Si fuera creyente en la materia pensaría que los astros se alinearon a mi favor, que Dios está conmigo aquí juntito o que las bendiciones del Papa Francisco a sus compatriotas me tocaron en su mayor parte. Hoy todo está a mi favor. Que sea viernes o martes me tiene sin cuidado, pues no defino mi actitud en función de esas boludeces. El cielo santafesino amaneció -y está- más azul que en los dos meses previos. Mi habitual recorrido hacia “Coto” (una especie de Soriana argentina) fue más esplendoroso que nunca, con un sol cálido pero soportable. El camino, otrora campo minado, como habrán leído si antes pasaron por esta página, hoy estaba libre de sorongos. Los hojas de los árboles están más verdes y las florecitas que crecen por doquier, más lindas y multicolores que ayer. Además de afortunado amanecí, creo, un poquito cursi, como ven. Hasta el esperpéntico edificio que debo mirar cada vez que hago este viaje hoy solo me parece levemente raro, aunque sigo sin encontrarle una forma estéticamente comprensible.
En “Coto” canta “Maná” una canción del “Buki”, y no es que sea yo aficionado de los manás, pero mi paseo en la tienda me resultó familiar, como estar en Colima o Villa de Álvarez. Todo perfecto, todo alineado en mi favor, pensé al reconocer las voces. La cajera muy sonriente me reconoció y comedidamente preguntó: ¿en dónde está el número, es que lo olvidé? Conmovido le expliqué que le muestro lo que para ellos es su DNI, o sea, mi credencial de elector, pero que le dicto el número de mi pasaporte, que es más fácil de aprender y corto para una memoria efímera. Solo me faltó, a la salida de “Coto”, encontrarme con las gorditas de “Doña Tota” para confirmar que había sufrido una teletransportación momentánea. Emprendí el regreso esta vez por un lado del brazo del río Paraná, del barco liberiano fondeado desde hace un par de años y del catamarán repleto de chiquillos listo para emprender la travesía. El camino también fue productivo: hilvané las dos ideas que andaba buscando para destrabar un ensayo.
Como siga el día así, pensé, al llegar a casa encontraré puras buenas noticias de México y de Colima. Allí sí se me ensombreció el ánimo. Como quiero que siga bueno el día lo decidí mejor: no leeré noticias. Y heme aquí, lejos de los periódicos y escribiendo mis apuntes etnográficos de este día que me hace sentirme un personaje de los ositos cariñositos en la tierra de “Quiéreme mucho”.
Jorge Ricardo Villalvazo
This kind of days are amazing. When you have this kind of days everything is good and nothing bad happen. I’m happy for you because we don’t enjoy the days like this always. It happened to me, sometimes when you are out of home, sometimes you feel like at home, you enjoy everything and even can smile.
Brian Alexis Florian Peralta 1ºK
Is good that all this going for it.
Colima is very beautiful.
that have a nice day.
Ana Luz Quintanilla
Juan Carlos,
Como siempre, una delicia leerte. Me encanta que hayas amanecido “cursi”, te queda muy bien también. Las buenas noticias son muchas, y como dice el Dalai Lama, esas no se dan a conocer. Te mando un enorme abrazo en tu día de “osito cariñosito” 🙂
Que sigas teniendo muchos días lindos y se te convierta en cotidianidad…..
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Mil veces gracias por tus palabras Ana Luz. Un abrazo!
Felipe Adrian Juarez Robles 1K
you have nice day!.
you have nice experience from Argentina.
surprise want go Colima and Mexico.
why you dont want read news?
carlos espinoza
Kids on these days have been veru active. I think is extrordanary that kids are smarter. I think you should take a break. Because of these publisments we have a lot of homework hahahaha
Gabriel andrade
Sometimes days are like that, and you have to enjoy them.
Sometimes there are days that make you remember when you were a kid.
We must not squander these moments, because as they say “life is made of moments.”
And finally, I like this spot.
Armando hernandez
i don’t like that kind of days, they are boring.
But it’s good have this moments.
You have to enjoy the good moments of the day.
a little contradictory? i don’t think so.
