En la farmacia esperamos a que nos toque turno de pagar. Una familia (ahora hay que precisar: papá, mamá y dos hijos) entra para tomarle foto al hijo, o a la hija. La decoraciĂłn de la tienda, convencional y pobre, tiene motivos patrios. Banderitas tricolores, un lazo de papeles coloridos, tequila barato envuelto en los colores de ocasiĂłn, etcĂ©tera. DistraĂdo les observo un segundo y luego vuelvo la cabeza a la cajera esperando que avance de prisa. Adelante, dos clientes. Estoy cansado y quiero llegar a casa. El niño de la familia, de edad escolar entre secundaria y primer año de prepa, pregunta luego de observar: Âżmamá, la bandera es blanca, roja y verde, o verde, roja y blanca, o roja, blanca y verde o… cĂłmo van los colores?
Me sorprende la seriedad del gesto. No acierto a comprender cómo, un niño de edad escolar, es tan absurdamente ignorante, o ingeniosamente juguetón. La cajera me llama y obliga a perder el hilo de la respuesta de su madre.
Camino a casa me pregunto: ¿es daltónico?, ¿en verdad no sabe cómo es la bandera nacional? ¿Puede alguien, a los 15 años, ignorar el orden de los colores de la bandera?
No sĂ©. No sĂ© quĂ© responder. En todo caso, los VivaMĂ©xico de esta fecha me resultan tan vacĂos como un cementerio cualquier dĂa a la hora de la comida.
1K Israel Alfonso ChavarĂn Castillo
1.-About the question of the boy, me neither know that to think
2.-There’s a lot of possible answers, but, somewhere he had heard it already
3.-If he doesn’t remember, it’s because really MĂ©xico not care to him
4.-In addition, this year there have been many violent attacks, in response, the empty “VivaMĂ©xico”
1K Miguel Angel Carrasco Olvera
1.Mexico is a country very unpatriotic therefore we do not overcome
2.Maybe the child don’t understand the importance of the colors
3.countries should not exist, same any religions.
4.we have nothing to celebrate either political, but mexico a country led by stupid customs.
1k Gustavo Fernando Morentin Ballesteros
1. Maybe the teen just ask that for know if his mom know the colors of the flag.
2. Probably the teen have a disease and can´t distinghish very well the colors.
3. can be possible that he never before put attention to the colors of the flag.
4. probably the teen wasn´t live in mexico and did not know the colors of the flag
1J Kevin Padilla Garrido
1. its really sad to know that there is some people in our country who doesnt even know the colours of our flag.
2. i wonder if that guy was mexican, maybe he wasnt, its really hard to think that this can actually happen
3. i dont agree with the ones who say that he probably had a diease and couldnt distinguish the colours very well, somehow this guy knew the colours include green, white and red so i think its not a posibility
4. i hope he was just joking with his mom about this
1J Jose Ricardo Mendoza Martinez
1. In Mexico there are some many people that ignore about their own counry.
2. Maybe he’s daltonic but it’s that an excuse at that age? i don’t think so.
3. The number of people that say “Viva mexico” and at the same time, waste their time on stupid activities that obviously don’t do something for the country is more that we can imagine.
4. I don’t like this date, it’s only a political excuse for express false nationalism, that mexicans only feel when it’s “that” date and not everyday.
1J Aylin A. Hernández Reyes
1. I´m not surprised that there are people who ignore which are the colors of our contry.
2. Before in schools they were taking the time to teach the national anthem, the meaning of the shield and the colors of the flag of MĂ©xico, but now it is difficult the these things are done.
3. I have neve liked this date, because I feel that it is a form of the politicians to keep in the fool.
4. And with the new situation with the president we can hope that Mexico to improve the situation.
1K Alvaro Rodriguez Ramìrez
1. People won’t know about his nation, they don’t really care.
2. It’s so sad that students don’t have idea about the greatest mexican symbol.
3. Green, White and Red (Hope, Faith and Blod).
4. Heroes… we should remember that period like tragedy and honor.
1E Luis Alberto Robles Hernández
1.- Wow, i didn’t know that some teenagers don’t know the order of the colors of our flag.
