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¿Festejamos o lamentamos?

Posted by Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

El 8 de septiembre es el día mundial de la alfabetización. En México el rezago en la materia no ofrece demasiadas razones para el júbilo: entre 2001 y 2010 el avance es pobre. En el Programa educativo de Vicente Fox el analfabetismo en personas de 15 años y más era de 5.9 millones, actualmente se estima en 5.4 millones. Parece broma, pero en una década solo se redujo en 500 mil personas las que, oficialmente, alcanzaron el dominio elemental de la lectoescritura. A ese ritmo el país caminará la mitad del siglo con muchos ciudadanos excluidos de un derecho humano y constitucional.

El déficit internacional no es tampoco razón para festejos. El analfabetismo se calcula en 796 millones de personas adultas, de las cuales dos terceras partes son mujeres. Si el analfabetismo es, como decía Paulo Freire, expresión de una sociedadinjusta, con las mujeres la repercusión es mayúscula: una mujer en el analfabetismo está condenada a permanecer en un circuito marginal y con altas probabilidades de hacer lo propio con sus descendientes.

Nadie puede negar que hay avances, pero tampoco se puede defender a ultranza la calidad de dichos logros, en el país y en el orbe. Sigue siendo inadmisible el rezago escolar y sigue concentrado en naciones y sectores sociales focalizados. Como ejemplo, la radiografía que presenta el quinto informe presidencial de Felipe Calderón reitera el rezago en Chiapas, Guerrero y Oaxaca. En esas entidades el analfabetismo en personas de 15 años y más supera el 15% en el grupo de edad. A escala nacional, el 40.7% de la población mexicana del mismo grupo etario no ejerció el derecho constitucional a educación básica completa. Entre ese enorme contingente, aquellos que no terminaron educación secundaria pasaron de 14.9 millones en 2000 a 16.4 millones en 2010, con las consecuencias que ello entraña en el mundo del empleo.

Está claro, por lo menos para quien escribe, que festejar no es la actitud más adecuada, pero tampoco lo es solo lamentarlo. Hay mucho trabajo por delante y pocas justificaciones ya para la permanencia de la exclusión.

Pensar la práctica docente

Entre el 7 y el 9 de septiembre en la Universidad de Colima se llevaron a cabo las Jornadas académicas 2011, organizadas por ocho facultades y la Coordinación General de Docencia. Con una asistencia de 150 docentes se conformaron doce grupos de discusión para temáticas diferentes día a día, acordes al contenido abordado en la conferencia que iniciara cada jornada. Conferencias magistrales, aportaciones por escrito de algunos asistentes y, sobre todo, la disposición de las profesoras y profesores hicieron de esas tres mañanas una excepcional ocasión para un ejercicio necesario, porque no hay buena docencia si el maestro no asume con responsabilidad su trabajo, y ello implica, entre otras tareas, también la revisión crítica de su propia actuación y del entorno. Twitter@soyyanez

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65 thoughts on “¿Festejamos o lamentamos?

  1. Juan Pedro Tintos Mendoza 1 B

    This is elemental, to do our best try to make this country work, it is not just the government obligation to eradicate illiteracy; we have to do our part to. There are lots of reasons to celebrate every day, just the act of being alive, and we can always celebrate every special day in our life, our birth, dedicate a day to our mothers, be Mexicans, remember Jesus Christ, and be better person every day, then why do we wait to a “special day” to celebrate something if we can do it always? We must celebrate what really worth…

  2. Juan Pedro Tintos Mendoza 1 B

    This is elemental, to do our best try to make this country work, it is not just the government obligation to eradicate illiteracy; we have to do our part too. There are lots of reasons to celebrate every day, just the act of being alive, and we can always celebrate every special day in our life, our birth, dedicate a day to our mothers, be Mexicans, remember Jesus Christ, and be better person every day; then Why do we wait to a “specific date” to celebrate something if we can do it always? We must celebrate what really worth… Why should we regret? We must celebrate Mexico, but it is difficult if we don´t have a strong reason to do it.

