su experiencia en Colima, la comida, la Universidad, la gente. Todo muy bien. Solo hizo dos comentarios non gratos a las buenas conciencias. En resumen, contó que en Colima los jóvenes pensaban que era homosexual por sus formas respetuosas, mesuradas, amables, tranquilas.
El segundo aspecto me sorprendió: aquí son todos muy ruidosos, dijo. Cuando entran o salen de un salón, de las habitaciones, azotan las puertas. Son gritones, escandalosos, etcétera. ¿Y allá no? Repliqué. No, aseveró de inmediato. Y explicó. Los estudiantes habían llegado y debíamos comenzar. No hablamos más.
Recordé aquella conversación esta mañana, mientras intento concentrarme en mi cubículo de la facultad, a pocos metros de la calle transitada. El ruido ordinario es admisible, normal, pero con frecuencia asaltan las camionetas con alto volumen y música que no acierto (ni me importa) a identificar. Y desde hace poco, la taquería de al lado, justito atrás de nuestro edificio, saca sus bocinas a la calle y nos aturde repitiendo una y doscientas veces la canción comercial que invita a pasar a un costado del Bachillerato 4 a devorar sus ricos tacos.
Tienen derecho a trabajar, sin duda. Pero nosotros a trabajar en silencio o sin atarantarnos con la música que no elegimos. A pesar de eso, confieso con sinceridad, nunca he tenido la tentación de patear el equipo de sonido simulando un accidente cuando paso por la acera. Espero que un día repare en su desliz, y no que la falta de clientes le obligue a cerrar, lo que parece más inminente.
Esa falta de respeto a otros, ese meternos por los oídos la música que a ellos les gusta, tan habitual entre nuestros alegres muchachos, junto con la imposibilidad de practicar el silencio, me parecen una expresión del vacío desolador que, con frecuencia, nos consume y buscamos exorcizar con nuestros vicios.
2B Luis Gabriel Romero Cervantes
1.- Always exist someone that judges isn´t know.
2.- Not all the young people it´s noisy.
3.- Some people don´t know about the respect to others.
4.- It´s for that I always use headphones.
2B Jonathan Hali Gorbea Aguayo
1.Last semester I had a Korean student in the course of Citizenship Education at the University.
2.I asked about his experience in Colima, only made two comments: young people thought he was gay and here are all very noisy.
3.I remembered that conversation this morning, as I try to concentrate on my cubicle faculty, a few meters from the busy road.
4.Everyone has the right to work, certainly, but we work in silence and without being distracted by the music that we do not choose.
2D Jose Gpe. Montes de Oca Quiñonez
1.-It’s something we lack many young culture.
2.-It is beautiful to meet people from other countries you can learn about how they are.
3.-Those who dislike his music all loud.
4.-Young people today do not have the will to make our voices caesar only criticize what others are doing and not what we do.
2D Christian Lau Heredia
1.Last semester I had a Korean student in the course of Citizenship Education at the University.
2.I asked about his experience in Colima, only made two comments: young people thought he was gay and here are all very noisy.
3.I remembered that conversation this morning, as I try to concentrate on my cubicle faculty, a few meters from the busy road.
4.Everyone has the right to work, certainly, but we work in silence and without being distracted by the music that we do not choose.
2D Aldo
1.Last semester I had a Korean student in the course of Citizenship Education at the University.
2.I asked about his experience in Colima, only made two comments: young people thought he was gay and here are all very noisy.
3.I remembered that conversation this morning, as I try to concentrate on my cubicle faculty, a few meters from the busy road.
4.Everyone has the right to work, certainly, but we work in silence and without being distracted by the music that we do not choose.
2B Luis Armando Duran Vega
1) It must be very difficult to Ming adapt him in this place.
2) It’s terrible that Ming was “criticized” for his personality and mores.
3) The sound pollution is a reality, this alter the environment and our quality life.
4) There is a lot of annoying sounds around streets, but this has become something characteristic about us.
2A Rafael Ramírez Rodríguez
I agree with Ming. Maybe, we need a little discipline.
Not everyone in Colima is so noisy.
I don’t like that kind of music, unfortunately, not all of us have education.
Sometimes be quiet is the better option.