Alexis Buenrostro Arreola
I’m from california but since i was a child my parents brought my brother and me to Colima. my idea is leave from colima but I always held back to collima and visit the places I visited today to remember all the good times spent with friends and family.
Gerardo Orbe Sánchez
You’re so lucky. Being able to go to a wonderful place is something you have to enjoy. I’d like to be in your place now. About the last thing you wrote I will say just one thing: Sometimes ignorance makes one happy.
Perla Esmeralda Rivera Rueda
Many times we will blame the climate or things of our mood.
But we are the ones who decide how we want to be.
Colima is beautiful and all that is in it too, but do not know how to appreciate.
Always see the good and positive things.
José Luis Torres Cervantes 1°K
I feel good for you, is good to have a day like that and for what you say it seems like you’re missing Colima.
You have to enjoy moments like that, as say out there: “Live each day as if it was your last day”.
Or maybe Colima is moving to Argentina! and is why you’re feel that feelings about Colima.
However, I guess that you’re in Argentina for work. Make yourself at home at anywhere you are!. Greetings!
César Pérez Vuelvas
You have a great perspective of the things.
Very few assess their homeland as you do.
I appreciate people who value their homeland but not anchored in it.
I expect the day to go visit other countries.
Carlos Santiago Núñez Romero 1°K
I wish meet Argentina ever.
I like when the flowers are colorful.
I don’t like the weather with very sun.
I don´t believe in the stars and that things.
Cristian Baròn
It is nice to find new places.
It is good to know new places to learn about the world that is our around.
Sometimes we did not observe what daily this us around.
I think that everyone should observe and assess what is to our around.
Pulido Partida Josué Gamaliel
I´m glad to read that you have a good day. Also it´s good to visit new places. Sometimes it interesting to look at the sky and stars. I think that you should do another things.
Sergio Omar Lopez Ceballos
you want go from colima?
you like Argentina?
you miss colima?
you dont like religion?
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Sergio, me gusta Colima y volveré. También me gusta mucho Argentina. No tengo religión.
jorge salvador ciprian figueroa 1J
I liked this reading.
There are good and bad days, like everyone.
Sometimes a person wants to be a child.
It´s good to know of other places you learn.
Jhonatan Gonzalez Perez
Sometimes we do not pay attention to everything around us until we are far from those things.
I think that day you had a stroke of luck.
Colima is really beautiful should return.
Feel like home being in Argentina
Daniel Enrique Godinez Medina
*I don’t believe in the luck, or astros, i think, all these things will be good better if you study
*im catolic, and maybe if i pray o i go to the church maybe i have a good day, but the problems never ends, if you don’t finished
*but congratulation, i see you are a lucky person, and the astros loves you
*i need lucky for pass math
Alexis Noel Ceballos Amezcua
I liked this reading.
is very interesting
I feel good for you, is good to have a good day
you have to enjoy them. 😀
Alan Heriberto Gutiérrez Vigil
I know this kind of days, and I love it. For some reason everything goes well, and it is in part because we have the mood of see the good side of stuff. I think all this isn’t by an specific reason, like these you mentioned, is just that we wake up with desire to have a nice day, and is like this.
jose guadalupe ojeda martinez 1J
Sometimes we need to remember that which we adore.
I to study in Colima, my city a bit strange to remember how hot it stand to be in it but when something is completely strange.
I agree that one I can remember at the moment what strange.
never be forgotten one day a beloved aradable place in which we live.
Rodrigo Alejandro Ortega Rodríguez
Everyone has one of those days when everything is good and beautiful.
I like to see the buildings when i’m on the bus.
I remember when I went to Chiapas, it was, different, but familiar in a way.
That’s why I love Colima as it is.
mario rendon lozano
Bueno no había leído este textito tan lleno de optimismo y alegría. Si hay dias bonitos que se disfrutan mucho. Ya veo tambien su asimilación de “boludo” y “lindo”en su léxico. Finalmente que bueno que tenga esa capacidad de disfrutar su entorno y si éste es agradable mejor. Un abrazo.
Mario Rendón Lozano
Luis Montes de oca Flores 1°J
Sometimes days are like that, and you have to enjoy them.
There are good and bad days, like everyone.
It is nice to find new places.
I expect the day to go visit other countries.