Finlandia es reconocido en el mundo como uno de los mejores modelos educativos. Los resultados iniciales de la prueba PISA, Programa Internacional de Evaluación de Estudiantes, de la OCDE, sorprendieron y volcaron la mirada hacia el pequeño país nórdico. ¿Por qué habían obtenido tan altos resultados, cuando no se auguraba un desempeño notable, menos frente a los países poderosos?
Las exploraciones en el sistema educativo finlandés condujeron a las conclusiones que hoy son más o menos conocidas. Los resultados de los alumnos en la prueba PISA no eran sorprendente ni azarosos, sino la consecuencia de un movimiento global iniciado en el país décadas atrás. No fue un milagro de la escuela finlandesa, sino la conjunción de progresos en distintos ámbitos de la vida social, con la educación en un lugar preponderante. Su objetivo no fue, ni es, ser los mejores en la prueba PISA. No trabajaron para ello, no trabajan para mantenerlo. No es la meta.
Nuestro sistema educativo funciona en las antípodas, y sus resultados lo reflejan. Los programas nacionales de educación y las declaraciones gubernamentales, en buena medida, se reducen a la meta de elevar los puntajes de los exámenes como PISA o ENLACE. ¡Cómo si la educación tuviera el cometido de preparar a los alumnos para responder pruebas de opción múltiple! Las perversiones a que esta práctica da lugar están suficientemente documentadas en el mundo. ¡Hay que estudiarlas!
En Colima las campañas políticas serán una buena oportunidad para apreciar si los políticos y equipos asesores aprendieron de las vastas lecciones de la experiencia. En esquematización simple: si optaremos por la misma fórmula, que se podría caricaturizar como “mejorar aunque sea un poquito”, o atreverse a plantear un proyecto educativo consistente con nuestras condiciones y posibilidades.
La primera vía equivale a la definición de Albert Einstein sobre la locura: repetir las mismas recetas intentando distintos resultados. No, no es la adecuada y el techo de logros está próximo.
La segunda opción es osada, implica reconocer el marco nacional, las disposiciones ineludibles en la organización política del país, pero trazando un proyecto educativo de mediano y largo plazos con metas intermedias, con políticas de estado producto de amplios consensos sociales y magisteriales en los tres tipos educativos. Para que todo ello converja, esencialmente, en la calidad con que aprenden los estudiantes y enseñan los profesores.
En otros palabras, el reto tendría que ser, a mi juicio, no que los alumnos suban tantos o cuantos puntos en las pruebas ENLACE o PISA, sino que Colima sea el punto de referencia por su pedagogía, su docencia, la riqueza cualitativa de la vida en sus aulas y con escuelas a donde asisten todos los niños y niñas, todos los jóvenes; un derecho negado en la realidad hoy. Así podría resumirse.
¿Es posible? Sin duda. No solo posible, es indispensable. Fácil no, pero sin un giro radical en las políticas, seguiremos cultivando esta práctica de conformidad con ser los mejores del país en algunos aspectos, sin un salto de calidad que puedan reconocer los colimenses hoy, mañana y en treinta años.
La disyuntiva es franca: la cultura del panzazo o mirar en perspectiva y apostar en serio al futuro .
2B Angel Ricardo Manzo Puente
1.Society was one of the biggest factors for that results.
2.It’s what we’ve been doing, repeating things and expecting a different result.
3.the idea is that Colima is the benchmark for its pedagogy and educational level.
4.leaving the lackluster attitude and strive to be the best
2B Jonathan Hali Gorbea Aguayo
1.Finland is recognized worldwide as one of the best educational modles.
2.He mentions a definition of Albert Einstein on madness: repeat the same recipes trying different results.
3.Colima should be benchmarked for their pedagogy, their teaching, qualitative wealth and schools.
4.The choice is straightforward: the culture of panzazo or look in perspective and bet on the future seriously.
2A Jesus Emmanuel Munguia Jimenez
1- well i hope Mexico take a lot can do to change things in our education.
2-i’m agree with Alrbet Einstein’s theory, we need to change a lot things not only wait for other goals do same things.
3- i guess yeah! we need to change the politics way doing a good plan to a greattes education on our country.
4-i feel happiness because Finlandia do what they need to do, not only for a recognition, but they want to be a better country.
2a Ostil Adrian Pedraza Dolores
1.- Finland is a clear example that no matter win. The important thing is to learn.
2.- I say that if everyone follows the same recipe expecting a different result. They never will have the desired result.
3.- I like the second option. So Colima achieves progress in their education level.
4.- If possible, which students of Colima upload their points. as you say is not easy.
2B Luis Armando Duran Vega
1) Finnish and icelanders have the best education because they demand it and they know that it is very important to improve their society.
2) I think The government and everybody know how important is the education in a country. But in Mexico has others things to improve too, like security, quality of life and new jobs.
3)We must to copy how finnish and icelanders improve their education.
4)Colima has advanced a lot in this field of education, we don’t have to be conforming with this. It rather we need to get better.
2D Christian Lau Heredia
1.- Education in its general sense is a form of learning
2.-Education may also include informal transmission of such information from one human being to another
3.-A right to education has been recognized by some governments.
4.-Education frequently takes place under the guidance of others
2A Rafael Ramírez Rodríguez
I’ve had a few excellent teachers here in colima, unfortunately, prevailing filling teachers.
Society has a big influence on it.
We need to be better students, and better citizens as well.