2B Eduardo Antonio Reyes Carvajal
1)customs leg of Korea are very different from those of Mexicans
2)differences always exist anywhere in the world other than our territory
3)it is good to appreciate the different kind of culture and friction as to put them into practice.
4)it is impressive that a Korean has come to mexico and can not speak Spanish.
2B Dulce Rosario Vargas Zepeda
1. This show us the little respect that we have toward other people.
2. Is sad know that we have a state without values.
3. The juvenile behavior is increasingly disrespectful.
4. We must improve our behavior and learn best manners.
2B Eduardo Emmanuel Hernandez Calvario
1.-the teacher had a Korean student
2.-also wonder how it feels to be studying in Colima
3.-it is good to appreciate the different kind of culture and friction as to put them into practice.
4.-remembered that conversation this morning, as I try to concentrate on my cubicle faculty, a few meters from the busy road.
2D Luis Alfonso Llerenas Maciel
1.It is good to know the customs of the people of other countries.
2.We should learn the good of other cultures.
3.The noise sometimes makes that we lower our productivity
4.It is interesting to know how people in other countries see our culture.
2D Carlos Francsico Nuñez Delgado
1.-I like when there is a foreign in my group because I learn about ther culture.
2.-It must be really difficult to the Korean student adapt in the new place.
3.-It’s true that here in Colima we are really noisy
4.-I don’t like when there is some people that doesn’t have values and don’t respect about the others something happens about the volumen of their radio in my neighborhood
2D Jonathan Osorio
-In my colony is noisy in nigth.
-Those who dislike his music all loud.
-I thing that in the school, studet is much noisy.
-Not all the young people it´s noisy.
2a Edgar Alejando Avalos Alvarado
1.-I agree with Ming, students tend to be very noisy.
2.-In Mexican people the noise is of the most common and this is part of his life.
3.-Like you, I am forced to listen to all kind of advertising because i live on a avenue.
4.-We should try to be less noisy.
2a Ivan Alejandro Bautista Bonilla
I think that increase the volume outside it’s irritating.
The silence it’s so important to the education and we don’t giving enough inportance.
I think that for these diferents that there are between Corea and Mexico we are lower than them in education and other thins.
We could think that it’s a insignificant thing but I think that it’s one of the main reasons whereby there are students with low academic levels.
2B Hector Miguel Rodriguez Muliz
1. We see people slowly stop working with values.
2. The prejudices that society has towards people ever increasing.
3. It is very interesting to know what people are like in other countries, in other cultures.
4. We must improve our behavior, our habits, improve as a society.
2D Méndez Hernández Garmán Eduardo
1.- the cultures of other countries are very different from our country.
2.- in other countries tend to be less scandalous.
3.- excessive advertising is very annoying.
4.- people should be more respectful and try to look for others
2D negrete caudillo aaron
i think foreign students are very good for our general culture
we have to know about different cultures and foreign students are good for us.
in the future i like to travel to another country to study
i want to know from other cultures and taste their food.
2D jose Angel Torres Martinez
1._ we need to lear alot of the Oriental Culture
2._ its on our hands to make thing diferent
3._ the noise sometimes makes that we lower our productivity
4._ we must prove that we can compite with other contries
2D Isaias Antonio Orozco Rios
1.-as always , the human judge before knowing
2.-we need to learn a lot of good habits og foreing people
3.-what he says is true , we have no consideration for anyone
4.-but still have a long way to go to find true respect
2D Vega Barbosa Francisco Javier
1.- We can aapreciate the difference between Colima’s culture and korean’s.
2.- Just the truth We’re really noises.
3.-Its funny that they had thought that he is homosexual.
4.- The silence Its a great feeling we all need It in a moment.
2D Gonzalez David
1- The cultures are totally different
2- Everyone thinks Ming is gay
3- Live in a world of noise
4- Ming comes from Korea to study
2D Barreda González Alejandro
1.- Ming seems to be a good person.
2.- Our culure always judge wrongly.
3.- I also hate the noise that the neighbors make.
4.- I love tacos.
2D José Antonio Torres Garibay
1.-Koreans students usually are better than us
2.-Koreans are more Friendly , quiet , attentive , smiling
3.-Almost always the people who seems effeminate we usually call gays
4.-i dont like banda songs