I. Ingresamos a Walmart con prisa. La jornada fue agotadora, entre tareas domésticas y actividad laboral. Mariana Belén y yo escogemos cuatro plátanos maduros, una bolsa de manzanas rojas, un paquete de pan blanco con ajonjolí y medio kilo de jamón de pechuga de pavo. Solo lo indispensable. Llegamos a las cajas de la unifila. Máximo 20 artículos, dice el letrero blanco, nítido, fondo azul. Me sorprende la cantidad de personas en la fila un día normal entre semana. Miro por encima de la estantería: tres personas arrastran sus carritos con una envidiable despensa. Sin contarlos, allí tiene cada una más de 20 artículos. Esperan en la fila equivocada, nadie les dice nada, nadie los orienta, nadie les pide que lean y, si lo leyeron, no les importa. Los cajeros, tampoco.
II. Durante varios meses hice de la caminata matinal en la unidad deportiva de Villa de Álvarez un hábito saludable. Una hora que no sé para qué servía más: para mantener actividad en el cuerpo o descansar la cabeza y ordenar ideas. Era productivo. Hoy cambió mi rutina y lo extraño. Lo que no añoro, y sucederá aún, es que la gente no respeta los letreros que indican, claramente, que los carriles 1, 2 y 3 son para corredores; los centrales, 4 y 5, para trote, y los de fuera, 7 y 8, para caminar. ¿No los miraba la gente? ¿No les importaba? En cualquier caso, eran muchas las personas que transgredían. ¿Por qué? ¿Por qué no se puede ser coherente entre las buenas intenciones y el respeto a la norma y los otros?
III. A la salida del colegio todos los días es igual. Filas de autos esperando varios minutos antes. De a poco se van formando para recoger a sus hijos en el coche, o de pie en la puerta. Conforme se acerca la hora el movimiento se acelera, los espacios se reducen, la calle es insuficiente. Entonces, los otrora ordenados conductores se van colocando uno al lado de otro, en sitios prohibidos, en segunda fila, con frecuencia ante la mirada complaciente del agente vial. Es un ejemplo contundente para los hijos. Todo se vale, por ahorrar unos minutos, unos metros, un esfuerzo. Eso sí, podrá leerse en la parte posterior de los autos una calcomanía del colegio que presume RESPETO.
¿Qué nos pasa?
arthur edwards
nadie sabe..pero buena pregunta!
2a Ostil Adrian Pedraza Dolores
1.- In my view, some people are slowly losing the moral.
2.- That happens in the ranks of Wal-Mart is not only there, Also happens in other supermarkets.
3.- My opinion on the sports area of Villa de Alvares, maybe people are not aware of how the lanes work.
4.- I Say That schools, parents Should Have prudence for the park removed from the exit doors of schools.
2-B Fernando Salcedo Castellanos
1- My wife and i, we choose vany fruits and vegetables from Walmart, but there were many peoples in line to pay.
2- Was healthy to walking in sports unit of Villa De Alavrez, i miss this activity.
3- Each output of school is equal, boring and more queue of cars
4- All those moments of walking healthy have ended.
2A Jesus Emmanuel Munguia Jimenez
1- i guess we need more moral.
2- sometimes we only see for our selfes.
3- wallmart should do something, maybe more stricter on rules.
4- we need to be more strong with our traffic regulation, or be more intelligents and know we are not the only who wait for exit school.
2A Victor Raul Pulido Mendez
1. Maybe it’s just ignorance.
2. People should think in the others.
3. The moral of people is worse.
4. The people should be more aware of your surroundings.
2a Edgar Alejando Avalos Alvarado
1.-I think that workers need more discipline so they can do their job well and they be checking that the rules are met.
2.-I think if people would ignore on the established rules within, the guards or the workers should instill a penalty.
3.-I think people who do not respect the signals are ignorant, but equally there are many people who will be running for a long time and not know the rules of the track.
4.-I think people today are losing respect for the rules of road and this should be punished strictly.
2B Luis Gabriel Romero Cervantes
1.- Could be the examples for become in a worst person that we see all days and just imitate that for dodge the effort.
2.- Today´s don´t matter how the point is do it, don´t worry the other.
3.- The education too it´s important for understand the rules and accept and practice it.
4.- We needs change this behavior for a better and share with the other how must following the rules.
2A Jesús Alejandro García Núñez
1.- The people need a common sense class.
2.- The mexicans don’t think only just do.
3.- This reflects the education of our home.
4.- That cuestion has no specific answer.
2A Severo Iglesias Jimenez
1.-There are certain things in this article.
2.-this country has no culture.
3.-this is what I hate my country people do not respect.
4.-few people if they respect
1J Leslie Jordana Fernández Moreno
1.- Exactly, it seems that we have education for small details like that, and unfortunately no one can do anything for others, we must start with ourselves.
2.- Indeed there are those who have no education or to handle, do not respect signs, speed limits, directions on the streets, etc.
3.- With details like these, although people see them as minimum, they say a lot about who we are.
4.- And if we have no education to details like that, what are we supposed education?
Norma Mercedes Trujillo Garcia "1K"
1.- That happens in the ranks of Wal-Mart is not only there, Also happens in other supermarkets.
2.- With details like these, although people see them as minimum, they say a lot about who we are.
3.- All those moments of walking healthy have ended.
4.- sometimes we only see for our selfes.