En minutos se juega el más grande clásico del fútbol argentino: River Plate contra Boca Juniors, en el “Monumental de Núñez”, estadio de River. Un partido siempre con sabor especial en estas tierras, que enfrentará a dos de los mejores directores técnicos de ambos equipos, Ramón Díaz y Carlos Bianchi. Con varios ingredientes para esperar un buen encuentro, un hecho lo ensombrece: no habrá aficionados del equipo visitante, como se está haciendo costumbre por acá. Es una pena para el espectáculo del deporte, pero sobre todo, es una demostración de la impotencia de los directivos para resolver los problemas de la violencia en el medio futbolístico, que ya cuentan en los últimos meses varios delitos graves, como homicidios en clubes y estadios. Primero los directivos crearon las “barras bravas”, las cuidaron y alimentaron, y ahora, cuando se desbordaron, no son capaces de controlarlas. Las cabezas de las barras bravas saben, y así amenazan, dónde viven los directivos de los clubes o dónde estudian sus hijos. Y actúan sin piedad, como está probado. Las medidas adoptadas para controlar el ingreso a los estadios todavía son insuficientes. El engendro está devorando a su creador, una vez más.
Uno de los primeros recuerdos que tengo frescos aún en la memoria es la final del Mundial de 1978, y el impresionante espectáculo de la afición en ese mismo estadio, preámbulo para la coronación de Argentina frente a los holandeses. Sus gritos estruendosos acallaban los que a esa hora proferían doloridas las víctimas de la represión dictatorial.
Hoy de nuevo el “Monumental” se inundará de papelitos rojiblancos flotando en el aire, y la afición cantará por su equipo y contra el acérrimo enemigo, curiosamente hermanos de cuna geográfica, el barrio de Boca. Pero el partido, en la tribuna, no podrá ser igual. Hay que ganarle al rival en la cancha, pero también hay que derrotarlos en la tribuna. La victoria de River, si llega, no estará completa, porque en una cabecera del estadio faltarán los otros, vestidos de azul y amarillo, que tampoco sufrirán la humillación o la gloria de cantar la victoria en el mismísimo gallinero.
Pulido Partida Josué Gamaliel
They should find a way for control all the people and avoid the violence. We should respect the other people who likes another teams. Maybe this sport can be enjoyed more if we don´t use violence. I like how Yáñez talks about the passion of this sport and it makes me feel that passion.
Carlos Santiago Núñez Romero 1°K
In the present don’t like the football, but in my childhood yes.
I never attended a football game for the same.
Must have very security and control in the persons.
I like the form of think of Yañez.
Daniel Enrique Godinez Medina
*really? who won? i didnt saw the game
*I have a question, i remember in in the others posts you put: i dont know about the soccer and i dont like, but in this post you talk about soccer, i dont understand
*i think the same, suddenly have been accidents and people make delits maybe the police need to do something
*in 1978, with how many points won?
Perla Esmeralda Rivera Rueda
It’s very beautiful to talk about soccer, especially the way you di it.
Football is a healthy and enjoyable sport, for the people that watches and practices it.
As they say, for one we all carry it.
Search more security would be the most convenient or to expel those who fight during a game.
Jorge Ricardo Villalvazo
I think it’s something out of control. I know that in Argentina soccer is a big passion but it has been converting in something out of control, now even people can’t go to see their team because nobody can guarantee their security. It’s really bad, it supose that soccer is a sport that everybody could enjoy. I’m not saying that is bad that people have a lot of passion, it’s bad because they are affecting other people.
Felipe Adrian Juarez Robles 1K
the fans from football only fight in the match.
all people like football because is simple game but i don’t like.
really you saw final of the world of 1978?.
i dont like football xD
Brian Alexis Florian Peralta 1ºK
is sad a play soccer with no I publish.
Saddest that people who supports you can not be on the rostrum.
The violence in these play every time is higher.
The next plays going to be exclusives for T.V.
Andrés Cortés Martínez
i’m a european soccer fan, and i like it just like a sport, because i have heard some friends that say “i don’t like it because it is just a technique of governments to deflect attention from the important things that happen in politics or in the country”.
But like before i mention, i like the soccer as a sport, i don’t see it in any other way, just like a sport thats all.
Sergio Omar Lopez Ceballos
Mexican soccer instead of taking it as a healthy sport so taken with lawsuits is a shame.
Gabriel Andrade
In the present don’t like the football, but in my childhood yes.
I never attended a football game for the same.
Must have very security and control in the persons.
I like the form of think of Yañez.
hector priego
the football not like , and is family fan the fooball.
my brother like soccer team and practice .
Alexis Buenrostro Arreola
Sir Charles thought that you did not like the Soccer but good. I agree with you that the “bars” should be “dominated” by the managers of each club because it can not be possible that such situations happen not only in Argentina if not in many other countries. I think the police should put more in these situcaciones atenccion and thus control these problems.
Cristian Baròn
I think that it is wrong what fans do.
I think that the teams should try to reverse these events
It is a good sport but with violence it ceases to be so.
They should be aware all the fans about what they do and know that is wrong.
Rodrigo Alejandro Ortega Rodríguez
Sometimes, I visit an internet site called Taringa! from Argentina , where I see some interesting things.
The sad thing is, now the site is just a football and politics forum.
That demonstrates Argentinians are really really fanatic to the soccer, to the point it becomes excesive.
I hope that doesn’t arrive to Mexico, al least in that scale.
Alan Heriberto Gutiérrez Vigil
Violence, more violence. Is not sufficient with stain the streets, now is staining events that supposedly, are celebrations for our culture. Yeah, I know is not a novelty actually, but the feeling that causes on me every time I remember that dark side of sport, is always the same, no matter how many times I heard about it. Disappointment, I can’t think in anything else, if millions of people are crowded in one place, and they causes all the damage, I don’t want to imagine all that’s out there.
Jhonatan Gonzalez Perez
I dont like football
People should be of interest in other things more important than football
The police should put more attention and safety
I think there are also people who just go to see and not to fight with other people
José Luis Torres Cervantes 1°K
Football is actually one of the most profitable business in the world.
The games are arranged by entrepreneurs and they make money of this.
Even so I like to watch football and more when is a Mexican Selection match.
But sadly they are going through a bad moment, their pass to the Football World Cup is in danger.