No es la reencarnación de Sócrates o Platón, ni se acerca, pero es griego y tiene su peculiar filosofía expresada en destellos como “Menos da una piedra”, elogio resignado de las nuevas costumbres a que están obligados los griegos para no hundirse en la desesperación y encontrarle algún optimismo a la vida, devastada por los topes mortales del capitalismo en su terrorífica montaña rusa que ora se despeña aquí, ora allá o acullá. Se llama Kostas Jaritos, comisario de la policía ateniense que nos conduce (o pierde, para un desorientado) por las calles griegas, mientras busca la madeja que descubra los móviles y responsables de la materia de trabajo de su departamento de homicidios.
El comisario Jaritos es el personaje creado por el escritor Petros Márkaris, autor de una saga policiaca que ya suma ocho novelas disponibles en librería electrónica y un libro de ensayos sobre la actual crisis en su país. Griego desde 1974, nacido en Estambul de origen armenio, se autodefine de formación y cultura alemana. A sus más de 70 años tiene una consistente biografía, como guionista, dramaturgo, traductor y novelista.
Mi encuentro con Márkaris fue fortuito. Me sorprendió encontrar en las mesas de librerías santafesinas varios títulos suyos publicados en Tusquets. Un libro levanté para leer la contratapa: “Pan, educación, libertad”. En internet encontré toda la información que necesitaba. Lo compré, leí y cerré con una sonrisa, a pesar de las tribulaciones que debe pasar su mujer, Adrianí, para llenar con delicias (austeras, lo que concede máxima gracia) los platos cada noche, debido a los recortes asfixiantes del salario de Jaritos. ¡Las penas con Pan, educación, libertad son menos, qué duda cabe!
Ahora en fila de lecturas tengo uno más, para completar la trilogía sobre la crisis griega. Después no sé si me seguiré con el resto. Empecé con el más reciente, ya citado, y mientras escribo estas líneas hago una pausa en la lectura del segundo, “Liquidación final”; terminaré con el primero (“Con el agua en el cuello”) cualquier día próximo.
El comisario Jaritos, es decir, Márkaris, me gusta; y como esto no es una reseña literaria no estoy obligado a explicarlo ni describir porqués: me gusta y como leo por gusto, ya está. Además del disfrute, me ayuda, debo agregar, porque entre los textos académicos muy sesudos (y densos, a veces) que debo leer para mi oficio, necesito salir a la ventana de un departamento en el quinto piso para tomar el viento fresco, así sea a través de un libro en las calles de un país lejano y ajeno, que de a poco, se vuelven literariamente entrañables.
Daniel Enrique Godinez Medina
*Kostas Jaritos, woow, he will be a hero, its a police, he knows about fiilsofy.. ajajaj created by petros markaris
*but i dont know his autor petros markaris, but you say, he is the people who created eight novel and a other book :O thats sounds a good person
*where did you see the aout markaris?
*i would like to read a novel of petros markaris
Armando hernandez
sounds interesting, i would like to know more about this author.
mmm, i like police novels, i want to know more about it.
i just expect that find this books not be difficult.
maybe i can find it in a library.
Jorge Ricardo Villalvazo
I really like when people talks about a good book, and even more when they do like you, because now I’m intersting and I want to read it.
Something that I think is bad, is that the writers in Grece can write about the plights that they have in economy.
With books and reading we can learn a lot of new things, all we should do is open and read a book.
Is sad the Grece’s plight. And isn’t only Grece.
Felipe Adrian Juarez Robles 1K
where i can buy this book? , is interesting.
kostas jaritos is the new hero , policeman.
you want read all novels or just want read the 2 novels?
Petros Márkaris , he wrote just for fun
Brian Alexis Florian Peralta 1ºK
I think is good take time for the read.
Read is very good, read is know.
I think would interesting read one of it book.
Alonso Angel Sanchez Maldonado
I know he has studies in Education because I saw your profile, but I’d like better accommodate your ideas
I think it would be good blog of readings
I did not find the readings in google
Whether or not a philosopher whit title?