Those test need to evalue some other parameters.
2a Edgar Alejando Avalos Alvarado
1.-I believe that good teachers in each institution can be counted on one hand.
2.-Students expect teachers to motivate them to learn but these do not for laziness.
3.-Society has changed over time and is losing the joy of learning.
4.-If teachers are removed laziness and find motivation (now lost) to teach, Mexico could even surpass Finland.
2B Luis Gabriel Romero Cervantes
1.- The reality hurts but we need change the education system for a better.
2.- The goal it´s diffent in mexico only we worry for exams not for the knowing.
3.- Colima must be the best in the contry just because has the state with fewer people.
4.- The good news is that the teacher and the education in colima are dedicated for be better.
2B Eduardo Antonio Reyes Carvajal
1)the educational model of the state of Colima must contain teachers with expertise in pedagogy.
2)The basis for proper learning comes from our homes.
3)we have to find a method which involves absolute relationship between students and teachers.
4)is essential to increase the quality level of education statewide.
arthur edwards
To improve education, you must first improve teachers…
2B Dulce Rosario Vargas Zepeda
1. Sometimes has happened that students do not take seriously this kind of evidence.
2. As it is not known if the results are based on their knowledge or their laziness.
3. We must promote improvements to education and make known the young that is not a game. The education NO IT’S A GAME.
4. It all depends on what level is intended to reach.
2D Luis Alfonso Llerenas Maciel
1.Education that is taught not only in Colima but in all Mexico is oriented to that students pass exams.
2.Something that has to change is that it be evaluated teachers according to calificacion get their students in exams.
3.A problem of education is the corruption of their leaders.
4.Change can start in Colima but if nothing is done at the national level this change does not serve anything.
2D Osorio Alcala Jonathan
-Society was one of the biggest factors for that results.
-It all depends on what level is intended to reach.
-Colima must be the best in the contry just because has the state with fewer people.
-Education in its general sense is a form of learning
2D Jose Gpe. Montes de Oca Quiñonez
1.-leaving the lackluster attitude and strive to be the best.
2.-Finland is a clear example that no matter win. The important thing is to learn.
3.-Education in its general sense is a form of learning.
4.-All town should be benchmarked for their pedagogy, their teaching, qualitative wealth and schools.
2A Victor Raul Pulido Mendez
1. We should strive to be better
2. The interest of persons for learning this decreasing.
3. The Students should understand that education is very important.
4. I like the progress of Colima with their education.
2B Hector Miguel Rodriguez Muliz
1. Finland is a clear example of things in education are performing well.
2. If we want to have a good education, we need all generally work to get it.
3. Politicians need to create good “Reforms” not only because of worsening or “improving” education in Mexico.
4. In Colima, you need people (politicians, teachers, parents, students) do their part and improve to get a better education.
2A Jesús Alejandro García Núñez
1.- Need quality teachers who care about students
2.- Colima is a nice city but education makes us look bad.
3.- Finland’s government if cares about education.
4.- We must inculcate the education from our home.
2D negrete caudillo aaron
yeah people in mexico need to change mind.
of course politicians need to change as well but society has to change mind
we need to study to be better not for a simple quiz
we have to learn that idf something doesn’t work we have to change it!
2D jose Angel Torres Martinez
1._ people should look and investigate about the person who wants to gobernat
2._ We should see what other goverments do for education
3._ the government should stop wanting only personal interests, they should see that its on there hands to make thing diferent
4._ but all that problem its because of all coruption strat when your a kid, by stealing thing from the store or copying on school
2D Isaias Antonio Orozco Rios
1.-in mexico need to have a good model of education if we want to progress
2.-the model of education of competency is rubbish so simple
3.-mexico is full of improvised teachers whit classless prepared
4.-and as always , we must learn from other countries entrepreneurs
2D Jesús Alejandro Hernández Mancilla
1.- Many of us settle for what teachers tell us.
2.- Many times the teachers are fast tracks because of these exams, that personally have never liked.
3.- The student also has to do in their own results and achievements.
4.- The changes depends of us.
2A Severo Iglesias Jimenez
1.-There are certain things in this article
3.-Albert Einstein as saying repitos the same recipe wanting to get another result
the same goes for the education of mexico
4.-is best to apply the tests to teachers know that quality education is
2D Méndez Hernández Germán Eduardo
1.- sometimes we have to sacrifice things to get what you want.
2.- knowledge in a human can’t be measured with a score.
3.- we need to improve various aspects before getting the desired level of education.
4.- you need to choose the correct option from the beginning.
2D Barreda González Alejandro
1.- Finland decide support to it education and made it.
2.- Finland deserves that recognition.
3.- Mexico must strive more in it education.
4.- The education is everything.
2D Vega Barbosa Francisco Javier
1.- I so freaking agreed with your opinion, life is not about answer multiply option questions.
2.- We have a lot to learn of Finlandia.
3.- Maybe if we dont focus in pass and focus in learn, Maybe, might be the correct way to carry on.
4.- big mayority of teachers are useless here en México.
2D José Antonio Torres Garibay
1.-I hope Mexico take a lot can do to change things in our education.
2.-mexico improvised teachers whit classless not prepared
3.-we need to study to be better not for a simple quiz
4.-I like tacos
2D Gonzalez David
1- I had already heard that in Finland, education is very good
2- Without eduacion the world is nothing
3- Along with education, goes the way of teaching
4- I hope not only in Mexico, but in the world, improve all about education