La agenda pública está preñada de asuntos potencialmente capaces de modificar el panorama educativo nacional. Las decisiones recientes de los actores políticos integran ya un considerable volumen de temas dignos de máxima atención. Destacan, el decreto que hace obligatorio el bachillerato; aunque está acordado tiempo atrás, en la mesa están puestas, sin definiciones estructurales, las implicaciones que la medida tiene y tendrá en los próximos años en aspectos como el financiero o el reclutamiento y capacitación de los profesores que harán frente a la demanda esperable.
Un segundo tema es el de la evaluación universal de los docentes de educación básica. Candente e irresuelto aún, será parte de las negociaciones próximas entre el SNTE y la SEP, de cara a la revisión salarial. El pronóstico es reservado, pues en el ejercicio de fuerzas de los protagonistas llevarán el caso hasta las más altas esferas del poder político, en un escenario atravesado por las elecciones presidenciales.
El tercer asunto es la extensión de la jornada escolar en educación básica a ocho horas, recibida con una salva de críticas de todos matices y desde distintos ángulos. Una decisión de la Cámara de Diputados que merecía una reflexión más amplia y pública, antes de su anuncio. No considerar la opinión de la sociedad, de los profesores, en particular, ya es un síntoma poco edificante.
En un cuarto sitio, ahora en el horizonte, encontramos el cíclico problema de los rechazados de las instituciones de educación superior, sobre todo de las universidades públicas. No habrá modificaciones este año, no parecen, pues las coordenadas son las mismas y los blancos de las críticas están afinados: mala calidad de la formación previa, presupuestos, ineficiencia, clientelismos.
Un tema que no ha cobrado relevancia en el debate público lo constituyen las propuestas de los candidatos presidenciales en materia educativa, frente a otros de mayor poder mediático, como la inseguridad o la credibilidad personal. Quizá la opacidad reside en que los pronunciamientos de los aspirantes acusan tacañería intelectual y poca imaginación frente a los nuevos y antiguos desafíos.
Cinco temas relevantes, algunos viejos, otros inusitados, que conforman un paquete interesante para el análisis y un enorme desafío para avanzar en transformaciones sustanciales. Para encararlos no hay caminos seguros. La incertidumbre es, por lo menos, señal de que sería posible algo distinto, mejor. Una pregunta me asalta tímidamente optimista: ¿la agenda preñada anuncia la gordura característica de un sistema enfermo, rancio y disfuncional o una nueva época?
Me decanto por la segunda opción de tu última pregunta, como deseo de ver aterrizados mejoras sustanciales en el ámbito educativo…
Miguel Rosales Ochoa 2A
I think making the mandatory school is good for future generations but also to improve the preparation of teachers.
The evaluation should be made universal without asking for any approval of the faculty think only for what is best for education.
I think if you extend the hours would be good but usually a bit stressful for students, and hopefully be achieved but also make a change in the dynamics of the classes to make them not boring.
I think that education is a good engine for the country develop and achieve a better future.
Omar Alejandro Rios Del Toro 2ºA
Of all the issues most relevant to me right now is the increase to 8 hours at the basic level. I just want to know what the hell they were thinking only are children. What benefits will have as much time locked to a child? They will have better results. Is a lack of humanity rob children of childhood I totally disagree on increasing hours. It is nonsense and an insult what this government.
Jose Antonio Aguiar Palacios 2 "A"
In my opinion I think in Article 3 the right to education. That better be free and compulsory obvious to better prepare future generations but all becomes clear with a well-trained staff and a student eager to learn. Now on the schedule to extend the time in school a student will not learn more the longer it is in school or learn more time studying each student learns with the dedication that you put the study if studying 5hrs but which are paid attention to 5 minutes lost more time than you want to study. I agree with you that education should be universal to be partner to all people as if it is very important in the workplace.
Jonathan Andres Llamas Cruz 2B
I don’t like that politic is inside the student sphere, much less that both are directly related. This not only takes time away from teachers that could be dedicated to study, also distracts teachers from their homeworks with students. The problem which in not all get in to university, it could be solved inside the same student sphere, without the need for external politics.
j.Enrique Madrigal Díaz 2 A
I think the presidential candidates have no clue, it is sad to see people how are you, want to rule Mexico, the problems are big problems in all aspects, education, economics, social and other.
In my opinion the problems arising from the candidates we elect to govern, they promise and promise, but no clear solutions shows you how to achieve what they say.
Luis Antonio Naranjo Mora 2B
In this post you talk about five important issues JC, truly I am not really convinced that extending the school day to 8 hours. Also it would be fantastic if the presidential candidates really are interested in the problems of the country. These small proposals that says each candidate, would not it be great if the meet?
Ricardo Ploneda 2°A
I think, obvious candidates to make proposals appealing to citizens, is clear that education is one, and very striking, it is what will give us a good or a badfuture, Not only individually but the whole society and community where we are, but, Do they know they really all that should be or what not to do? And more importantly, do you carry out? Sadly it is difficult to know the answers.
Alvaro Arellano Gálvez 2A
In my opinion I think not because they put more hours to educationmeans that students learn more.