2.- I think that family didn’t learn their history of our country.
3.- Maybe those childs doesn’t want to learn history, and they don’t care about it.
4.- The president of Mexico also don’t know which color of the flag is first, he put on his presidential sash upside down.
1E Alan Fco. Sánchez Cazarez
1. I like the colors of the mexican flag.
2. I don’t think the kid was serious about the colors of the flag.
3. There are so many people that suffer from colorblindness.
4. Each color has it’s own meaning.
1E Rogelio Oseguera de la Cruz
1. Maybe the boy wasn’t taught that in school.
2. The Flags’s colors should be learned since they are the colors that represent us.
3. History preparations for the kids.
4. Maybe the kid has a illness and he can’t see the flag’s colors, we will never know.
1K David Alejandro Alvarado Villa
1.- The guys in this times are very ignorant or distracted.
2.- The colors of the flag are our name.
3.- Many people died in the war to independence to they aren’t recall in the day the all began.
4.- The mexican aren nott forget our origins.
1E Glenda Gpe. Camarena Gtz.
1.-About the question of the boy, me neither know that to think
2. It’s so sad that students don’t have idea about the greatest mexican symbol.
3. The number of people that say “Viva mexico” and at the same time, waste their time on stupid activities that obviously don’t do something for the country is more that we can imagine.
4. i hope he was just joking with his mom about this.
1E Eduardo MartĂnez Santoyo
1. The child doens’t know the importance of the Mexican flag.
2. It’s very sad that having this age the child doesn’t know the order of the colors of the Mexican flag.
3. Every color of the flag has it’s own meaning and the people should know it too.
4. Maybe the child don’t care about his country.
1K Anuar Avimael Jiménez Anguiano
1.- Sad but it’s true, some people don’t have knowledge abour our country.
2.- I have never pay attention to this date, but sometimes I do. We should take care of this lovely country.
3.- Sometimes we don’t know what mexican flag means.
4.- We’re on a flawful country, with violence, tragedies. We have little to celebrate.
1K Alan Cerna Olivares
1.- who is posible that a mexican kid doesn´t know the color of the flag?.
2.- I feel sad because in the family of the kid doesn´t talk about mexican costumes.
3.- the colors of the flag means hope, faith and blood.
4.- september is the mexican month.
1K Alan Alberto Cerna Olivares
1.- who is posible that a mexican kid doesn´t know the color of the flag?.
2.- I feel sad because in the family of the kid doesn´t talk about mexican costumes.
3.- the colors of the flag means hope, faith and blood.
4.- september is the mexican month.
1 K Alan Cerna Olivares
1.- who is posible that a mexican kid doesn´t know the color of the flag?.
2.- I feel sad because in the family of the kid doesn´t talk about mexican costumes.
3.- all the mexican people need to know what means the color of the flag.
4.- september is the mexican month.
1K Daniel GerĂłnimo ChacĂłn Carrillo
*there are people that don’t know even the national hymn of the color of the flag.
*that date is false and an excuse for go to drink alcohol.
*that guy should know the color of the flag although he is daltonic.
*Or maybe the guy tried to confound his mom.
1E José Juan Santillán Torres
1.- The kid not has guilt.
2.- The parents are at fault for not giving a good education.
3.- Children should have a good education.
4.- The “Viva MĂ©xico” true are for people who are forced every day to a beter future.
1E Noel Gabriel Camacho Cardenas
1.I feel sad not knowing the order of keeping it in school colors.
2.It also may have been a joke, do not know exactly the whole of the conversation.
3.the mother must correct your child with such disrespect to our country.
4.the flag is one of our national symbols, and we should respect it as such honrrarla.