  3. Francisco Javier Chan Ramirez

    It’s a good place to play, and it’s true that in several states in Mexico there are still people who can not read or write not tantito and this leads to fraudulent materials or labor exploitation. It’s little seems to say 500 thousand people who reach the elementary dominion of the lectoescritura, but we put ourselves to think, and to these people east type of learning would not have been distributed them really instead of to fall would increase considerably.

    That well that exists programs that they foment the lectoescritura in moved away places in which the resources sufficient do not exist to excel.

  4. aldo david hernandez castañeda 1B

    This is very unifortunante the for so long. it was not possible to further reduce the literacy in our country Juan Carlos said seems like a good joke that is what happens in this country because we do not because there because they all try to excel and improve more.

  5. Luis Antonio Narajo Mora 1B

    It’s good that combat illiteracy. Many people could come out of ignorance and help the country develop. Although it’s surprising that the number of illiterate is almost the same figure for 9 years. Today, combat illiteracy it’s very important for our country, for that reason should better combat illiteracy.

  6. Jose Enrique Madrigal Diaz

    Celebrate or lament? I think the two things, but the lament has the greatest weight, because the results are not expected in literacy in Mexico, lament that we can and do nothing and or not take the opportunity in education, in the end, never we finish of learning.
    Celebrate, says that the remedy of disease this is accept. I think we start with something , is a way long, but only if you want, you can

  7. Maria Dolores Adán Santillán 1.-D

    In my opinion there is reason to celebrate literacy, when most people in Mexico can not read or write.

    When one part of society are adult women who are dedicated to work.

    We must find the way that the people involved to improve their status and have better preparation for the education they receive is that they leave their children.

  8. Maribel Peralta Larios 1ªD

    I not like know or having conscience the little education that is Mexico the little that is advanced in matter the education.
    I my opinion if no education, if no progress so much if poverty and marginalization
    I greet the ignorance if is cause the to celebrate any.

  9. Armando Vazquez Zamora 1° B

    My opinion is that although see 500 thousand peoples are
    little are big advantage because going see that we have advancing, people to can learn read and write. It’s 500 thousand have been get are lectoescritura, we are not layers of can do a the 5.4 million of the people missing for can read and write? We can do.

  10. José Carlos Llerenas Montes 1-A

    In my opinion we shouldn’t celebrate neither lament.
    We must concentrate on work for reduce that number.
    In that last decade the rhythm of improvement was very low.
    Know read and write is necessary in the society, we shouldn’t leave out those 5 millions.

  11. Salvador Hernandez Francisco 1-"A"

    I personally think it belongs to both mourn and celebrate together. no doubt! that if we are proud of ourselves but also desepcionados illiteracy is a big problem with the Mexicans.
    few know how to speak, read and write among other things. I realize that without this basis we can not let alone try to translate our language which is also the language among other things, but what other things we diferensea.

  12. ramon francisco martinez velazquez 1D

    I think that the not have resources necessary to study be important factor, because the need and hunger are big I do not think the important the school. And not justyfi the illiteracy, because want is power and if people do not look possibilities of overcoming they do not want.
    Back to the comment in the publication previous if we make people thinking of studying and overcome academically other serious the México.

  13. Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz 1B

    You’re right, it’s true that we don’t see the progress in the adult society on the learning. Lack of learning, causes a lot of Mexican people have no job. Young people who still have opportunity to grow up with their studies, they don’t do it, they should feel the experience of people who wanted to have this opportunity. If these numerical figures remain unchanged, we must have to fix some things if we don’t want to get down, even more, in our level of culture.

  14. Irving De La Mora 1B

    I think that we must celebrate, when the nation is prepared for eradicate problems whip the society, then, we’ll be ready for celebrate the true independence of our nation. Would happen if our country still depended on Spain?

    1. arthur edwards


      Well said!

  15. diego alejandro 1b

    These Words reflect the situation in our country.
    These Words discourage me when I hear.
    But they are also words that motive me to don’t stop fighting.
    but I fanned to know more you learn more from my country and that there is moral.

    1. arthur edwards

      Good work!