Learning is achieved with the desire of every person to learn if aperson wants to learn it well wide with 3 hours of study and now.
But also well trained to teach and explain the study well.
It’s also good to make it mandatory to study but it would not matter if they have no desire to study would be equal.
2A José Carlos Llerenas Montes
I think that, like everything, education is changing with time, but depends on us changing for better or for worse.
I consider that extending the school day to eight hours on the basic education is a wrong decision, since the quality of education is not proportional to time spent in school.
Hopefully, for the sake of education, the presidential candidates take seriously this important area.
If this happens, we will be talking about a new era of a system that needs to evolve.
Ramon Francisco Martinez Velazquez 2°D
Says something that catches my attention, that you want the basic level students are more time in schools is a controversial topic that brings something much debate since I only commented that I realized that in doing so only thing is that students succeed in art school is spending so much time on it, unless they are true some comments I have heard that the hours you want to increase activities are like children still think so is something “good”
Chan Ramirez Francisco Javier 2 B
I think that evaluating is a great tool to grade, however.It exists some disadvantages to discuss. That is true; teachers are evaluated according their development, for that reasons, the students must evaluate them with sincerity. I think that it is great to make mandatory study the high school because on this way, more students will be more prepared to get a job.
Luis Ricardo Hernández Rebolledo 2°A
It is a challenge that aspiring presidents have, what they want to implement will not be so easily, and I would say that good teachers make efficient and effective would all good in this great branch that is education, not have to extend the hours to 8 hours, with good teachers believe there will be a big difference.
Ivan Alejandro Vega Flores 2°A
I do not think that being more time inside a school would make any difference, at least not possitive. I think that what we really need is a sort of specialization to what we plan to do to make a living; I don’t think we should ignore the basics of education, of course not, but I do think that if we had school programs that were more oriented to what we want to do from an earlier stage in our learning system, we’d be more prepared for the future.
salvador hernandes francisco 2 °a
I don’t think we should ignore the basics of education, of course not, but I do think that if we had school programs that were more oriented to what we want to do from an earlier stage in our learning system, we’d be more prepared for the future.
Responder.That is true; teachers are evaluated according their development, for that reasons, the students must evaluate them with sincerity.
María Lizbeth Ochoa Sarmienta 2B
I agree with you that education should be universal to be partner to all people as if it is very important in the workplace. regardless, the student must be dedicated to extend hours care whether or change other things, when the student wants to study to learn, to be someone successful at that time the education is going to be better, the teacher also influences all this, you must put your dedication and attention to student learning, so education of the country will be better.
Miguel Leon Bautista 2A
First with the mandatory school subject, even if it is already, unfortunately is a bit larger the rate of decline of students who already spend a second year.
The evaluation of basic education teachers, I think, if I may, this should then also apply to teachers of secondary and higher education, as well as managers and those above them.
For its third issue, in my opinion should not only be changing the hours of study but also the hours of administrative work, or staff working for example in the secretary or the union.
And a little more important the issue of rejected, as I should be known if the institution ISENCO, being here in Colima a high school, with much alteration and corruption of the children first see “recommended”.
And good teacher, with all respect, to give a comment on its fifth issue, being that this is always the same unfortunately.
Madrigal Velasco Pedro 2°B
One more time we see how the education in Mexico is in a very complicated situation. Lots of work to do and nobody seems to be able to work together. The education is a huge challenge for all of us, is a responsibility of everyone in this country. We need to do a lot of changes in the education system.
adrian alejandro vizcaino martinez 2B
As always the education is every day. It would be good to believe in the proposals of the candidates on improving education, but it is always the same, education ends up being the same every day. I think that they should also take into account the candidates the other points you mention as insecurity or the personal credibility.
Maria Dolores Adán Santillán 2°D
In my opinion the results would be different if the teachers responsible for each subject was sufficiently prepared to teach students and teach them not to understand how to learn, because if they are only children but in a way they will be so angry time in school.
Ruben Ricardo Trujillo Garcia 2 A
In my view, I do not like politics is within the scope of the students, let alone the two are directly related. This not only takes time away from teachers that could be devoted to study, also distracts teachers from their homework with the students and becomes a very annoying for a student having to put items that we really do not need touch these issues. The problem is that not all go to college, could be resolved within the same sphere student, without the need for foreign policy among our student field.
Jose CARlos Hernandez Hernandez 2B
I think it’s perfect to have compulsory school, thats the way to have more prepared people at least to force.
evaluate teachers is a good way to know what is being done wrong.
It should create more spaces for study at public universities.
I think a candidate who cares about education in Mexico is a good candidate.
Juan Pedro Tintos Mendoza 2B
I am tired of hearing about education one and other time again, education is always an important topic but it is sad to see that even so the big time people spend talking about it and protesting against what thy are not agree with, nobody does anything.really sad this situation in our country.
Rommel Salvador Juárez Rodríguez 2B
I don’t think we should ignore the basics of education, of course not, but I do think that if we had school programs that were more oriented to what we want to do from an earlier stage in our learning system, we’d be more prepared for the future. The education is a huge challenge for all of us, is a responsibility of everyone in this country. We need to do a lot of changes in the education system.