1E Luis Gerardo Galindo Luna
1. Maybe the boy just doesn’t care about about the flag.
2. I don’t think we should judge the boy over something like that.
3. I also think that a flag, it’s colors and what they “represnt” is an absurd concept.
4. You overreacted. 0/10 post.
1K Javier Perez Mendoza
1. is a pity that youth now ignore our flag being a “symbol” of the nation
2. these days not many people know the meaning of the colors of the flag
3. people make the holidays as an excuse to get drunk
4. should teach young people what are the colors of its flag as part of Mexican history
1E Rodrigo Velasco Rivas
1. I guess we’ll never know what the boy truly meant with his question.
2. But by asking the question, the boy shows that he really wants to know, none of us was born knowing everything, we had to learn about it some way or another.
3. To be honest, I’m not patriotic at all.
4. While I respect it, I never understood the idea of patriotism. I’m not ”proud” of being Mexican, I didn’t choose to be born here, I had no part in its history. It’s just the part of the world where I was born, and where I live, is there something to be proud of?
I’d probably feel the same way about any country.
1E Juan Carlos Vazquez Heredia
1.-In Mexico many people ignore the culture of his own country.
2.-Perhaps the family was from another country.
3-Perhaps the boy was colorblind.
4.-The boy did not take importance to the flag.
1. Mexico is a country of great wealth which is a reason to love ( if it is the right word to use ) our country but there are certain things that do not
2. Mexico has a population that over time has shown it solidarity
3. In a contest the most beautiful flag of Mexico turned out to be the
4. God please have mercy on Mexico
1E Carlos Alberto Vera Villegas
1- is amazing how there is ignorance in our society
2- this is not the child’s fault , if not the rudeness of the country
3- see that this article is very small but you can deduce several things
4- nice
1E Nájera Cortés Brian
1.- I don’t think the fault be of the boy, maybe be of his teachers who can’t teach something like that, the symbol of our country.
2.- I guess the boy was joking.
3.- A lot of people don’t know the meaning of the colors.
4.- Our country is increasingly despised.
1E Juan Plata Hernandez
1.-Maybe the teen just ask that for know if his mom know the colors of the flag.
2.-Perhaps the family was from another country.
3.- I´m not surprised that there are people who ignore which are the colors of our contry.
4.-Sometimes I wonder what would happen with the celebrations of our country. are out of control…
1E Moreno Olmos Atzin
1. This issue is very surprising
2.- Today culture is being lost
3.- Children today do not know the history of mexico
4. Now the day of independence, is a trading day
1K Francisco Xavier Batista Ibarra
1. Wow, a 15 year old boy that doesn’t know which color is first.
2. Somebody said “Like father, like son”, I can’t expect really much about his parents.
3. I want to think that he came recently from another country, so he doesn’t remember the order of the colors.
4. Nowadays, I’m not really sure what do we celebrate when we all shout “Viva MĂ©xico”.
1E Omar Guadalupe Manriquez Bravo
1. Wow I can’t believe it.
2. This is the education that children are receiving today?
3. It’s important to know about all our history and parents should teach their children.
4. Every day education goes from bad to worse.
1J Luis Fernando Gonzalez Sandoval
1.-there are many people that are mad with the government that they don’t believe in their country.
2.-in the schools nowdays they barely teach the children about the meaning of the symbols.
3.-the people nowdays doesn’t care about history.
4.-they don’t even remember the independence day.
1E Erik Parra
1._ The students now, they are more worried about what’s happen on social networks then the school.
2._ Maybe, definlly he is colorblind.
3._ Lately have lost some od culture homeland.
4._ The guys f that age are very ignorant.
1K virginia martĂnez castro
1.-The colors of the bandere indicate the Mexican culture .
2.-It is ugly that a child ask an adult, the order of the colors and it does not know how to respond.
3.-This shows our poverty in culture.
4.-Also the lack of respect for the country.
1J Pablo Miguel JimĂ©nez GarcĂa
1.- The new generation childs of XXi can only see technology, the other things around are only things…
2.- I think suppose that the mother also dont knew that question of the child
3.- The schoolls no longer take importance to the country anymore
4.- Perhaps the child can be daltonic jaja