En Córdoba comprendí temprano las orientaciones de la prensa argentina y sus visiones de la política, la economía y la presidenta Cristina Fernández, amada y odiada casi por igual. Como pasará en todos los países, las opiniones se dividen, aunque en Argentina parece extrema la fragmentación social y política. Los bandos delimitados sin medias tintas: los enemigos acérrimos de la presidente, sus defensores y benévolos críticos; poco en el centro. El espectro periodístico es claro, inocultables sus posturas. Vivo en este país, y aunque me interese su política y su futuro, su presente, solo puedo ser un observador a veces preocupado, siempre admirado por sus logros después de la terrible crisis de principios del siglo.
Desde entonces percibí que “Clarín”, el diario insignia de un poderoso y omnipresente corporativo, tan nocivo como Televisa en México, era un medio singular para entender la realidad argentina, con un ángulo torcido de lo que bien hace la presidencia, o para magnificar su defectos, incluso los estrictamente personales. En los varios meses que viví ya en estas tierras había dejado de comprarlo y por una circunstancia fortuita lo tuve el 17 de octubre.
Basura es lo que me parece el enfoque del diario para ciertos temas de los que tengo información y puedo constatarlo. No soy el único. Tengo una muestra reciente. El domingo 13 de octubre en “Página 12” leí una contundente carta a “Clarín” de Mempo Giardinelli, escritor, intelectual, periodista y antiguo colaborador del periódico de marras, donde denuncia su estilo y le exhorta a recuperar la mejor tradición de sus fundadores.
Pues en la edición que cito, del 17 de octubre, “Clarín”, en vísperas de las elecciones argentinas no pierde oportunidad de denostar a la presidente, de encontrar el peor ángulo para exhibir al partido gobernante en la nación. Pero eso es asunto de los argentinos y allá ellos lo resolverán, comprarán el diario y lo leerán, o no. A mí me indignó leer en la página 12 una nota con el siguiente encabezado: “Destrozos y tensión política en el cortejo fúnebre de un barra brava”. En el texto se lee: “La postal parecía sacada del entierro de un jefe de algún cartel de Colombia o México, con la mafia enardecida despidiendo a su jefe”. Y en negritas lo resaltaron para estigmatizar aun más.
Ignoro si en Colombia los entierros de jefes de los cárteles son peregrinaciones de sicarios que pasean los cadáveres por el centro de las ciudades, pero en México nunca vi nada como lo que afirma la nota. No es descabellado que pudo haber ocurrido u ocurra en algún pueblo de esos que controla el narco con la complacencia de las autoridades, pero de eso a convertirlo en una imagen icónica del país es un exceso inaceptable. Igual que si un periódico mexicano ante el ataque a una patrulla en cualquier parte de nuestro país etiquetara, por ejemplo: “la escena parecía tomada de una postal argentina donde los ciudadanos se toman la justicia por mano propia quemando patrullas y apaleando policías”.
Esta estúpida estigmatización del periodismo basura es denigrante de la imagen de un país donde habrá narcos (aquí también: hace días balearon la casa del gobernador de Santa Fe y una línea apunta a ellos); sicarios (como acá), policías corruptos (como acá), gobiernos infiltrados por el narco (como acá), gobiernos mediocres (como acá), campañas fallidas contra la violencia (algunos acusan ya de eso acá), pero donde se conserva un nivel de decencia (como acá) que tal vez los periodistas argentinos, esos que señalo, no conocen o menosprecian. Un país donde todavía hay un sector periodístico digno (como acá), que ejerce el oficio incluso a costa de su vida cuando cubren la fuente del narco.
Basura y mierda, en síntesis eso es lo que pienso de la nota firmada por Mariano Roa a quien escribí el 18 de octubre un correo electrónico solicitándole una de esas postales mexicanas a que aludió. Como era previsible, no recibí respuesta.
carlos espinoza
I dont really believe what newspapers or tv show say about what happends. Sometimes the goverment can even change the new and hide what really happend. Something else that I dont like is that they complain about drugdealers, but they dont do nothing to finish them. That’s why there are wars because the difrent type of bad goverments.
Daniel Enrique Godinez Medina
*i see the title and i think the licenture of periodism is bad ajaja?
*Sometimes i read the newspaper, but i prefer read the notices on internet
*When the people write the notices in the newspaper, they do faster, and always get mistakes, but they don’t care
*i think the same, trash and shit c:
Silvia Magaña
Juan Carlos
Gracias por la nota. Agradezco las palabras, certeras y dolorosas, sobre la realidad de los medios de comunicación. Coincido contigo en lo referido a la estigmatización, recurso predilecto de algunos periodistas para explicar lo inexplicable. Me molestan las noticias explicadas, vomitadas, procesadas como hamburguesas. Estoy segura que existe aún, en lo profundo de la razón, aquello que nos hizo diferenciarnos de todos los monos.
Saludos siempre
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Hola Silvia, sí, es lamentable, por eso creo que tenemos la obligación de decirlo y, de alguna forma, denunciarlo.
Un abrazo!
Alfredo Topete
I preferI prefer read the news on the internet.
The newspaper’s standpoint isn’t always the correct.