  16. jose carlos hernandez hernandez 1B

    I think that the decrease of illiterate people in Mexico is reason for be happy, its means, the programs wich help to the illiterate people are working and aren’t a forgotten process. This is a great new although in my point of view is not a high figure of people who now know write and read.
    I think the government or institucions concerned have to go to far away and arrive to places where the people need help

    1. arthur edwards


      Good that you are optimistic, but also realistic!!!

  17. Alicia Soto 1°A

    As it says is a human right,
    which all need to take as something very
    important in this day.
    But fortunately there are already
    associations that are responsible
    for reducing that percentage.

  18. 1A Ricardo Ploneda Espindola

    I think that the problem with the illiterate is because they didn’t see that this is necesary.
    The people need motivation for want to learn to read and write for their future, and the good for Mexico.
    It’s a shame those numbers are high for a country like Mexico.

  19. Rodriquez Niebla Manuela 1B

    I think the illiteracy has been a problem social since ago centuries, maybe it´s the apathy by the people who are part of the statistics, ¿who´s to blame?,children who work to support your familiy and they haven´t opportunity to study or that the government apparently has failed to control the situation.

    1. arthur edwards

      Well thought of argument. Easily understood!

  20. Madrigal Velasco Pedro 1°B

    To tell the truth, there is actually a lot of corruption in Mexico, but I will base my commentary in the next part of the post. “Because there is no good education if the teacher doesn’t assume his work with responsibility”. Actually those who study to be a teacher today just do it for convenience, just because it work is a little more comfortable than any other work and they don´t do it to teach or educate, in fact that is what the teacher has to do, to teach the students so they can have a better performance in society. If a teacher doesn´t teach he doesn´t have vocation, and obviously loses the right to call him professor.

    1. arthur edwards

      Wonderfully written! Great ideas!

  21. Arthur Edwards

    Leer y escribir representa, para mi, una forma fundamental de expresar a profundidad quien soy. Me pregunto si pudiera existir satisfecho sin poder emplear la palabra para expresar mi sentir. ¿Quién sería yo sin la palabra escrita? Uno de mis sentires más profundos es como se ha ido perdiendo el valor de la palabra….la fuerza, vitalidad, humanidad, sentimiento, erudición, y muchas más characterísticas que solamente la palabra escrita ofrece. Mi desea para mis alumnos es que algún dia valoran la palabra y la sepan compartir.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      Comparto tu pensamiento y sentimiento Arthur.


  22. María Lizbeth Ochoa Sarmienta 1B

    In my opinion personal often consciously we put labels to these people and say consciously because in the place that us to do something,for solve this problem so worrying, we do nothing for help,the only thing to do it’s discriminate to these people without taken them in to account.

  23. 1A Omar Alejandro Rios Del Toro

    Seem funny everyone peoples what not know read. The question is what do?. politicians do? why so lack of education?.
    well it is alone my point of view

  24. osdy gersaid fletes arreola 1 "A"

    My opinion is that we all have entitled to receive education.
    Is very small people take advantage.
    The government must thinking of new things to improve education.
    Although there is progress, are minimal and should support in the education sector is the future of our society

    1. arthur edwards


      Nice participation!

  25. Miguel rosales ochoa 1A

    1-I think the education is for all but some cannot attend by their resources economic.
    2-With the time the literacy to improved but very little.
    3- I think that they more women illiterate because serve the house to age early
    4-The education help to behave better in the society.

  26. alvaro arellano galvez 1"A"

    I would argue that we have much to do for complete a literacy. But unfortunately we Mexicans we don’t like reading much, as now we have everything with facilities to read, we prefer things easy instead of difficult

  27. Julio Daniel Rodriguez Puga

    In my opinion in Mexico if here are too many people illiterate. The true is if looks a little effort of ours governments to go ahead as to the education. And the true, yes, should not justify the government but we like a Mexicans neither do not do much to overcome and demand many things but we really do not cooperate in many ways 🙂

  28. Julio Daniel Rodriguez Puga 1 A

    In my opinion in Mexico if here are too many people illiterate. The true is if looks a little effort of ours governments to go ahead as to the education. And the true, yes, should not justify the government but we like a Mexicans neither do not do much to overcome and demand many things but I really do not cooperate in many ways 🙂

  29. Alan Cisneros Godinez 1A

    The illiteracy in MEXICO a subjet very important. Very good information the transmit.
    My opinion in: Many of the yungs prefer work to study, for that reason illiteracy exists in MEXICO.

