Hace unos días asistí a la Universidad para escuchar un debate sobre jóvenes y participación política. En el panel estuvieron tres de los cuatro invitados; solo faltó un diputado provincial (local, en México). Estuvieron presente un diputado provincial del Frente para la Victoria, el partido que gobierna la nación, una joven representante de cuatro organizaciones sociales y el presidente del Centro de Estudiantes, una especie de sociedad de alumnos en nuestro contexto, si se me permite la traducción.
Me interesaba escuchar a los jóvenes y a los diputados, jóvenes también. Con esa expectativa mi frustración fue mayúscula luego de la disertación de los invitados y la apertura de la propia moderadora, profesora de la facultad.
Si me enteré del panel dos o tres semanas antes, supongo que ellos habrán tenido un mes, por lo menos, para pensar el tema, estructurar su discurso y definir las ideas principales que propondrían. No fue así. Lo que encontré fueron intervenciones desordenadas, improvisadas, más o menos superficiales, repletas de lugares comunes.
Pienso, y lo lamento, que así poco puede esperarse de estas nuevas generaciones. Pero no fui el único extrañado. Las sensaciones que experimenté fueron compartidas. A la invitación de la moderadora para preguntar o abrir un debate, el público asistente, unas 50 personas, ni se inmutaron, lo que no había visto en una conferencia o debate en universidades argentinas, donde siempre hay manos levantadas y cuestionamientos. Esa valoración es elocuente.
Después de los participantes vino una nueva disertación de la moderadora, poco esclarecida y menos esclarecedora, con las “cosas que le dejaron pensando”. Allí no había más que hacer, dije. Probablemente los participantes hayan mejorado su nivel después. Ya no lo comprobé. Por mi parte, ni sus nombres recuerdo. Había invertido dos horas de mi tiempo, la noche caía y el frío se dejaba sentir en una primavera que no llega. Era momento de salir para esperar un taxi y regresar, vaciar mis notas en estos párrafos y olvidar la tarde al escribir el punto final.
José Fabio Ramirez
Maybe….it was a waste of time
Politicians in Mexico be like….”Hly Mother..it’s already time?
Time to presentate somethig quickly and wrong”
It´s a universal true here in Mexico
Pulido Partida Josué Gamaliel
I think that the discussion it wasn´t part of the plans of the people who participate. Exactly thats how are the politicians in mexico and that is sad. Exactly like Yáñez sad, what do we expect from this generation. I think we should be more prepare in all aspects so we can be a better country.
Carlos Santiago Núñez Romero 1°K
I don’t like this type of discussion, i haven’t very patience.
This happened to me too in very occasions, the lecturers aren’t prepared.
I would angry and dissapointed too for this.
Is for those things that i don’t attend at those type of talks.
Daniel Enrique Godinez Medina
*wich university visited?
*thats was a irresponsibility, because they had one month to work and practice the exposition.
*but in this generation, everybody doesnt care about the responsibility
*maybe in the future change everything
Juan Carlos Yáñez Velazco
Hola Daniel, sí, también pienso igual que tú; es una irresponsabilidad. Los jóvenes tendrían que ser mejores que nosotros, pero si no hemos sido buenos ejemplos, es complicado culparlos.
Jorge Ricardo Villalvazo
I always has been thinking that if young people is giving it, well maybe it couldn’t be a good talk. People that be presented in this kind of events must be prepared. For people can talk about a topic (no matter what topic it is) this person must be intersting in the topic and know everything about it. The only thing that we do with this kind of things is that people like you lose the interest about what we do.
José Luis Torres Cervantes 1°K
I’m young and I’m the new generation (I think)and like a lot of people in the world I want a change.
Unfortunately there are people that doesn’t trust in us. Yeah. I know that the most of us we’re inexperienced and maybe we’re irresponsible but in situations like this is where we acquired it.
Maybe we don’t have good examples to follow or we don’t have good teachers that teach us how to do the thing.
Anyway, maybe we aren’t prepared yet but we’re young, we have many years to get this and is possible that in these years we reach change the society, I hope so.
Felipe Adrian Juarez Robles 1K
The people angry for the bad exposition.
i think the young don’t prepare for the exposure.
i think the people prepare for the exposure but this young don’t prepare for the exposure.
you like these types to explication?
Brian Alexis Florian Peralta 1ºK
I think the organization in mexico is bad.
I think it that that make is a disrespect their institution, by the young and the teacher of faculty.
The young must strive for thing mexico prosper.
It was a disrespect for persons that were there.
Andrés Cortés Martínez
Some weeks ago we had a conferences week, and at the end of each one, happened the same like in your case, everybody clap loud, but when the speakers ask if somebody had some question, looks like if everybody understood at 100% all the topics and didn’t need some else explanation.
And some speakers looks like if they didn’t preprared their themes, something interesting it’s that two teen guys that came from Canada(i think, can’t remember very well from where they came, probably one of they came from England), and a girl from Australia they looked like a professionals, their talks was so elocuent they looked well prepared and ready to answer whatever question that the auditory would have about their topics. They looked better than mostly of the mexican speakers, but i need to add that some mexican speakers did their work very well too, i don’t want to gerenalize my comment for all the mexican speakers.
Sergio Omar Lopez Ceballos
lamentably mexico not have a good organization but in we to change that.
Alexis Buenrostro Arreola
I consider it irresponsible to fail to provide the necessary time for the conference. but lately me and run into many situations like that here in mexico do not blame anyone but sometimes young people are required to visit these “conferences” and therefore do not pay attention it should.
Rodrigo Alejandro Ortega Rodríguez
It’s a common problem with our generation.
Sometimes, we all forget what is our real proposit in the university, and try to do what is the easiest thing to do.
But, as you say, is really strange that they haven’t prepared for the debate.
I would like to see how they invested their time preparing the dialogues.
Alan Heriberto Gutiérrez Vigil
Is quite disappointing to hear that, even to us. Our responsibility as university is indispensable in each one of our movements, is something present and very strong in our ethical and moral education. When I realize that even at that level we are failing, I know it is my responsibility to show that we will be who still retain the sense of values have been missing.