We all should read the news to be informed about the important events of our surroundings.
Sometimes the comunication medias change the stories to his benefit.
Is a good idea read differents newspapers to compare the standpoints.
Alan Heriberto Gutiérrez Vigil
You used the correct words to express our indignation, I neither like the way he refer our country; we are some people that we’re working every day to improve our outlook, we are many who we’re studying and doing the best of ourselves, we are a lot of people who try to be away from corruption and badness, and they never care about that. I think he wouldn’t like that we label his people basing on those few who overshadow the goodness of others, and I would like to demand respect, for those who do what corresponds to make our “postcards” better than that. Bad people are everywhere, and if he don’t believe me, just must go for a ride in his own country.
Felipe Adrian Juarez Robles 1K
you like read this newspaper?
i think is better read news in internet
is same in the all country narco , drugs,corruption
is same in all country the lie news of people
luis manuel sanchez paez
The news paper it’s getting forget because the internet.
The bad thing about the newspaper its that you dont what it’s true or what it’s just invetion.
I used to read the news paper but now my family wont buy it.
Here in Colima the news papaer it’s controlled by only 1 family and that’s why i don’t trust in it.
Gabriel Andrade
We all should read the news to be informed about the important events of our surroundings.
Is same in the all country narco , drugs,corruption.
I think the same, trash and shit.
I appreciate the words, accurate and painful, the reality of the media.
Esmeralda Rivera Rueda
In my opinion,is good to read the newspaper, and find out what happens.
But do not believe the everything they say, and that not everything is true.
For in this world, which puts more money has more influence.
Just for you to not know the reality of what happens, they bribe the reporters.
But , What’s beyond the presses?
Alonso Angel Sanchez Maldonado
In Mexico many journalists are sold to the government.
I think it’s a problem in all countries.
That only helps the government control the people.
Every time I read the blog I notice that it ends with something negative about the country.
And it is normal to think that anyone believes it.
Cristian Baròn
On many occasions the news are altered by means of communication.
Most people prefer to watch news online.
Many newspapers prefer to modify the news to attract more readers regardless of the true story.
I think that it is good to read several different newspaper articles to compare them and know little more 8un
César Pérez Vuelvas
It’s good to be interested in the political vision of others.
Always political tensions are inevitable.
The press is always on the lookout for suitable parties and not the politc convenietes.
Online news is the future of communications.
César Pérez Vuelvas
Always political tensions are inevitable.
The press is always on the lookout for suitable parties and not the politc convenietes.
Online news is the future of communications.
It’s good to know that you care about others.
Carlos Santiago Núñez Romero 1°K
That is very worrying.
México isn’t a only place where exist the drugs traffic.
Government have fear to the narco.
Must find a solution to this problem.
Rodrigo Alejandro Ortega Rodríguez
Televisa does that since, well, more than 50 years, but the people in Mexico Don’t want to see the reality behind it.
it’s really a shame, how latin americans fight each others, instead of being united for the same language and region.
But, today, everyone is an expert, the internet and the liberty of expression is seen as a method to throw a rock and hide the hand after that.
The bad things, sometimes can’t be erradicated, but then why to do more bad actions, it’s something very illogical.
Pulido Partida Josué Gamaliel
Thats so sad. Unfortunately the newspaper or the tv doesn´t tell us the things like how there are. Televisa is trash. The problem here is that the people don´t wanna see the things how they are.
hector priego
in the Tv in mexico are trash disclosed no good since its inception.
there newspapers that thuth
in mexico is not the only country the world with problems.
Brian Alexis Florian Peralta
I think is it outrageous.
Not have to talk of others country.
Mexico is not safe, but not this fucking.
The Newspaper speaks at your convenience.
Armando hernandez
I prefer to read the news in the internet.
Worst of all is that many people continue to take very seriously this type of press.
i dont know why but this remind some of the shows of the “advocate of the poor”
always will be trash journalism,no matter what country we live.
Jhonatan Gonzalez Perez
The newspaper lies a lot, it is good that they relate well to Mexico.
The newspaper speaks what is good.
I prefer to read articles on the internet that in the newspaper.
I think the same, garbage and shit.
Luis Montes de oca Flores 1°J
Sometimes i read the newspaper, but i prefer read the notices on internet.
The newspaper lies a lot, it is good that they relate well to Mexico.
The Newspaper speaks at your convenience.
Sometimes the comunication medias change the stories to his benefit.
jose guadalupe ojeda martinez 1J
Worst of all is that many people continue to take very seriously this type of press.
Is same in all country the lie news of people.
In mexico is not the only country the world with problems.
The difference of opinion will always exist unfortunately.
Jorge Ricardo Villalvazo
It’s very bad that kind of posts, is stupid, people don’t look good if you talk bad about another person.
I don’t know why newspaper do that, just talk.
I think if the country is separate, even when the newspaper say that, people won’t believe it.
Argentina must think how to get better, not being one vs anothers.
jorge salvador ciprian figueroa 1J
I prefer to read the news in the internet.
The newspaper speaks what is good.
The Newspaper speaks at your convenience.
I don’t know why newspaper do that.