  30. Alejandro Gilberto Heredia Moran 1°B

    We have rightly in to be worried, conspicuously it’s figures alarming. Without doubt one of the causes for him oneself it´s situation is the conformism. Be should support to the people for that education. We should to learn for teach but more that nothing we have that know to learn.

  31. Rommel Salvador Juárez Rodíguez 1B

    I think there is nothing to regret because Mexico anger gradually improving, seem little that 500 thousand people know read and write, but this is a breakthrough because eradicate literacy is not achieved overnight. These people who previously had zero chance of finding work, now your chances increase.

  32. Edgar Daniel Gaitan Rodriguez 1°A

    my view is that many Mexicans are very few educated but for convenience and without scruple not we realize that the country should develop and have people ready and able to answer for the country, promoting education to others and take care of our national heritage.

  33. Rubén Ricardo Trujillo García 1 A

    I would argue that learning to read and write are essential parts in our daily lives.
    And how to write and read identify who we are as we are.

  34. Adrian Alejandro Vizcaino Martinez

    I would not celebrate the world-wide day of the alphabetization since as says, in Mexico the illiteracy has not been reduced to much, is very little what it was reduced during one decade, I believe not there that they would have to reduce plus the illiteracy since the illiteracy brings by logical unemployment, wait that in a few years not there so much illiterate.

  35. Ivan alejandro Novela Macias

    I think a big problem as the politicians promising and assume who are investing more in education there it is where you will discover .. qe just need to say we are on track as we know do in Mexico.

  36. Ismael Perez Avalos 1B

    Of course there is noting to celebrate, but it doesn’t mean that we have to stay and do nothing. It’s important get to work on the illiteracy problem, because this situation takes away rights and opportunities that all people have as well takes them away from participate of the economic growth of the country. An other important task is to improve the education, is not a remote problem, we supposed to be “educated” people and some times we don’t have the elemental ethical and moral values.

  37. Alan Rair Guzman Delgado 1ªD

    I believe that illieracy must not prevail in the nation. In my opinión illiteracy is a disability because, an illiteracy people can see a book but don’t know how to use it. For me that would be frustrating and hard to overcome like the other disabilities that other people have. These people must be helped, is a constitutional right.

    1. arthur edwards


      Great perpective! Illiteracy is a disability. We see physical disabilites, but we never notice the ones that are in our minds!

  38. Javier Alexis Cernas Avalos 1°D

    I agree with you, the illiteracy is a problem what must be eradicated. Women always are the most affected in education. I hope in a future everyone will have the same oportunity to go the school.

    1. arthur edwards


      Wonderful thought!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. cesar castro carrillo 1*D

    Creo es cierto lo que dice es verdad que en México hay mucha alfabetización, la cual yo creo en la mayoría de los casos es por que son de bajos recursos y obviamente prefieren trabajar para ayudar a sus familias a tener tan si quiera un pan para comer, caso normal para la gente de pueblos o ranchos que hoy en día si se ve un poco el interés de gobierno en ayudar pero para la mayoría esas gentes están en el olvido. Pero también se logra ver algo del interés por combatir eso como es el caso de la institución consejo nacional de fomento educativo conocido mas como conafe que es un gran apoyo para las persona que se encuentran en ranchería lejanas que hasta ahorita a diferencia de las demás instituciones sus programa si es gratuito sin cobrar ninguna cuota para inscribirse como supuestamente es para todas las escuelas publica pero ello si cobran cuotas y como usted lo había recalcado antes la delincuencia se da simplemente por esto por que la mayoría no es por gusto sin por necesidad de sacar su gente adelante y ven que esa es la manera mas fácil y rápida sin que los humillen o traten mal en algunos caso.