Really I like reading, I did not find to the commissioner Jaritos
Alfredo Topete Escamilla
I should buy “Pan, educacion y libertad” and read it.
Petros Markaris wrote “Pan, educacion y libertad”.
You could find all information about a book in the internet.
Jaritos is a character from a Petros Markaris book.
Read its an excellent hobi.
Perla Esmeralda Rivera Rueda
Sounds very interesting reading, and also that book.
Although in this times, reading it’s not tha much spread.
Reading makes you wiser.
Although I’m not very good to read, but I propouse to read.
carlos espinoza
This is very interesting. I am looking foward to read this book. They might have it in the library. Thanks for keeping us informed.
Gabriel andrade
Sounds interesting, i would like to know more about this author.
I think is good take time for the read.
Something that I think is bad, is that the writers in Grece can write about the plights that they have in economy.
I think would interesting read one of it book.
Alexis Buenrostro Arreola
Sounds very interesting perhaps this kind of “novels” people may be interested in reading more is seen to be a great person, very prepared and intelligent would give me pleasure to read something from him.
Gerardo Orbe Sánchez
I would like to read his books. Unfortunately I’m busy with other books. However, I’d like to know if you could do reviews about the books. Depending of that, maybe this author will be in my list.
Alan Heriberto Gutiérrez Vigil
The genre of the detective story is one of the most I’m passionate about, and honestly I had never considered the possibility of leaving schemes and look for writers of other nationalities, always used to read the classic stories involved in the same culture. And now I’m thinking about, should be interesting… must be, I tried to say. For books, we always have to keep an open mind.
Carlos Santiago Núñez Romero 1°K
I would like read those books.
I like the histories with cops.
He must have very imagination to create those histories.
I would like travel to greece and meet that place.
César Pérez Vuelvas
Bad luck that Greece is prey extreme right hoist.
Glad to know that in Greece not all are driven by radical nationalism.
Jaritos Commissioner, sounds like a very interesting character.
The writers of the world are adapting to new technologies..
Pulido Partida Josué Gamaliel
I will like to read that book. Also it´s very interesting how this person make a book. All the things that he has ben throw. He should continue making books.
Sergio Omar Lopez Ceballos
you want buy this books
you like others history of Markaris
Marcaris is one genius
he can win one premiun
Salvador Alan Pérez Tostado
-I will share some with you, have been long time since i read the latest book.
-I would like read a book writed by Petros.
-I have take a book as quickly as possible.
-I’m searching for “Liquidación Final” right now.
jorge salvador ciprian figueroa 1J
I like that people are given time to read.
It´s imporant read that so learn more.
I would like to know Greece.
writers are increasingly adopting new technologies.
Jhonatan Gonzalez Perez
Reading opens up more doors, I love to read.
I want to read the book.
With books we learn many things that previously did not know.
I would like to buy one of his books to read.
hector priego
i like much text and book´s is interesting any history .
the book in mexico are not, need more readers
luis manuel sanchez paez
It sounds like an interesting book.
I’ve looking for somthing like that to read.
Grece soudns like a nice place, meabysome day i’ll visit it.
“Kostas jaritos” what a uncomun and also a grate name
Alexis Noel Ceballos Amezcua
I think is good take time for the read,This is very interesting. Also it´s very interesting how this person make a book.
Kostas jarritos is very original
jose guadalupe ojeda martinez 1J
A literary text is always a source of wisdom.
We can never say that a book is useless because the more unusual and can teach ualgo good consistency.
In my case I tenidola semvolverme experience in reading literary works from high school with not as extensive.
But I aprobechado very well, and although some may not understand what I try to do it by wanting to find something new.
Rodrigo Alejandro Ortega Rodríguez
I didn’t know him, maybe I should check for more information about Markaris.
When I’m full of work to do, I relax reading a book too.
It’s magical, like being transportated to the scene where is happening everything you’re reading.
One should read books because you like it, not by obligation.
Luis Montes de oca Flores 1°J
I should buy “Pan, educacion y libertad” and read it.
Sounds interesting, I would like to know more about this author.
I think is good take time for the read.
One should read books because you like it, not by obligation.