Diario 2015

Libros y autores vitales

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

tp-galeano-altaHay libros, o sus autores, o los autores de quienes hablan los libros, que me merecen absoluto respeto, a veces admiración. A los de esa clase no los puedo leer en cualquier momento, en indistinta circunstancia o lugar. No. Requiero el tiempo vital para disfrutarlos y aprender, o por lo menos intentarlo.

Hoy tengo en mis manos uno de esos libros. Se llama Galeano. Apuntes para una biografía, escrito por el periodista bonaerense Fabián Kovacic. Lo conseguí apenas salir al mercado mexicano, hace algunos meses, y me esperó y esperó paciente en la mesa de trabajo de la biblioteca casera, hasta que anoche, cuando me disponía a elegir el arsenal de palabras que viajarían conmigo, decidí que era la oportunidad, que debía comenzar la lectura de esta suerte de biografía no autorizado del fallecido y querido (por mí) uruguayo Eduardo Galeano.

Las esperas en la central de autobuses, el aeropuerto, el avión y las noches en el hotel me darán el cobijo. Comenzaron esta madrugada, cuando apenas salíamos de la ciudad, y seguirán esta noche, aunque no avanzaré mucho. El cansancio reclama colocarme en posición horizontal y decir hasta mañana, o ni siquiera llegar a pronunciarlo.

¡A por eso!


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11 thoughts on “Libros y autores vitales

  1. 1k Morentin Ballesteros Gustavo Fernando

    1. A lot of books are so interesting for read

    2. I like read books of some authors.

    3. I prefer read books in internet that in normal books.

    4. I din´t read that book before but it sounds interesting

  2. Camacho Cardenas Noel Gabriel 1E

    1. There are writers who deserve a best seller
    2. Books the best companions in travel.
    3. The biographies are always interesting and you learn a lot of people.
    4.Everyone wanted to read books saved, but sometimes we have no time.

  3. luis Alberto Calleros Carrillo 1"K"

    1. The biographies are always interesting and you learn a lot of people.
    2.Everyone wanted to read books saved, but sometimes we have no time.
    3. I like reading books.
    4.some books are very interesting in this regard.

  4. 1J Alejandra Peralta Escamilla

    1.- Sometime in our lives, we should do our biography, so everybody can know about us, about our past, and we can remember what we have lived.

    2.- Sometimes it is bad that people talk about you, but sometimes it’s worse they don’t, because it means that they have forgotten you.

    3.- Reading is good.

    4.- Everyone should read more.

  5. 1J Yazmin Gutierrez Solorio

    1-It’s good to take the time to read a good book
    2-personally I like to read biographies and you learn from what they experienced them to add it to your life
    3-I think people should pay more attention to books like these
    4-I hope you enjoyed reading

  6. 1J Marco Antonio Dìaz Navarro

    1.Enjoy reading the book every minute
    2.Some books are interesting to read
    3.It would be interesting to read that book
    4. I like reading books

  7. 1k Francisco David Preciado Mendoza

    1-Books the best companions
    2-I like reading books.
    3-I hope you enjoyed reading
    4-Nice post

  8. 1k Mildred Nataly Silva Méndez

    1.- My favorite book is “La cabaña” by William Paul Young.
    2.- It’s important to know the biography of some writer.
    3.- I love reading on vacation
    4.- “La historia del loco” was the last book that I had read.

  9. 1E Moreno Olmos Atzin

    1. Books are a source of learning
    2. There are great authors
    3. congratulations on this author
    4. The tiredness is a major obstacle

  10. 1K Luis Armando Covarrubias Rincon

    1.-Each book is special and different as the people who write them
    2.-More reading, less tv
    Reading this I remembered “The Magic Mountain”. By Thomas Mann.
    4.-No doubt there are books that read makes you want to write. It is enough to take any chapter so they give me desire to devote myself to the literature

  11. 1J Jose Ricardo Mendoza Martinez

    1. Every book is special.
    2. But in a busy society like the one where we live.
    3. We don’t have time to appreciate them.
    4. And the fatigue of the day, don’t help us to do that.

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