    1. Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco

      César, es verdad, hay esfuerzos muy nobles en el país, pero es necesario apresurar el paso o se nos irá el siglo 21 sin resolver un derecho humano fundamental, que abre las puertas a los demás.

  40. cesar castro carrillo 1*D

    I think it’s true what you say is true that Mexico has a lot of literacy, which I think in most cases is because they are low income and obviously prefer to work to help their families to have so if you want to eat bread , normal case for the people of towns and ranches today if it looks a little interest in helping the government but for most these people are forgotten. But they also get to see something of interest in combating it as is the case of the National Council institution building known more as CONAFE education is a great support for people who are in distant ranch right now as opposed to other institutions their program itself is free without charging any fee to register as supposedly is for all public schools but that charge fees as if you had stressed before the crime is given simply for this reason that most are not for pleasure without need for forward and make his people see that this is the easiest and fastest way to humiliate them or not treated badly in some cases.

    1. arthur edwards

      excellent work!

  41. luis humberto urzua araiza 1b

    No doubt education is paramount to that man living in society.
    Having knowledge incertain subject makes life easier
    to everyone and when a person does not want to study us back at all.
    I think it should go to school to be an obligation rather that a right.

  42. Carrillo Mosqueda Gustavo Alberto

    1.-My opinion is tha should not celebrate something that not met.
    2.-Is a mater of importance to this issue.
    3.-Are celebrations waste to time hover.
    4.-High figure are to be down.

  43. Miguel Leòn Bautista 1º "A"

    I think if it is true at this stage of the game there is still much illiteracy.

    And a way to combat it is to create groups to stop this problem.

    But one thing is, until we have a good habit of reading can not fight on all the knowledge that we have towards others.

  44. Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios 1A

    I think. I did not know that day on 8 September. I believe that there is nothing to celebrate or lament anything. there are that focus on the work to reduce that number you can see that is very high. Reading and writing is necessary to employ an improvement in society.

  45. Eduardo Valentín Hernández Aguilar 1-B

    like the last comment, is obviously that we are in a big disadvantage, the numbers are really significant,ok, we are in the way, but the true is that it isn’t enough.i really admire all the institutions that teach in the faraway towns, they really are a enourmous support for people that can not access easily to the education.

  46. Ivan Alejandro Vega Flores 1ºA

    It’s very sad that we’re behind on education, and we don’t have many reasons to celebrate, but we can’t let ourselves live in sorrow, or in fear, of course, we all need to work harder and help to the growing of our country, but we also need to chill sometimes. Let’s not make everything bad or good, let’s just work harder.

  47. Diego Alberto Rodriguez Jaramillo 1D

    See this news is disgusting. Cause the numbers of deserters in elementary school grew like 10%.
    There is no reason to celebrate this day .I think this problem needs to be take with more seriously.

  48. Ana Laura Ochoa Vallin

    I agree with what you say. This is not reason for celebrate but on the contrary. It’s unfortunate to know what there many people with this problem. The goverment should help to all these people that of truth need. Hopefully be could terminate with this problem and do of our Mexico a better Country where not there the discrimination. We have much work ahead.

  49. Ernesto Alcaraz Andrade 1*D

    I think than is a very serious problem than the government have tha job to down even more that numebers of illiteracy but
    that olny can happen with more education in the more behind areas in mexico and more opportunities and schools than there is now.

  50. Jose Nicanor Ruiz Lopez 1.D

    I agree with what you say.
    This is not reason for celebrate.
    By that is Regrettably know that there munch people with this problem.
    I think than this problem is by lack education and work.

  51. Roberto Quintero Cervantes 1`D

    It’s true what you say about the women Mr.Yanez.Women are the ones that are affected in the education.There is no reason to celebrate,we need to work on making this a better place!

    1. Arthur Edwards

      very nice!

  52. Manuel ALejandro Rodriguez Valdovinos 1°D

    This is a big problem in our country, we should take action.
    campaigns and movements we could do to fix it.

    1. Arthur Edwards

      Good English…good idea

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